Add in a sex scene and you're goodDOG LIPS said:Open to a shot of Megan Fox naked.
Zoom in.
Zoom out.
Zoom in.
Show Optimus Prime kill something.
Fade to black.
The End.
Destructicus said:I still say that there is still no true proof to me that the leaked script is true.
Mal'Akai said:Write your own script.
Mal'Akai said:It seems a lot of people have here problems with the presumed final draft script everyone has been reading. So, let's see the folks here, write how they would have changed things.
Golgo13:the Hitman said:This is how the three films should go:
TF1: Begins with the Cybertron war..then their fated crash to Earth into the volcano within the Arc during prehistoric Earth (them being frozen by the ice age could also work). Fast foward several million years , where they wake up....then both sides learning about planet Earth. Back stories/character developement. Both sides not knowing if Cybertron even still exists after the millions of years they spent inactive.
TF2: The war continues on earth. More humans becoming involved..intricate plots between characters. Confirmation that Cyberton does still exist, and the dismal news that the Autobots have been defeated. (They learn this news after search parties from both sides come across the stranded Autobots and Decepticons-this could be a way to introduce more characters in the sequel).....
TF3: Megatron returns to Cybertron where Shockwave has succeeded in enslaving Cybertrons surviving Autobots (he has them in Nazi style concentration camps). Prime and co rally a last attempt to defeat him back where it all began! When Prime returns home, he feels guilty to see that during his absense his Autobots have been enslaved. Big battle ensues, as the enslaved cybertronian Autobots rise up against their Decepticon captors with the help of their Earth bound Autobots (Prime and Co) .Ends with Megatron being banished into outta space or presumed dead..but we all know better!
Mal'Akai said:It seems a lot of people have here problems with the presumed final draft script everyone has been reading. So, let's see the folks here, write how they would have changed things.
CherryRedSpider said:Not word by word of the script but certain scenes from it have been shot already.
Edit: Dog lips, I'm surprised you put Prime in![]()
Godzilla2000 said:You know, I just think that even with all of our moviemaking technology, a Transformers movie is a lofty thing to realize because of budgetary reasons. Perhaps it's best served within the deep recesses of our imaginations where there are no limits.
Destructicus said:but didn't the script surface after we heard those scenes were completed?
Avangarde X said:I thought the same thing back when there was plans to make a Dragonball Z movie. Should never happen.
Mainly because it would be 2 hours of a couple characters screaming, "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"Avangarde X said:I thought the same thing back when there was plans to make a Dragonball Z movie. Should never happen.
Creature SH said:Some were completed, others started filming after. All appeared to match the script.
Destructicus said:I still say there is no proof till we see the next trailer.
Mal'Akai said:Mainly because it would be 2 hours of a couple characters screaming, "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
nogster said:whats there to give away?
the plot is as formulaic as u can get really. and riddled with cliches.
boy wants cool girl. 2 factions of alien robots come to earth in search of ancient artifact that could endanger all., boy and girl find themselves in the middle of it, boy saves the world and gets the girl. the end.