Wuxia vs. Hollywood: Expectations and Hopes for Dragonball


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May 10, 2002
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Here's the deal. I love Dragonball. My favorite Anime back in the 90's. I grew up with lil' Goku fighting in those martial arts tournaments and gathering all those Dragonballs to have everyone's wishes fulfilled.

When I found out about the movie I thought about it and say it was heading straight to the crapper box. Time passed and I still believe that.

Then it hit me. There's a possibility to redeem the movie. Make it more Wuxia and less Hollywood (Gods, I hope they don't make it Hollywood-esque).

After watching Kung Fu Hustle and what Stephen Chow can do, you can see how they can make a mind blowing martial arts fest with it. If you know about anime and about dragonball, you can see Goku performing the moves of Stephen Chow in that movie.


Even the villain in that clip does look like the cartoon villains of Toriyama.

You know what would be nice too? If they used adaptations of the original score of Dragonball and Dragonball Z
I'm confused, what's this thread about?
Expectations for the film?
well stephen chow is attached to the film, so there's a slim chance he may just knock wong off the director's chair...
yeah more stephen chow influences the better. Heck if forbidden kingdom could seemingly draw inspiration from wuxia films of the past, surely this can. Though I'd expect them to go even further than any wuxia's ever gone since this is dragonball with energy blasts and giant apes.
the offbeat humour stephen chow is known for, should be a part of this film as well. if only he were the director..
the offbeat humour stephen chow is known for, should be a part of this film as well. if only he were the director..
Holy ****, yeah

Dragonball is offbeat humor with over the top martial arts! Add Kamehameha to Shaolin Soccer or Kung Fu Hustle and you have it made!
As much as I love Stephen Chow, the fact is his style will not be so apparent in the movie.

I agree though, he should be directing!
You can see the writing on the wall for this film. Expect a Hollywood-esque, dumbed down for the masses version of Dragonball.

Having Stephen Chow direct and control every aspect of this film should have been a no-brainer. The Kung Fu Hustle approach would have been perfect.
Here's what I think:

Many people don't know what Dragonball is... They knew people would be very confused with huge hair, green people with antennas, blue haired, and machine gun wielding teenage girls. That's why they had to change the things they did. I'm fine with Chatwin's hair if they just make it more....spread out. Bulma having darkish blue hair is fine, and no antenna Piccolo is also ok.
Here's what I think:

Many people don't know what Dragonball is... They knew people would be very confused with huge hair, green people with antennas, blue haired, and machine gun wielding teenage girls. That's why they had to change the things they did. I'm fine with Chatwin's hair if they just make it more....spread out. Bulma having darkish blue hair is fine, and no antenna Piccolo is also ok.

Agreed, but Western audiences are now fairly familiar with Chinese 'kung fu' movies, which have remained popular ever since Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (arguably even before that). And since Dragon Ball is essentially a wuxia-themed story, it's a somewhat wasted opportunity that the production team opted not to go all out fantasy.
I have moderate expectations. I see this turning out to be the same quality as the X-men trilogy. The first will be good not great, The second will the best of the trilogy and the third will be so hyped due to the success of the 2nd, it will feel totally rushed, and be disappointing to all the fans.
Im at best just hopeful at this point that we get a fun movie, I guess now Im past the point where I care if its going to be mind blowing. I just want to see a fun adventure movie with Goku just like the show.
to me, the movie doesnt have to be a total blockbuster. i just want a movie that does well enough to have sequels made and good enough to want to own on dvd
To me, this is basically the last chance to ever see the light of any new Dragon Ball stories. So, this may have to be a blockbuster.
What's Wuxia? :p
kung fu fantasy.

Wu = martial from martial arts (WuShu)
Xia = Fantasy

which is the genre of martial arts fantasy in literature, film or tv similar to Knights in Shining Armor of Europe, the samurai noble warriors of Japan and gunslinger heroes from the westerns.


Japan's heroes:


Old Europe's heroes


American heroes


Chinese Heroes

I want it to be good but I have a feeling its gonna be like the street fighter movie bad

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