Writer's Workshop - Write Your Own Scenes

The one thing missing is taking into account that the Codex is most likely a motherbox which at the moment has Kal as its host so it is trying its best to keep Kal alive because if he dies it dies.
Wanted to do a fun scene:

--Post third-act all out war and the return from Apokolips--


--Orbiting space shot of floating; oversized ship that appears to be in satellite form going around and around. Each turn of the camera see's Earth in the background with both dark side of Earth and the reflection of sun-rays alike; simultaneously--

--Cut to the side of a computer keyboard. We see nothing but Batman's gloves; slightly ripped with deep; worn seams at the fingers with sword like edging in linear form lined up the side of the distressed glove. Fingers working tirelessly against the keys--

--Cut to the back of an oversized chair with multiple mounted computer screens above with surveillance working in unison to Batman's furious tapping; muttering to himself. The Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman stand close by, but not hovering--

Bruce, any sign of re-entry? Have you coordinated bots in the Antarctic?

(low growl) Negative. No trace since the attack. I'm working on it.

Deep, high end frequencies need to be created in order to reach him. There's got to..

..we can't be so sure, Diana. In a weakened state and trauma to the brain in battle, there's no telling which sonic wave is strong enough to identity a correlation between sound and travel.

I saw the paradox he created. Right in front of me. Neons and Ions were split; right down the center. It was of something I have never seen before. A singularity of fusion and electricity simultaneously shattering. It could take some time for sound and the ability of hearing to return to its original molecule.

--Batman brings his glove up to his mouth; holds in a switch to ignite the monitors to reveal communication with Cyborg--

Victor, come in.

--monitors around the area flicker just a moment. Cyborg appears onscreen--

Cyborg (fuzzy)
I'm here, Bruce.

Scan your Active Directory drive to go back to the correct BIOS setting and try to pinpoint the exact timing and opening of the boom tube Clark escaped in. Information is missing.

We've been through this, Bruce. Activation, begin. Full computer scan. Full computer scan complete. No results found. Nothing has changed. My motherboard shows no short-circuit when the access point of the opening was created. Virus and software detection shows no lapse through the A.D.

Thank you, Victor

--Retouches glove; lights flicker. Cyborg disappears off-screen-

There has to be another way..

Hey Batbrain. Behind you.

--Bruce, Diana and Barry turn their head in amazement. Similar to the shot in 'Man of Steel', we see Superman's boot enter the frame from ground level with his cape slowly dancing beside him. A quiet pitch of the 'Man of Steel theme quietly ensues in the background--

--Everybody is silent. Close shot of Superman standing tall with broad, but loosened shoulders hanging to his hips; hands delicately opened. We see the bright blue of his suit shining from the ricocheting light from the interior Watchtower windows. The famous yellow of his \S/; gone and replaced with a black backdrop; reminiscent of 'Kingdom Come.' His hair; a tad longer than before; still tightly slicked with a little piece of curl sitting gently on his forehead.

--Superman quickly scans the room and then slowly starts walking forward towards Bruce.

--Camera angle at a first person point of view; seeing it as through the eyes of Superman, the other members part and create a pathway for him to walk through--

--Camera cuts to a side view--Clark pass's each member, with a slight under smile, Clark nods to each one. He approach's Batman; standing in front of him, he stops; Both Clark and Bruce chest puffed out--

Barry (leaning over to Diana)
--whispers-- This..is awesome!

Well, well. All of that hard work. For nothin'.

--Arthur quietly chuckles--

Nice to see you, too Bruce.

--turns; looks behind him--

Hello, everyone. Nice place.

--Diana smiles; Arthur barely nods; Barry, excited--

Yo Superma...!

..why didn't you answer our distress calls? We reached out to you repeatedly with no answers. We thought you..

..I'm fine. I'll explain later. I'm here now..for good. I just wanted to stop by. To thank you.

No need. There's much more at stake. We need answers. How did you do it?

