Yo-Duh Blog

Yoda. If I had the authority, you'd be made king of Canada two years ago.

Pyramid found - in the heart of Bosnia!!


VISOKO, Bosnia-Herzegovina - Archaeologists began digging Friday for what they hope is an ancient pyramid hidden beneath a mysterious Bosnian hill that has long been the subject of legend.

The Bosnian archaeologist leading the work says the 2,120-foot (650-meter) mound rising above the small town of Visoko resembles pyramid sites in Latin America that he has studied. It would be the first pyramid ever discovered in Europe.

Initial research on the hill, known as Visocica, found that it has perfectly shaped, 45-degree slopes pointing toward the cardinal points and a flat top. Under layers of dirt, workers discovered a paved entrance plateau, entrances to tunnels and large stone blocks that might be part of a pyramid's outer surface.

Satellite photographs and thermal imaging revealed two other, smaller pyramid-shaped hills in the Visoko Valley.

Friday's excavations began with a team of rescue workers from a nearby coal mine being sent into a tunnel believed to be part of an underground network connecting the three hills.

They were followed by archaeologists, geologists and other experts who emerged from the tunnel later to declare that it was certainly human-made.

"This is definitely not a natural formation," said geologist Nadja Nukic.

Weeks of work ahead
The teams descended about 260 meters (yards) into the tunnel but found the rest of the way blocked by a cave-in. The tunnel is thought to be 2.4 miles (3.8 kilometers) long, and the team found two intersections with other tunnels leading off to the left and right.

Other teams began digging 10 shafts at several spots to see if they will run into stone blocks below the slopes of the hill.

The work will continue for about six months at the site just outside Visoko, about 20 miles (30 kilometers) northwest of the capital, Sarajevo. Two experts from Egypt are due to join the team in mid-May.

"We expect the first raw results in about three weeks," said Semir Osmanagic, the Bosnian archaeologist leading the project.

Millennia-old legends
Locals have held many legends about the hill, but Osmanagic, who spent the last 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America, was the first to suggest that Visocica could be hiding a pyramid.

Anthropologists say the Visoko Valley already offers ample evidence of organized human settlements dating back 7,000 years. The town was Bosnia's capital during the Middle Ages, and German archaeologists working the valley recently found 24,000 Neolithic artifacts just 3 feet (1 meter) below ground.

Osmanagic claims Visocica is a classic example of cultures building on the top of other cultures.

A medieval fortress used by Bosnian kings for two centuries sits on top of the Visocica hill. The fortress was built over a Roman Empire observation post, which was built on the ruins of an Illyrian settlement. The Illyrians inhabited the Balkan peninsula long before Slavic tribes conquered it around A.D. 600.

No pyramids are known in Europe, and there is no evidence any ancient civilization there ever attempted to build one.

Osmanagic believes Visocica is hiding one, though he has no solid theories on how old it is or who might have built it. Osmanagic quickly named the three hills the Pyramids of the Sun, Moon and Dragon.

So this was a wierd one, but God damn did it make my month. :up: There's a super hot girl at work (There's a recurring theme in this thread and it isn't intentional so eat my ass.) that has never spoken to me but I catch her looking at me from time to time. I just assumed she was looking at me because she kept catching me checking her out. (Hey, I love boobs and bums, eat my ass.) So yesterday I go to talk to someone that she's talking to and she looks at me and says "You have really pretty eyes, I've never noticed before." This just stuns me, cause she's super hot and has never spoken to me before. So I'm trying to come up with some sort of response, but sadly my patented quick wit isn't working for me so I just kind of stammer out some thing that may have sounded like thanks. But after saying that she just walked away really quick like and for the rest of the day she wouldn't look at me. ****ing chicks are all nuts. She's way to young though, but still that was a fine how do you dew.

And yes, that does qualify has the highlight of my month. That's how pathetic it is to be yoda. So eat it, all ya all :mad:
Also, this week I was almost fined $5000 for giving a 13 year old a cigarette. In my defense he did look 16...

