13-year old kid attempts to rape mother & ends up killing her for taking away Call of


Jul 28, 2010
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UPDATE: We have rectified the headline for clarity. Noah Crooks “attempted” to rape his mom and has not actually done the act. Headline has been changed, but the deed is still despicable nonetheless)

A 14 year old Osage, Iowa boy is on trial for shooting and killing his mother, Gretchen Crooks, last March. The jury in the case recently heard the 911 call where Noah Crooks described to a dispatcher how he shot his mother after she took away his copy of Call of Duty saying, “Something just came over me.”

The jury also heard how the 14 year old attempted to rape his 37 year old mother but couldn’t do it saying, “I feel crazy and I know I’m not. I think I have some form of ADD…I tried to rape her. I tried to rape her but I couldn’t do it…Who tries to rape their own mom? My life is down the drain now.”

When police arrived on the scene, Gretchen Crooks’ body was found stretched out on a couch with her pajama top undone and was naked from the waist down. Deputies seized the murder weapon, a .22 caliber rifle which was given to the boy by his mother when he was 11 years old.
oah Crooks’ attorney is not denying that his client killed his mother, but claims the boy suffered what he referred to as a “tumor of rage” which essentially rendered him insane at the time of the killing. In his address to the jury, the defense also said that a child psychiatrist will testify Crooks suffers from ‘intermittent explosive disorder’ – a mental illness marked by repeated episodes of impulsive, aggressive or violent behavior.

After the shooting the boy texted his Father, William Crooks, saying, “‘Dad this is Noah. I killed Mom accidentally, I regret it. Come home now please.” The Father of the boy dismissed the text as a joke, only to find out 20 minutes later from the sheriff’s deputy that the slaying had indeed occurred. During his testimony, the father said that his son did once say that he wanted to kill his mother, but he didn’t take the threat seriously and there is no history of domestic abuse or criminal records associated with any of the Crooks family members.

Apparently, the father’s Facebook page shows his interest in the US Concealed Carry association as well as the Springfield Armory, a company that sells pistols and rifles.
Residents in the rural town of 3,622 people have been rocked by the slaying, the first since 1898.

The jury in the murder trial of an Iowa teenager heard on Wednesday a disturbing 911 call in which the 13-year-old suspect admitted to killing his own mother after a failed attempt to rape her.
Crooks, who is now 14, was charged with first-degree murder and assault with intent to commit sexual abuse in the March 24, 2012, slaying of his mother, 37-year-old Gretchen Crooks.
In the 911 recording made on the night of the murder at the family's Osage home, Noah Crooks could be heard telling dispatcher Barb Michael: 'I’m not joking at all. She’s dead. I’m scared. I killed my mom with my .22. I don’t know why I did it.'

During the conversation, which lasted about 10 minutes, the boy repeated his confession several times The Global Gazette reported.
'I feel crazy and I know I'm not. I think I have some form of ADD,' Crooks told the 911 operator. 'I tried to rape her. I tried to rape her but I couldn't do it.
'Who tries to rape their own mom? My life is down the drain now.'
As Michael placed a call to deputies and sent an ambulance to the Crooks' home, Noah told him that his weapon is empty and appeared concerned that the officers might shoot him.
'I just wish it was a dream so I could wake up and I could kiss her and hug her,' then-13-year-old Crooks said.

Noah rambled on about his mother making him homemade doughnuts earlier that night and expressed disbelief that he killed her after she did that for him.
He then revealed that Gretchen Crooks had taken away his 'Call of Duty' video game because he got bad grades in school, and that is when he snapped.
'Something just came over me,' he told the dispatcher.

The boy droned on about having to move away and giving up on his dreams of getting into a good college and marrying his eighth-grade girlfriend.
On the first day of Crooks' trial Wednesday, jurors also heard testimony from Mitchell County Sheriff’s Deputies Jeff Huftalin and Greg Halbach, who described the crime scene at 3599 Cameo Avenue, WCF Courier reported.
Gretchen Crooks' bullet-riddled body was found stretched out on a coach. Her pajama top was undone and she was naked from the waist down, Halbach said in court. The woman was not breathing.
The deputies seized the murder weapon, a .22 caliber rifle, which was lying across a chair in the dining room.
Halbach said that he slapped handcuffs on Noah's wrists and placed him in the patrol car. He added that the teenage suspect was not crying and did not appear emotional.
Noah Crooks' attorney is not denying that his client killed his mother, but he claims that the boy suffered what he referred to as a 'tumor of rage, ‘rendering him insane at the time of the slaying
Addressing the jury panel, the lawyer said that a child psychiatrist will testify that Crooks suffers from intermittent explosive disorder - a mental illness marked by repeated episodes of impulsive, aggressive or violent behavior.