Clark (extends hand)
Thank you, Bruce. For believing in me.

--Bruce looks down; hesitant--


It's okay, Diana. Please, Bruce. I insist.

--Batman extends his hand and interlocks a firm and hard grappled handshake--

Clark (smiling)
Now that wasn't so hard..was it?

Save it, Clark. When is the appropriate time to discuss our next plan of action? You were gone far too long. That concerns me.

I understand. First, I have to attend to important matters. Visit those close to me, and then we'll talk. You can trust me on that.

--Superman slowly takes two steps back; pivots and walks back to where he entered. He puts his hand to the side of a glass door as it scans bio-metrically. The door opens--

--Just as he's about to fly off, Superman turns back around, cape flowing in the wind--

I'm always around (smiles, turns and flies off.)

Arthur (continued chuckling)
Now what, Batbrain?

--Bruce, heavily annoyed--

Not now, Arthur.

--Flash and Wondy look at each other; holding back laughter--

For Man of Steel 2.

Metropolis. Lois & Clark's apartment. Perry and Clark share a brew outside over a grill on Lois' & Clark's close-knit engagement party.

Perry: Y'know Kent, Lois is like second daughter to me.

Clark: Is this a "if you hurt her" speech? I worry about her too Perry. Always following the danger. Trying to shine a light at the dark. I know it's not your fault but maybe...

Perry: C'mon now son, let me finish. I've known Lois since she was cub reporter chasing down any lead with a potential story at the end.

*Perry flips burgers on grill, Clark listens pensively*

Wide-eyed with a fire for truth. It's what makes her great at this job. She's an idealist. Like me, Jenny, Lombard... you and your farmboy values. Not too many of us left in this business. Nowadays it's about who can get their version of "the story" out first.

*Perry takes a swig of his beer, Clark and Lois share a quick smile through the sliding door*

Perry: I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't hold a woman like that back son. And who would want to? Anyway I'm happy for the both of you. Never understood what she saw in a nerd like you, but it's clear as crystal she's nuts about you. So stop overthinking it, when two people love each other things like this have a habit of working themselves out.

Clark: Thanks, Perry.

Perry: Don't think this means I'm taking it easy on you from here on out Kent. You keep bringing me bleeding-heart puff pieces I'm going to keep tossing them in the trash y'hear?

*Clark chuckles*

Clark: Loud and clear, Perry.
we need to bring this thread back lets see what you guys can come up with im loving these so far
INT. Batcave
A frustrated Bruce sits beside his numerous computer screens.
Alfred walks in with a variety of tools. He notices Bruce, then the screen.

You always knew tracking them down would be easy, getting them on your side is going to be the tricky part.
Are you gonna offer any decent advice?
Only what I've been saying since you've started this.
So, no?
I'll be downstairs, Master Wayne.

He begins to leave.

I really need you with me on this Alfred.

He pauses for moment before turning back around.

A few months ago you left this cave to fight a god. That night I believed you may never come back and now you are asking me to help you fight with them? I'm sorry, sir. No. I can't stop you, Lord knows I've tried and if I can't do that then I certainly won't help.
If I knew another way I would.
Why does it HAVE to be you?
It's not me.

Bruce gestures to the screens with the various members of the Justice League on.

This will not be done in my name. This is all that remains of Superman, his sacrifice. This is his team but he can't put it together. I can. We can.
We don't belong with these people. After he died you told me you believed he changed you and for a short while I did too but this crusade has gone on longer than I can bear.

They both stay quiet for a moment.

