In no particular order, but i will try and keep it somewhat the way i think it is at this momment
Kevin Smith-One of the smartest social commentators on the planet, but it is the tender momments that really make him shin, in Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Clerks 2 he all has momments of levity that show his true connection with how natural humans react
Quentin Tarantino-He makes movies for the people, and they all kick ass, I just wonder what it all means to him, and what he is trying to accomplish
Sam Raimi-Evil Dead trilogy nuff said....oh and he also made some other trilogy that is pretty good
Richard Linklater-is very in touch with his characters, and leaves no detail out, while crafting a major compelling story
Steven Soderberg-Owns possibley my favorite movie ever, Out of Sight, along with a slew of excellent films
John Carptenter-25 years later and still has the scariest movie i have ever seen...oh an Escape for New York is pretty money
Cohen Brothers-I don't really know what else to say but Lebowski, Millers Crossing, more
David O Russel-Three Kings is a good film, but I heart Huckabees is one of the most original comedies I have ever seen
Martian Scorcesse-possibley my favorite ever, for the simple reason that Casino might be his worst film
Chris Nolan-for the simple fact that he made THE Batman movie he deserves to be on here, but then you factor in that it could possibley be his worst movie, with a stellar filmog that includes Prestige, Memento, and Insomnia
Wes Craven-he has had his share of hits over the years, but that is just as due to quantity as it is quality, but when he owns the creative rights to Hills Have Eyes, Nightmare on Elm Street, Last House on the Left, Scream, and People under stairs, he may not be top 10 material, but i feel like he should