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15 Minutes 15 Minutes with Team Andino

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I Work Too Much
Staff member
Apr 29, 2004
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And here we go...

Hype Life
When did you join the Hype?
What’s your favorite forum?
What brought you here?
What made you stay?
Who is your Hype Nemesis?
Fave smiley(s):
What is your current avatar? (post a pic of it if you want)
What is your Hype Pet Peeve?
Link us to a thread you really enjoy:

Real Life:
How old are you?
Where were you born?
What’s your job?
What kind of vehicle do you drive?
Dream car?
What is your greatest regret?
What is your greatest achievement?
High school mascot?
How do you like your steak?
What’s a bad habit of yours? Feel free to mention more if you’d like:
Favorite Place to Eat?
How many tattoos do you have?

If you could live in any fictional universe, what would it be, and why?
If you could be present for any historical event, what? Why?
Name three people, living or dead, you would want to have dinner with?
What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your best childhood memory?
An embarrassing moment?
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
What is the last cd/mp3 you acquired?
Show us a sample of your handwriting?

How do you feel about daylight savings time?
If you had the power to erase one thread from Hype existence...what would it be?
Before I start I'd like to thank ComicChick for restarting the "15 Minutes of Fame" concept and letting all of us on the hype a little time to shine:up:
And here we go...

Hype Life
When did you join the Hype? September of 2008
What’s your favorite forum? Batman
What brought you here? I was looking for some pics online for TDK an noticed it brought me here a lot. I liked what I saw an decided to sign up
What made you stay? I really enjoyed being able to chat about just about any topic from comics to movies an politics to everyday life at hand at an organized place. SSH! seemed like a good place
Who is your Hype Nemesis? Thus far none but who knows who may be lurking in the shadows waiting for me:ninja:
Fave smiley(s)::up::cmad::dry::facepalm:
What is your current avatar? (post a pic of it if you want)Batman from TDK, taken from a wallpaper made by Massenjahmatt
What is your Hype Pet Peeve? Poorly put together sentences an things being poorly spelled. I wish some people could put a little more effort in organizing their posts sometimes.
Link us to a thread you really enjoy

Real Life:
How old are you? 21
Where were you born? Altamonte, Florida
What’s your job? Material Handler for Fed Ex, I help load an off load planes for Fed Ex with packages coming to and leaving Orlando FL.
What kind of vehicle do you drive? 2009 Chevy Cobalt
Dream car? I'm not much of a car person and I love my current car but I'll just say the Bat Mobile from the 60's Batman show.
What is your greatest regret? For the most part I try an live my life without them and honestly I've done a good job of it thus far. Of course there are some minor things I'd be interested in seeing how they could of played out differently but fact is everything that's happen in my life has happen for a reason to make me the man I am today.
What is your greatest achievement? Its minute but graduating high school on time, I had a lot of obstacles, setbacks, an roadblocks that almost made it impossible but I was able to prove a lot of people in my family wrong and make it happen.
High school mascot? Silver Hawks
How do you like your steak? Medium Well
What’s a bad habit of yours? Like a lot of people I have a problem with procrastination although I have improved a bit since 2010 started. I wanted to make it a point to improve on it an I have but I hope to keep making strides on getting better at overcoming it
Feel free to mention more if you’d like: I'm terrible at trying to eat healthy and have been since I was a child mainly due to a eating disorder I had as a kid that I'm still trying to overcome now.
Favorite Place to Eat? Recently its been a place by my house called "Japanese Grill". They have Sesame chicken that's to die for.
How many tattoos do you have? None but I've been considering a few for some time.

