BvS Sequels Would You Have Preferred a Solo MOS Sequel?

Punisher Rising

Mechanical Psychopath
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
I feel it was a mistake not to do a solo MOS sequel first and maybe even a trilogy before doing a Batman crossover. Seeing BVs reminded me all the more as why. I'm in the somewhat small group of fans who loved MOS and wanted to see where they'd take this version of Superman in sequels, but I suspect this movie sadly has quashed that.

I didn't think this movie was horrible exactly, but definitely a misfire. I was never even a big Superman fan but I liked MOS so much and it's version of Superman and it got me excited for the future of this version of the character. Hard not to feel like there's just tons of wasted potential.
I too loved MoS. A equal would have been wonderful. Or even perhaps 75% Superman then at the end Batman joins in setting up a part 2 which could have been BvS or there abouts.

I just hope Superman gets lots of screen time in future though in the current state...slim chance as it'll be focused on other heroes.
Story-wise, it makes more sense for Batman to not trust a less experienced Superman, so I think BvS makes for a wise sequel. There are also ending spoilers that I actually feel work a lot better this way for setting up the world's trust of Superman and also forming a worthy, memorable catalyst for the Justice League.

I do still have my fingers crossed tight for a Brainiac focused MOS sequel later on, hopefully involving a Lex more hardened and learned from his experiences in BvS.

Fully agree with your love for MOS. Amazing take on the character and the story. The music is in my head almost daily; it really grabbed me. :)
Absolutely. I think it would have been much wiser to do two or three solo films with Superman to really explore and cement the character as the leader that he is. MOS tried to delve into that but didn't go far enough, didn't do it as well as it needed to. It would have prevented BVS from feeling like an overstuffed setup for a universe instead of a whole story.
I would have preferred BvS were a sort of MoS sequel in the sense that Superman is our protagonist and Batman more played as the villain, or antagonist to Superman.
Making Batman v Superman was the right choice for the franchise. (At least, in principal.)

But personally, yeah, I would've liked a Superman movie more, even if I didn't care as much for MOS. BvS improved on Superman on some aspects, given that he's clearly being outshined by Batman the whole film, so I think perhaps a MOS sequel might have fixed my complaints on the first movie.
Absolutely. I think it would have been much wiser to do two or three solo films with Superman to really explore and cement the character as the leader that he is. MOS tried to delve into that but didn't go far enough, didn't do it as well as it needed to. It would have prevented BVS from feeling like an overstuffed setup for a universe instead of a whole story.

This to the nth degree. It still makes me sad over the lost potential this new MOS/Superman series had. I could've even seen at least one solo sequel before any crossovers and the Death Of Superman for the third and final trilogy capper. Save an epic, large-scale villain like Doomsday for an intense and emotional trilogy finale.
I personally wish that when Man Of Steel came out, it was actually the first part of a Justice League trilogy (or at least Batman v Superman)...I know legal issues made this not possible. Not because I hate Superman (he's my favourite Superhero) or MOS. The reason being that Superman and Batman's basic stories have been replicated many times on the big/small screen meaning they are known all over the World (yes you can still have a few 'recaps' and no silly Tornado scene killing off Jonathan Kent), but for these two heroes it's been time to move to the next level for some time least BvS was going in the right direction (many years too late!)

As for the other Justice League members, their background stories could have taken priority as they finally will.
Yes, all the way. The sequel should've been Superman-only with perhaps a few vague references to the other JLA members.
No. BvS was the way to go.
It could have just been executed better,
of course.
Nah, I like the idea of where they were going. I mean, in the context of this Universe, once Superman reveals himself to the world, him and Batman are gonna cross paths pretty quickly.

However, I think it woulda been cool to do a Superman trilogy leading into Justice League, that takes BvS and expands it to two movies, with more focus on Superman, and how the world views him, leading up to his sacrifice. Could have made the ending more emotional and feel like a more significant story arc
I think it was a case of what will get us to the wider universe the quickest ? Hence Batman introduction.
No I think it makes sense story wise to bring Batman in this way, it's all about Superman becoming Superman and developing his relationship to humanity, where Batman fits in, representing the people who do not trust and fear Superman. And also, to have an older, hardened, cynical Batman (representing the state of the world we live in now) and to have Superman's actions bring him back from the darkness, Superman representing hope, a light in darkness, the best in humanity.

