* 8 maps
o Re-lit maps ( the game already has the maps, why wasen't there an option put in place before the release of the game as to where you could play at a certain time of the day, just like in PGR3, you can play at certain times of the day on all the race tracks)
+ Fishing Village (Dusk)
+ Wharf (Late day)
+ Old Town (Morning)
+ Nowhere (Evening)
# New maps (nice to see new maps, but what do you think will happen in a future DLC package, can we say that Coffe Plantation will be re-lit as a map with morning lighting? Or how about a dusk lighting? Don't be surprised if these 4 new maps get put into a future DLC pack as re-lit maps.)
* Coffee Plantation (Evening)
* Shipping Port (Sunset)
* River Depot (Day)
* Jungle Mines (Evening)
* 5 new guns (don't do much help at all to the game experience)
* 4 new camo faces (these are worthless and do nothing to make you a better player or enhance gameplay, they're just like gamer pics, they do nothing)
* 2 new camo patterns (i've yet to see how camo patterns in this game make the game any different, so far, the current ones don't really do much camo for you in the first place, another useless item)
* 2 all new multiplayer game modes ( these offer very little variety and anything new in terms of gameplay)
* chapter 2 coop, 4 missions (what 1up said, the whole heart of the content. This is something that should have been released on its own or better yet, should have just been a free DL or should have come with the game in the first place. The fact that they don't tie in with the achievements is pretty lame too, so really, there's not much point to playing them because you get nothing out of them other than pure satisfaction that you played them).