Comics X-Men comic fans - do you read other comics?


Aug 16, 2003
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This has long been a concern of mine that I think a very large number of X-Men comic fans (along with Spider-Man, Superman, and Batman fans) tend to read virtually ANYTHING with an "X" on it, whether it's good or not, but completely ignore anything else going on the comics world. I used to read all (ALL) the x-titles for about 5 years straight, until I got to the point where I realized I hated the stories and they were just bad. Oh, sure, I love the characters, but when you really look at it from a critical perspective, a very large percentage of X-books are only mediochre at best. So I dropped all the X-Books and branched out, found other things to enjoy.

So I'm curious if anyone here sticks to X-Books and nothing but X-Books (or has maybe branched out a little, but it still 90% an X-Men reader).
The only X-books I read right now are Ultimate X-men and Astonishing. I'll add Uncanny when Bru gets his run going, but lately, Daredevil has been number one for me.

Another book I really enjoy is Runaways, BKV is awesome. Justice has been beautiful and I dunno why its not getting alot of exposure, maybe because of IC.

Yeah I started out reading only x-men, but Uncanny is a bore, and Adjectiveless, I just don't care for. I have high hopes for Uncanny seeing what Bru did for DD and Cap though...
I still read all X-Books, but i have always read other books from Marvel. Thor, Captain America, Silver Surfer to name a few. I have never been a big FF, Avengers, Iron Man, DD or Spidey Fan.

Recently i started reading Teen Titans and Outsiders from DC, along with Nightwing (the only DC i read, up to last month)
I, Bison, made a complete 180 degree turn from not just X-Comics but also Spider-Man, Batman, and Green Lantern comics. The X-comics just got way to mediocre for me as well after 1997. It got way to political for me after that and with to much propaganda and crap. Spiderman is still but I lost interest after I was to lazy to pick up on story lines. I now mostly read video game character based comic books like: Street Fighter, King of Fighters, SNK vs Capcom, and Darkstalkers.
The X-Comics I read are only Astonishing X-Men and X-Factor. Oh, and Deadly Genesis.

I'm also reading the New Avengers, Young Avengers and just started reading Runaways (which is totally amazing). I think I might start reading Amazing Spider-Man since I really liked the Civil War tie-ins for ASM. :up:
Lex - Glad to hear you've found Runaways, it's one of my favorite titles. I haven't liked ASM lately (since Deodato came on board, and the nonsense with The Other and Sins Past. Stupid, all that) But I would STRONGLY recommend the first 25 or so issues of JMS' run on the book, when he was teamed with John Romita Jr. . That was just some excellent spidey story telling there, with more than a few truly moving moments. Look for a book called ASM: Coming Home for the start of the JMS run
I have all the X-Books on my pull list except for Cable & Deadpool (I still read it though). But I like alot of Marvel books and my favorite hero is Moon Knight. I use to like Runaways but I feel it's jumped the shark on the new issuses.

I'm a major DC collector, but i what actually got me interested in comics was X-men from 1985 - present day. And i'm just saying Only "uncanny xmen", but all the X-titles and the minis
I wish I did just read the X-Titles, it would be so much cheaper for me.:(

I read like 8 books from Marvel, 5 from DC and 3 from Image.

The top of my list goes to the Ultimates, Nextwave, Birds of Prey, Astonishing X-Men, Teen Titans and New Avengers
So I stay away from everything DC, just because. I read Astonishing and New and I hope to get X-Factor in trade form. Is Generation M any good?

Non-x, the only thing I read is New Avengers, but I haven't decided if I really like it or not (I only have the first TPB, should I read more?) Also, I'm trying to decide if I should get TPBs of Young Avengers or Runaways. What's the pros and cons of each of those?
HandOfFate said:
I wish I did just read the X-Titles, it would be so much cheaper for me.:(

I read like 8 books from Marvel, 5 from DC and 3 from Image.

The top of my list goes to the Ultimates, Nextwave, Birds of Prey, Astonishing X-Men, Teen Titans and New Avengers

Nextwave is awesome, I really love that book. :up:
Honestly, I've strayed pretty far away from most X-Titles lately. They're just... not good. Haven't been in years.

Oh, and cassidy? If you value your sanity, you'll stay away from New Avengers, unless your idea of the Avengers is a bunch of talking heads stopping their chatter every now and again to battle a C-Rank X-Villain.
Yeah...that's kind of what I was noticing from the first trade. But I love Avengers-type characters. Was Avengers: Dissembled any good?

Well, now I have to pick between Young Avengers and Runaways...or I could get both.