This used to be easy, Master Bruce. But along the line it's changed and you are not fighting in a lone alley in Gotham anymore.

this is great
Yeah thats truly really good stuff.
You know what would be fun? Have some kind of poll or vote or something in who's scene is the best, then we who cannot write but can draw go out and draw the scene up?
I always forget about this thread until its resurrected. Good stuff in here. Always loved taking time to write.
The resurrection of this thread inspired me to write the scene I always wanted to write and how I envisioned it in my head (and the scene ALL Superman fans want to see in a movie one day.) The All-Star Superman Reagan suicide scene. The way I always felt how it could tie into the DCEU was how the little girl from BvS that Bruce comforted in the Black Zero event lived her life of regret and torture who never got closure with Superman due to his death, until their paths were destined to cross.

In honor of Zack Snyder, I replaced Reagan's name with his daughter, Autumn. Hope you guys don't mind. Enjoy:

--Nighttime; downtown Metropolis. Flashing red, white and blue MPD cruiser lights penetrate the black skies. More than fifteen of Metropolis's finest are angled and barricaded on Siegel Ave as piercing white headlights are seen mixed in with the relentless rotating colors. Sounds of police scanners and sirens echo through the chaos.

--Transfer; ground level. We see a multitude of MPD officers exit their vehicles looking up tall buildings standing strong as darkness barely escapes upwards as it escapes the colony of the police force.

--CAMERA ZOOM: One last MPD police cruiser is shown pulling up beside another. A male figure slowly opens the passenger side door and exits the vehicle.

--Transfer; A Police officer is seen with a Megaphone yelling in a direction to what appears to be the top of a building.

Police Officer 1:

--The male figure approach's Police Officer 1.

Police Officer 1:

--Police Officer 1 notices the male's presence.

Police Officer 1:
Oh, thank God. Turpin, where the hell you been?

Dan Turpin:
What's the situation?

Police Officer 1:
Young girl hanging off the ledge. Names Autumn. Apparent suicide attempt. Possible bluff.

Dan Turpin:
Ten-four. Hand me that.

--Turpin gets on the megaphone.

Dan Turpin:

--As Turpin continues, his voice dissipates at a deafening pace as we rapidly move along up the side of the building as the camera quickly makes it way to the top. We see the legs of a young girl wearing 9 inch high heals; centimeters away from a very high and steep ledge.

--Transfer back to ground level.

Dan Turpin

--Transfer; top of building as we see a young girl; mid teens. Black, shaggy but split end hair as thick dark eye-liner is seen streaming down her face.

(Muttering to herself) Hah..talk. Yea.


--Quick shot of Autumn dangling her feet over the edge farther as her left high heal breaks and falls over the edge. She terrifyingly takes a step back and closes her eyes.

--Flashback when she was a little girl; sifting through fire and ash's as she's comforted by Bruce Wayne during the Black Zero event the day mankind was introduced to The Superman. The day where she lost her mother in a decapitated building.

--She opens her eyes and continues.


--She falls to the ground, crying; uncontrollably. As she gets back to her feet, she reach's behind her to feel the wall.

--As she starts to feel, we see a big presence behind her as a huge; shiny red \S/ and broad shoulders of Superman dwarf her petite body as a faint drum of Hans Zimmer Man of Steel theme hums in the background.

--Autumn backs up into him and turns around.

Evening. Nice night, isn't it?

--Baffled, astonished, confused and afraid; she can't believe what she's seeing.

It's...it's you. How?

Don't be afraid (pause). I won't harm you.

--Autumn instinctively approach's but rage quickly ensues as she starts hitting Superman in the chest with both her fists; arms flailing in every direction.


--Superman puts his head down.

I understand, Autumn and.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened to your mother and I can't expect you to ever forgive me. I'm back now and if you ever allow it, 'til the end of time, I will work hard each day to earn back your trust. And if that never happens? It would have been worth the time trying.


--Superman tilts his head, pause's and looks Autumn in the eye. He takes his thumb and he gently wipes away her tears.

You look cold. Here..

--Superman detach's his cape and wraps it around her.

It's so..warm.

You are safe now. I messed up once, it's true. I won't let that happen again. You see those men down there? They care for you. They are here for you. Let me take you to them.