On Friday, Noah's father, William Crooks, 41, testified that on the day of his wife's murder, he was at a going-away party for his boss when he got a text message from his son that read: 'Dad this is Noah. I killed Mom accidentally, I egret it. Come home now please.'
Crooks was certain that his son was kidding and responded in kind: 'OK. Just throw her in the grove. We'll take care of her later.'
About 20 minutes later, a sheriff's deputy called Mr Crooks and told him that he needed to come home because an accident had taken place.
Crooks pulled up to the house at around 8.20pm on March 24. In court Friday, he described the scene inside his home as 'chaos.'
The father explained o the jury that his was was the disciplinarian in the family, and had a stormy but loving relationship with their son.
Mr Crooks added that the mother and son would fight often, but later make up and play games together. She was the one who bought the .22 caliber Ruger as a present for Noah in 2010 when he was about 11 years old.
The father said that his son did once say that he wanted to kill his mother, but he didn't take the threat seriously.
There was no history of domestic abuse or criminal records associated with any Crooks family members.
On March 24, 2012, Crooks is believed to have fired a .22 caliber at his mother at their rural home. The teen was said to be calm and emotionless when he called 911 reporting the shooting.

'The emotions of the young man, from what I've been told, is his demeanor was very calm and kind of stoic. Almost like he was in shock also,' Deputy Greg Beaver told KTTC at the time.
Mitchell County Sheriff Curt Younker told the DesMoines Register: 'We’re at a loss. These are good people, very responsible. It is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen.'
'We have lost our daughter. We have lost our grandson,' Mrs Crooks' mother Beverly Brahm of Mason City told the Albert Lea Tribune.
Mrs Crooks, who was listed with her husband William Crooks as the rural Osage property owners, had worked as a nurse at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa while also studying toward her master's degree after accepted at the University of Iowa in 2009.
On her Facebook page back in 2010, she praised her son, one of two sons according to Mrs Brahm, for his musical talents on the saxophone as well as his accomplishment in being accepted into a University of Iowa camp to learn Chinese.
'So proud of him!' she wrote.
She had also recently published an application on her page reading: 'Click "like" if you love your son!'
Mrs Crooks' death comes as the first reported murder in the city of Osage since 1898, according to KAAL-TV.

Speaking of her daughter with pride, her mother, whom she relishes knowing she was able to say 'I love you' to earlier in the day of her passing, described the 37-year-old as studying 'full time, while she was working full time,' according to the Courier.
Wanting to make a difference wherever she could, Mrs Crooks previously served among a team of doctors and nurses who traveled to provide medical relief to the Hurricane Katrina and Rita victims in the Gulf in 2005.
Serving as a critical care nurse, she cared for patients in a makeshift hospital.
William Crooks' Facebook page shows his interest in the US Concealed Carry association as well as the Springfield Armory, a company that sells pistols and rifles.
'Gretchen was a great nurse and leader. We, as members of her Mercy family, continue to mourn for her and will be holding a memorial service. Our hearts and prayers go out to her family and friends.'
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Dumb teen

All over ****ing Call of Duty?!

Teens his age need better priorities
I'm not trying to make this a gun issue , but what the hell was he doing owning a rifle.
Yes I do realize he could of stabbed her or beaten her to death. The kid is nuts. The gun thing bothers me though.
I'm not trying to make this a gun issue , but what the hell was he doing owning a rifle.

The mom buying him the gun as a present when he was 11 yo was a bad start,Perhaps the beginning of the end
Such a bizarre/disturbing story on so many levels.

someone needs to dress up as batman and beat the **** out of that kid. everyday for the next 60 years.
It's like he took the stuff you hear on the online multiplayer stuff seriously. Not to make light of this; very tragic and quite bizarre.
what this punkass little s**t needs is a steel-toed boot shoved so far up his ass that it'll make him stick out his tonsils and say "ahh"...

dumb, stupid and useless piece of crap just taking up oxygen that he doesn't deserve...
You know this is gonna be spun into an anti game and anti gun story, when the real story of a simply disturbed little **** who would have done something like this eventually being ignored.
I hope this kid shares a cell with that other kid I read about today who stabbed his 8 year old sister to death and blamed it on an intruder.