However, I think it could have been better to do the basic idea of BvS, and expand upon it into a two parter, making a Man Of Steel trilogy that follows Superman's arc from the beginning of MoS to the end of BvS, that focuses more on Clark's character. I think the plot, characters, and themes in BvS all would have benefitted from being expanded upon, and would have made his sacrifice more emotionally impactful for the audience.

You would need to add more story, maybe an entirely new plot line to fit into 2 2.5 hour movies. Part 1 could have a little more interaction between Batman and Superman, a misunderstanding but an uneasy truce. Part 2, the first part could focus on the two clashing and the second part the DoomsDay battle. I think it could be interesting to focus more on the political nature of Superman, have him putting himself out there, trying to develop a relationship with not only the US government but the United Nations, with different countries being afraid that the US would use him to their advantage. So Superman tries to hold to a UN pact in which he tries to have a working relationship with the President, where he can cross borders and intervene in natural disasters, but not in foreign affairs. Of course, this is where Luther (a completely different interpretation and actor) comes in, with his political sway, perhaps he is running for President, butting heads with Senator Finch. Batman, who is not as naive and trustworthy as the farmer from Kansas, sees this working relationship with the government as them using him as a political tool and possible weapon, which causes him and Superman to butt heads, as well as Clark investigating Batman's brutality, and being told by the government (through Luther) to put a stop to Batman's lawlessness. Of course, in the final, Superman realizes that he will always be manipulated by men seeking power if he is to continue his relationship with political leaders, and learns that he must act on his own judgement.

I think it would be an interesting venue to explore, that they touched on BvS with the political leaders questioning Superman acting unilaterally, and the senate hearing, but if they really dug deeper into it, it could make for an intelligent, fascinating story, and also would give Superman and Batman a more logical, fleshed out reason to butt heads without either coming off like the bad guy, and touch on some interesting social and political themes, similar to Watchmen.

Also, with an extra 2.5 hours worth of story to fill, they could include another of Supes or Bats' villains, maybe some cameos by some of the Rogues Gallery, or find a way to include Court Of Owls, Deathstroke, or Hugo Strange. But still sticking to the basic arc or structure of BvS
From Snyder, with an agenda similar to the last film's? Hehe.
No I think it makes sense story wise to bring Batman in this way, it's all about Superman becoming Superman and developing his relationship to humanity, where Batman fits in, representing the people who do not trust and fear Superman. And also, to have an older, hardened, cynical Batman (representing the state of the world we live in now) and to have Superman's actions bring him back from the darkness, Superman representing hope, a light in darkness, the best in humanity.

Nicely put, and I agree with all of it. There is a little part of me though that would have loved to have seen an MoS trilogy where Superman was completely unaware of any other meta-humans on Earth.
Yes a would have preferred an MOS sequel that wasn't directed by Snyder or written by Goyer or the other guy and addressed the problems that Man of Steel had.
It worked for me. Besides looks like we get a solo sequel eventually anyway.
Something tells me that if we get an MOS sequel, it will likely not be directed by Zack Snyder.
now they can do Superman if they wan too its not late to make 2 sequels.
Always wanted a Superman in space visiting krypton with many other characters like supergirl, green lantern, martian manhunter, brainiac and coming back to earth to have a battle on the Moon.

Or give superman a villians with solar powers that can make red kryptonian sun energy and limit supermans strenght... there are so manyposibilities.

But why not show in Justice League, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman or Flash Superman better show what would be if he battles other speedster like sarvitar or anty-flash, or a magical beeing... show more.
Absolutely. MOS was such a shaky step forward for the new DC universe for me that I had hoped that a sequel would have given them a chance to fine tune the character, get a great story and a new unseen movie villain. Instead I found Supes got pushed into the background due to the Batman and WW storylines and instead became everybody's favourite whipping boy. Would have much rather seen them develop this character further in a sequel.

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