I'm worse then Hitler.
Back in high school I was in a play called Boys Next Door. It was mainly an all boys play where most of us played ******ed people. Anyway, this was in my last year of high school and most of the cast where in their last year also so we all knew each other really well. Except for one kid who was in his first year. This kid was super annoying, to give you an idea of how annoying he is his name was Carlo Di Carlo. No word of a ****ing lie, I could have hated him just based on that but there were so many other better reasons. Anyway, my buddies and I came up with an idea to make him think we were all gay. There was about five or six of us that decided to do this. We put up posters of half naked dudes in the dressing room and everytime he'd come around we'd start talking about which guys in school we thought we cute. I remember him telling a couple of girls that everytime he entered a room people were talking about dudes and it was freaking him out. The best moment though was when I saw that he was about to come into the dressing room so I closed the door and got my buddy Ray to get on his knees and pretend to start to go down on me. Ray was on his knees for about five minutes waiting for him and as soon we heard the door knob turn he started to act like he was unzipping my fly. When Carlo came in I motioned to Ray to get up and stop and poor little Carlo just backed out the door slowly. It was the funiest expression I've ever seen in my life. At the wrap party we brought him up in front of everyone and Ray and I started off by saying how glad we were that young, firm Carlo (We were both stroking his back and hair while saying this) had joined us in this play. After watching his squirm for a few minutes we finaly fessed up and told him none of us were gay. It was like he **** a brick and asked us all if we were serious. It was a classic moment in the life of Yoda. Of course it turns out a couple guys int he play were actually gay and I think they were relieved they didn't have to pretend to be straight during the play. :)
That could possibly be the greatest practicle joke I've ever pulled. The only other joke that comes clost is the time we defaced the Eatons mall. I'll try and tell that one next week. :)
masteryoda said:
Back in high school I was in a play called Boys Next Door. It was mainly an all boys play where most of us played ******ed people. Anyway, this was in my last year of high school and most of the cast where in their last year also so we all knew each other really well. Except for one kid who was in his first year. This kid was super annoying, to give you an idea of how annoying he is his name was Carlo Di Carlo. No word of a ****ing lie, I could have hated him just based on that but there were so many other better reasons. Anyway, my buddies and I came up with an idea to make him think we were all gay. There was about five or six of us that decided to do this. We put up posters of half naked dudes in the dressing room and everytime he'd come around we'd start talking about which guys in school we thought we cute. I remember him telling a couple of girls that everytime he entered a room people were talking about dudes and it was freaking him out. The best moment though was when I saw that he was about to come into the dressing room so I closed the door and got my buddy Ray to get on his knees and pretend to start to go down on me. Ray was on his knees for about five minutes waiting for him and as soon we heard the door knob turn he started to act like he was unzipping my fly. When Carlo came in I motioned to Ray to get up and stop and poor little Carlo just backed out the door slowly. It was the funiest expression I've ever seen in my life. At the wrap party we brought him up in front of everyone and Ray and I started off by saying how glad we were that young, firm Carlo (We were both stroking his back and hair while saying this) had joined us in this play. After watching his squirm for a few minutes we finaly fessed up and told him none of us were gay. It was like he **** a brick and asked us all if we were serious. It was a classic moment in the life of Yoda. Of course it turns out a couple guys int he play were actually gay and I think they were relieved they didn't have to pretend to be straight during the play. :)
That could possibly be the greatest practicle joke I've ever pulled. The only other joke that comes clost is the time we defaced the Eatons mall. I'll try and tell that one next week. :)

You had to pretend???

:confused: :confused: :confused:

A few punks peed on the War Memorial on Canada Day. That's where the grave for Canada's Unknown Soldier is.
I was once able to pee inside a mailbox but these guys have out done me. :(

masteryoda said:
A few punks peed on the War Memorial on Canada Day. That's where the grave for Canada's Unknown Soldier is.
I was once able to pee inside a mailbox but these guys have out done me. :(


I was hoping for military justice on this one.

No, not executing them.

Soap, water and a toothbrush.

They should have had to clean the entire monument.
CantThinkOfAName said:
Butt rape?:(

It's not against the law to do that here in Canada. :up: :cool:

Stupid Americans... :D

Themanofbat said:
It's not against the law to do that here in Canada. :up: :cool:

Stupid Americans... :D

I knew it the moments the Conservatives came into power that theyd legalize rape:mad:

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