Disassembled was an absolute and unnecessary mockery to everything that the Avengers ever stood for.
Elijya said:
Lex - Glad to hear you've found Runaways, it's one of my favorite titles. I haven't liked ASM lately (since Deodato came on board, and the nonsense with The Other and Sins Past. Stupid, all that) But I would STRONGLY recommend the first 25 or so issues of JMS' run on the book, when he was teamed with John Romita Jr. . That was just some excellent spidey story telling there, with more than a few truly moving moments. Look for a book called ASM: Coming Home for the start of the JMS run
ASM: Calling Home, got it. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. :up: About Runaways, I just started reading v2 first all the way to the current issue and it grabbed hold of me since the first issue. Really good title. Then I went back to read v1, which made me understand the whole Runaways and their parents even better. I hope this title will never end.

Oh, and I'm hearing something about YA and Runaways crossover mini-series for the Civil War, right? It'd be awesome to see that since I'm loving both of the two titles. I really hope Karolina shows up when Eli got shot since she got married with that Xavin Skrull and all.

I've been hearing some good words about Son of M. I don't know if it's good or not, but I'll give it a read.

Do you know any titles that make you laugh? Something like X-Factor?? X-Factor is awesome, by the way. Cracks me up in every issue. :D
Yeah, early JMS Spider-Man was good. Now? Now he's gotten pretty awful, but when he started out he was damn good.
Nextwave isn't for everyone, but it has some good laughs....
Let's see...

For X-Titles, I read:
Astonishing X-Men
New X-Men (v.2)
Exiles (if it even counts)

Non-X titles:
Green Arrow
Birds of Prey

I just recently finished reading through the 10 volumes of Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Beautiful stuff. I've read the first two trades of Y: The Last Man, but I haven't caught up yet.
Mr Lex Luthor said:
ASM: Calling Home, got it. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. :up: About Runaways, I just started reading v2 first all the way to the current issue and it grabbed hold of me since the first issue. Really good title. Then I went back to read v1, which made me understand the whole Runaways and their parents even better. I hope this title will never end.

Oh, and I'm hearing something about YA and Runaways crossover mini-series for the Civil War, right? It'd be awesome to see that since I'm loving both of the two titles. I really hope Karolina shows up when Eli got shot since she got married with that Xavin Skrull and all.
Correct, there will be a cross-over miniseries (unfortunately it won't be written by either BKV or Heinberg, but I'm still looking forward to it
Mr Lex Luthor said:
Do you know any titles that make you laugh? Something like X-Factor?? X-Factor is awesome, by the way. Cracks me up in every issue. :D
Dear god yes!! :eek:

Nobody ever asks me about comedy comics, which're some of my favorites, but nobody seems to have a genuine interest.

If you're enjoying X-Factor, you NEED to read Peter David's Captain Marvel series. It never lacks for great stories and action, but it will have you laughing the whole way through as well. It's from the same author as X-Factor, but this is the far superior title, completely underrated. This auction is a great price. There's one bidder already, but I doubt you'll have much more competition. snipe this on the last day if you can so the bidding won't go too high, it's a steal

THAT'S in the Marvel universe, but for perhaps the funniest comic I have ever read hands down, that's probably gotta be Barry Ween Boy Genius. Put together Calvin and Hobbes with Dexter's Labratory, with more cursing than a Taratino film, and you might have some idea what's instore for you. I am so insistent you check this book out if you're interested, I'll send you the first book for free myself (if you're willing to share your address, no big deal if you aren't). You NEED to read this:

For more Marvel stuff, ANYTHING written by Dan Slott will have you cracking up. He's been a rising star at MArvel for the past copuple of years. HE's currently writing Thing and She-Hulk, but IMO, his standout work was a miniseries he did last year for the Great Lakes Avengers. The GLA is a joke team, made up of wannabe loser superhero (Such as Mr. Immortal, who is immortal, but the extenet of his usefuless is usually just to get shot in the face at the begining of every battle and lay there until he recovers :D). The miniseries from last year was a parody of comicbook death events, and a character is actually killed every issue. It's DARK, but it's brilliant. READ THIS!!
Nextwave isn't for everyone, but it has some good laughs....
Yeah, it's unfortunate that it's not for everyone... but it's definitely for me! I ****ing love that book! :D
Manic said:
Let's see...

For X-Titles, I read:
Astonishing X-Men
New X-Men (v.2)
Exiles (if it even counts)

Non-X titles:
Green Arrow
Birds of Prey

I just recently finished reading through the 10 volumes of Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Beautiful stuff. I've read the first two trades of Y: The Last Man, but I haven't caught up yet.
Hey manic, glad you've found Vertigo. Y, Sandman, and Fables are all AMAZING titles. The three other books from Vertigo that are must reads are 100 Bullets, Transmetropolitan, and Preacher. MAKE SURE to check those out, if you haven't already. Preacher, especially, many fans quote as being their favorite comic series of all time.
Yeah, same here. Yet my friend doesn't see a point to it. :(

I've read some posts on this board of people not liking it. :confused:

Oh well...
point to what? Preacher? How far did he read?
Lol no. Nextwave.
ah, ok

The POINT is.. it's satire. It's over the top ridiculous action, with outrageous stunts and plot points. And it's very well done.

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