15 Minutes 15 Minutes with SML28

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have you ever posted commando?

what's an obstacle you've overcome or a significant event in your life that has impacted you greatly?

what was your favorite class in HS?

least favorite class in HS?
oh, and solve this equation:

(RAH)² (AH)³ + [ROMA (1+MA)] + (GA)² + (OOH)(LA)²
Brandon Routh looks hot in a Punisher tee-shirt :o.
Hahaha. Awesome. :D

Favorite TV show as a child? I liked Sailor Moon when that was on...
What did you want to be when you were a child? Vet, then singer, then actress
Favorite band? Watson turned me to Metric recently, so them.
Favorite movie as a child? Lion King, Aladdin. Still love them.
Favorite film genre? Action/adventure & comedy.
Favorite superhero? .....Really? :o :spidey:
Have you grown a recent appreciation for a character you once disliked?
Are you optimistic about Thor, Captain America, and the Avengers films? I don't really care about them so much so I can't really say.
Who would you like to see be the villain of the Avengers film? See above.
Spider-Fan...awesome or awesomest? Awesome.
Political affiliation? I think it's Repub.
Best film you've seen in 2009? This Is It.
Worst film you've seen in 2009? Final Destination 4
Best 5 films of the 2000's? In no order, SM2, TDK, The Departed, Shaun of the Dead, and Crash.
Best 5 films of the 90's? Cider House Rules, Titanic (never get tired of watching it), Forrest Gump I like, Speed (saw it last night), & Seven.
If you could have lived during any historical period (not now!), which would you choose and why? That's a tough one. :o
Favorite actor/actress? I like Leo Dicaprio, James Franco, Mary E. Winstead, and I like some of Julia Robert's movies.
Favorite director? I don't have one in particular really.
Favorite musical artist? Beyonce would be one.
Playing the next Survivor :cwink:? Don't know.

have you ever posted commando?

what's an obstacle you've overcome or a significant event in your life that has impacted you greatly?

what was your favorite class in HS?

least favorite class in HS?
1) No.
2) I'd have to say the birth of my niece. That's been the most fun so far. :heart:
3) Economics class because my teacher was super chill and laid back.
4) Math...
oh, and solve this equation:

(RAH)² (AH)³ + [ROMA (1+MA)] + (GA)² + (OOH)(LA)²

Have you ever used a typewriter to write up a school report?

Do you remember the library card catalogs?

At what grade level did you first have a computer in the classroom?

At what age did you first have a cell phone?
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