You Won't Believe This


Mar 7, 2005
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Now its on the director's site, but everyone would give it a 50/50 anyway. But its real.

Sam Liu is one of the directors of The Batman. Now on his site, he said the following on The Batman Season Four:

"Currently the new season of The Batman has been a lot of funand hard work. the scripts have been great and i am currently working from a Paul Dini, Harly story ..."


See? For some of you, you're going "WTF Dini?! TB?! Th-that....(loss of words)."

But its on the director's site.

Still, take it with a grain of salt.

Also thanks goes to SRA of LoG who pointed this out.
Hmm...curious, I'd like to see what Dini could do with the show.
Well, it's heartening to see that while Dini may be leaving his DCAU, but at least he's not going away completely from Batman.

I'll definately have to see the episodes he writes. :up:
Matt from LoG confirmed this.

Harley WILL appear and WILL be written by Dini.
Binker said:
Matt from LoG confirmed this.

Harley WILL appear and WILL be written by Dini.

Will watch. Dini is awesome writing Batman, they should have had him write the episode for Mr. Freeze also.

However I wonder how he will fit Harley into the Batman universe. The Joker from BTAS and the Joker from the Batman are two completely different Jokers (and they come off as different people also)
I pray to God they change Season 4 alot. Dini is finally on board now, now all we need is better animation and get away from Jackie Chan Adventure drawings. I hope Season 4 is a complete restart like with BTAS. New drawings, stories, and all.

How awsome would it be if they put Joker in a suit and get Mark Hamill to do the voice.

Btw, when does Season 4 start?
I read over at LOG that Robin is going to be in season 4 also.
They need Dini, or else Robin will be.... unspeakable. :(
Mr. Socko said:
I pray to God they change Season 4 alot. Dini is finally on board now, now all we need is better animation and get away from Jackie Chan Adventure drawings. I hope Season 4 is a complete restart like with BTAS. New drawings, stories, and all.

How awsome would it be if they put Joker in a suit and get Mark Hamill to do the voice.

Btw, when does Season 4 start?

So basically what you're saying is that you hope they turn TB season 4 into a new season of BTAS? there is no chance of them firing the cast and hiring on the original cast, and there is little to no chance they change the art style either.
0neDisturbedSOB said:
So basically what you're saying is that you hope they turn TB season 4 into a new season of BTAS? there is no chance of them firing the cast and hiring on the original cast, and there is little to no chance they change the art style either.

No he was saying that he hoped that season 4 of the Batman would change just like BTAS turned into TNBA.

New character designs, a few changes in the voice cast, new stories, etc.
hippie_hunter said:
No he was saying that he hoped that season 4 of the Batman would change just like BTAS turned into TNBA.

New character designs, a few changes in the voice cast, new stories, etc.

Yes. The only voice that really needs change is The Joker.
In case any of you are interested, this is what Paul Dini said about how he feels about The Batman:

I think it's a cool show. I haven't seen every episode, but I liked some, didn't like others. Same with Justice League and Titans. Same with Batman Beyond in fact, and I co-created and produced that series. One thing I always knew when I started working on the original animated series fifteen years ago was that it wasn't the first Batman cartoon series, and wouldn't be the last. Therefore it does me no good to get possessive about a character I have fun writing but don't own.

As for me storming into Warners and arguing for them not to make a new Batman series -- come on. That never happened. For one thing the show's inception came from VP of Development Sam Register at Cartoon Network, not from Warners. Also, by the time they announced The Batman I was pretty sick of men in tights. I turned down opportunities to write on both The Batman and Teen Titans so I could concentrate on Duck Dodgers, the show I had pitched and sold to CN with a couple of the then current Looney Tunes directors. I didn't like every episode of that series either, but that's the realities of production for you.
Mr. Socko said:
Yes. The only voice that really needs change is The Joker.

You're really scaring me with your Mark Hamill obsession. He wouldn't have recently served you with a restraining order, would he?

It's great to appreciate what Hamill did as a voice actor for BTAS. He's not the only person who can or will ever play the character. He's not on the show. Get over it.
Binker said:
Now its on the director's site, but everyone would give it a 50/50 anyway. But its real.

Sam Liu is one of the directors of The Batman. Now on his site, he said the following on The Batman Season Four:

"Currently the new season of The Batman has been a lot of funand hard work. the scripts have been great and i am currently working from a Paul Dini, Harly story ..."


See? For some of you, you're going "WTF Dini?! TB?! Th-that....(loss of words)."

But its on the director's site.

Still, take it with a grain of salt.

Also thanks goes to SRA of LoG who pointed this out.

I don't think dini is working on the show. Dini wrote the origin of Harley, both for BTAS and the comic. So if they wanted harley they'd have to work from his story. I doubt dini has done a script for the Batman.
He has. He even said he did in his blog. Dini is doing a story for this show.
Binker said:
He has. He even said he did in his blog. Dini is doing a story for this show.
Could you link to this? Your first link says nothing of the sort.
droogiedroogie2 said:
Could you link to this? Your first link says nothing of the sort.

It's been confirmed on LOG. Apparently they've known about this for a while but couldn't say anything.
hunter_hippie said:
You're really scaring me with your Mark Hamill obsession. He wouldn't have recently served you with a restraining order, would he?

It's great to appreciate what Hamill did as a voice actor for BTAS. He's not the only person who can or will ever play the character. He's not on the show. Get over it.

I agree that Hamill is not the only Joker although he was awesome but, Why is it that you have to go out of your way to insult someone on the smallest things?
trustyside-kick said:
I agree that Hamill is not the only Joker although he was awesome but, Why is it that you have to go out of your way to insult someone on the smallest things?

Why do you go out of your way to tear the show down when you know next to nothing about the characters or their history, outside of what 'your brother' told you?
hunter_hippie said:
Why do you go out of your way to tear the show down when you know next to nothing about the characters or their history, outside of what 'your brother' told you?

Why do you keep going back to that? That was one freaking mistake. Stop making it a big deal. That was one character history I messed up. You talk like I have to know every damn thing about Batman and his villains to have a say in anything. That is total bullcrap. So what I did not know the real origin for ONE character...Poison Ivy.

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