Another good example is when Star Wars 7 released its' casting, and people cried fowl when there is a lack of women in the cast. The guys from was right from the get-go: The outrage machine turned on, even though we don't know a darn thing about the film, or know if that's the complete cast.
Diversity is a great thing. Sure I want more female roles that doesn't regulate them to victims or love interests. But calm down, Internet.
Devin was so gung-ho about it, then many of his peers shut him down on twitter, telling him that it's not so much about feminism that he was fight for. But rather, Devin singling out JJ Abrams because Devin doesn't like the dude. Think about it. Devin being a fan of Apes didn't bash 'Dawn' due its lack of strong female characters. Then why single out Star Wars?