--Autumn looks down and then looks back up at Superman as tears flow again.

I wanted to hate you. I really did.

TRUST ME, Autumn..

(smiles).. you are much stronger than you think you are.

--Transfer out as the camera is panning away in the air circling the building with no present noise as we see Autumn and Superman share a long and compassionate embrace.

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Exterior-7 ELeven-Day time

Fade in

A bald kid named Herolee screams for help as he is about to be squashed by a moving sofa.

Herolee: Superman help me!


Superman sitting at diner in Kansas listening to The Cure- Lovesong


Superman quickly goes into the alley to change.

He rips his shirt open revealing Superman suit. He flies away fast. A sonic boom follows.

Superman arrives and is about to stop the couch, but he hears Lois Lane in trouble and flies away.

Herolee: Superman! No!!! Save me! I love you!

Superman yells from the sky:

Sorry, kid...Sometimes you can't stay good in this world.


Couch getting closer. closer. closer. closer...

Fade to black/
BAH GAWD. But wait, why is there a moving sofa in 7 Eleven? So is that set in the DCEU or outside of it?
I always wanted to do one of these This is how I imagined superman's return would be. enjoy.

--Kryptonian scout ship--

-Superman wakes up. He see that he's surrounded by the justice league they're all silently staring at him he scratches his head all tired and confused about everything he looks at batman and asks

what's going on Bruce?

-batman is relieved and smiles at superman saying

you were in a coma

-Superman still confused responds with

I remember dying by that monster lex created

while I wish I could catch you up on everything and tell you to get some rest we-

-batman gets interrupted by Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman
we need your help to take down a threat. he's trying to take over the world with an army at his side.

where's Lois and my mother are they-

they're safe, they're at the bat cave with Alfred.

-Superman looks at batman reassured. and calmly says.

thank you.(looks at the rest of the league) and who are they?

(looks at the justice league then looks at superman) they're heroes, like you.

-The justice league smiles at superman.
Superman smiles back

you've put together quite a league (looks at Wonder Woman) now lets save the world.
There should be a conversation between Diana and Barry that mentions Hermes/Mercury.
I hope Hal Jordan ends up in Writer's Workshop in scenes
For Man of Steel 2.

Metropolis. Lois & Clark's apartment. Perry and Clark share a brew outside over a grill on Lois' & Clark's close-knit engagement party.

Perry: Y'know Kent, Lois is like second daughter to me.

Clark: Is this a "if you hurt her" speech? I worry about her too Perry. Always following the danger. Trying to shine a light at the dark. I know it's not your fault but maybe...

Perry: C'mon now son, let me finish. I've known Lois since she was cub reporter chasing down any lead with a potential story at the end.

*Perry flips burgers on grill, Clark listens pensively*

Wide-eyed with a fire for truth. It's what makes her great at this job. She's an idealist. Like me, Jenny, Lombard... you and your farmboy values. Not too many of us left in this business. Nowadays it's about who can get their version of "the story" out first.

*Perry takes a swig of his beer, Clark and Lois share a quick smile through the sliding door*

Perry: I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't hold a woman like that back son. And who would want to? Anyway I'm happy for the both of you. Never understood what she saw in a nerd like you, but it's clear as crystal she's nuts about you. So stop overthinking it, when two people love each other things like this have a habit of working themselves out.

Clark: Thanks, Perry.

Perry: Don't think this means I'm taking it easy on you from here on out Kent. You keep bringing me bleeding-heart puff pieces I'm going to keep tossing them in the trash y'hear?

*Clark chuckles*

Clark: Loud and clear, Perry.

Nice one, man. Only one I've read on this thread so far, but I could definitely see that playing out in my head with the actors and being a good scene. I like the kinda meta comment taking a shot at the click baiters, but also a true statement about modern journalism. And I like the father/son dynamic with Perry and Clark. I love Fishburn as Perry White and I hope he gets a scene like this in the future

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