Then I hope these little monsters shank each other.

what this punkass little s**t needs is a steel-toed boot shoved so far up his ass that it'll make him stick out his tonsils and say "ahh"...

dumb, stupid and useless piece of crap just taking up oxygen that he doesn't deserve...

These psychotic posts almost sound like they could've been written by our suspect.
You know this is gonna be spun into an anti game and anti gun story, when the real story of a simply disturbed little **** who would have done something like this eventually being ignored.

I used to hate when people made a link between violent videogames and these kind of crimes, but the older I get the more open I become to the argument that some people who are already extremely mentally-ill become further desensitized to violence and its consequences when they spend 12 hours a day playing Call of Duty or other FPSs. I don't think those games should be banned and I don't think they're harmful to 99.999% of kids who play them (except encouraging laziness), but I do think there are a few reality-detached people that these games affect. Don't know if it was a factor here, but seeing as the catalyst was when his mom denied him CoD makes me wonder. Also, the fact she bought him a gun when he was 11 reminds me of the messed up stuff Adam Lanza's mom did for her son even though she knew he was mentally unbalanced. Personally speaking, I would never buy a kid a gun, not because I would be scared of him going on a homicidal rampage, but because I would be worried he would either accidentally shoot himself, accidentally shoot someone else or kill himself during a temporary bout of teen angst.
The parents should have gotten that boy some psychiatric help instead of a gun. The father said that the kid had threatened to kill his mother before and that the two constantly fought, but he dismissed it all. Even when the boy sent him a text saying he had killed his mom, the father played it off as a joke. Had they paid more attention to their son's words and actions they might have been able to get him help before he killed.
He was probably one of those little seven or something year old ****s I hear about that play Call of Duty on online annoying all the older players by trying to be cool, by cussing and doing, uh, annoying stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised this 13 year old is the only dope that would do this.
I don't think this is an anti-video or an anti-gun issue. If he had his iphone or ipad taken away, the result would have been the same, he was a ticking time bomb. People have been giving their children weapons as presents since as far back as we can remember, back to bow and arrow days.

I think this is a mental illness issue, and obviously this kid didn't get the medical attention he deserved.
I don't think this is an anti-video or an anti-gun issue. If he had his iphone or ipad taken away, the result would have been the same, he was a ticking time bomb. People have been giving their children weapons as presents since as far back as we can remember, back to bow and arrow days.

I think this is a mental illness issue, and obviously this kid didn't get the medical attention he deserved.

But I think it's a fair question to ask if his mental illness was exacerbated by the games he played? And this kid must have exhibited warning-signs. People rarely just snap like that. I bet his antisocial behavior or problems were pre-existing and you don't purchase a gun for a mentally-ill kid.
The jury also heard how the 14 year old attempted to rape his 37 year old mother but couldn’t do it saying, “I feel crazy and I know I’m not. I think I have some form of ADD…I tried to rape her. I tried to rape her but I couldn’t do it…Who tries to rape their own mom? My life is down the drain now.”

I'm pretty sure ADD doesn't make you murder and attempt to rape your mother...
Initial reaction to thread title: This young one is a major a-h, not worth breathing anymore

After reading the report (assuming accuracy, and child's honesty): The mother made a huge mistake by handing her child a gun. The father made another huge mistake by shrugging what his son told him regarding his intentions, thinking him joking
I can't bring myself to fully hate the child, what he did is much worse than his parents mistakes, but I can't bring myself to hate him as much as I did by reading the thread title on its own
I'm pretty sure ADD doesn't make you murder and attempt to rape your mother...
You're right, ADD should give absolutely no drive to do what he did
If i were this kids father I'd have beaten the living sh** out of him before calling the cops.
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You know this is gonna be spun into an anti game and anti gun story, when the real story of a simply disturbed little **** who would have done something like this eventually being ignored.


This kid sounds like a sociopath. This is not how I'd imagine a fourteen year old sounds, that's what is seriously off about it to me. He almost sounds disconnected, not at all emotional, and almost like he rehearsed what exactly to say. He sounds more written than real. That's what scares me. He did it, but it sounds like he's just trying to find excuses and get off for the crime rather than truly being apologetic.

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