If you could live in any fictional universe, what would it be, and why? I'd like to say some comic universe but I'd honestly probably be terrified to even leave my house then with the way things go there, but for the sake of the question I'll just say the Marvel Universe as its not as terrifying or dreadful as the Alien or Terminator universes and for the most part reading the papers would actually be fun.
If you could be present for any historical event, what? I think it would of been neat to of gone to the inauguration of Barack Obama Why? Just for the sake of witnessing history and being able to take part in such a major event as it is when we transition to a new President.
Name three people, living or dead, you would want to have dinner with? My grandfather from my moms side, Christopher Nolan, Barack Obama
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Book of Eli
What is your favorite TV show? Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia is my current favorite but all time its Seinfeld.
What is your best childhood memory? Saturdays playing with my Batman toys an then making my own wrestling shows with my wrestling toys. I sure do miss being a kid sometimes:csad:
An embarrassing moment? Getting stood up at my senior Prom
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Best Buy, really stock up on electronics and DVDs
What is the last cd/mp3 you acquired? Coldplay: Viva La Vida
Show us a sample of your handwriting? Unfortunately I don't have a camera so I can't at this time. Sorry:csad:

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How do you feel about daylight savings time?
I understand why the concept was first started but at this point I kinda wish they would get rid of it as its only a random change of time now an almost just for the sake of it. Thankfully I didn't work today so I didn't miss an hour of sleep before work. So I at least got that going for me:up:
What's your deal?
My deal is being a straight up guy to those I meet in person an even here on the hype. I try not to beat around the bush on things an when people need to be told something without sugar coating it I kindly do that for them. The friends I have know this an that's why they like me. I'll be straight up with them an they know I'm different then most people my age an my intentions are a little different then most
If you had the power to erase one thread from Hype existence...what would it be?
I haven't really come across a thread that bothers me that much that I'd like to whip it off the board. To be even if I have no desire to post in a particular thread I'm sure someone does get enjoyment out of it. I imagine some people thing pro wrestling is dumb an they'd never spend a second of their precious time on it yet that's where I spend most of my time an I enjoy it. Live an let live is kinda how I see it. As long as its not hurting anyone or promoting something hateful (other then to Fox's movie division) then I'm all for letting it be here

Favourite movie?

Favourite actor/actress?

Coke or Pepsi?

If you could turn back time and erase/change one moment from your life, what would it be?

DX's dodgy maths! What 563635327 + Lil Wayne x Mt. Rushmore - 2?

Favourite pizza toppings?

What came first? Chicken or egg?
For DX

Favourite movie? The Dark Knight is still the only movie to truly beat the hype I gave it as well as influence my career choice in life. but for those of you who think I'm just a fanboy then to you my answer is American Beauty

Favourite actor/actress? Gary Oldman has taken this honor away from Kevin Spacey. Oldman being able to be just about any character you ask him to be is incredible. Watch him as Drexel in "True Romance" then realize that he's Commissioner Gordon. Its redic

Coke or Pepsi? Coke, as a kid I always wanted to do the "Pepsi Challenge" just so I could overwhelmingly say how Coke was better an how Pepsi sucked:oldrazz:

If you could turn back time and erase/change one moment from your life, what would it be? Like I touched on earlier based on how things happen in life I feel there almost meant to happen that way but then again nothing major like a lost relative or parent has happen so maybe I'd feel otherwise if something like that happen to me

DX's dodgy maths! What 563635327 + Lil Wayne x Mt. Rushmore - 2? Sounds like a whole lot of Goomba's to me but then again DX thats how you roll dude:awesome:

Favourite pizza toppings? I prefer my pizza plain and with lite sauce. If you want the perfect pizza go to the Hungry Howies by my house an order a Large 3 chesse pizza with butter garlic crust an it'll be the most delicious/filling $5 you'll ever spend:up:

What came first? Always the girl I take my time:cwink: Chicken or egg? Chickens good but scrambled eggs in the morning ain't bad either
Good answers man. :up:

Lookin' forward to Wrestlemania? If so, which match(es) do you mostly want to see?

What movies are you looking forward to this year?

Al Pacino or Robert De Niro?

Tea or coffee?
Follow up
Good answers man. :up: Thank you my friend.

Lookin' forward to Wrestlemania?A lot more then I was last year, much better build an matchs I can actually put some emotional investment into If so, which match(es) do you mostly want to see? At first I really didn't wanna see a Taker/HBK rematch but with the new streak vs career element as well as the awesome promos over the last few weeks I can't help but wanna see this all unfold an see where it leads to.

What movies are you looking forward to this year? Iron Man 2, Inception, and Predators. I don't go to the movie much anymore but these flicks will get me wanting to spend the over priced ticked price.

Al Pacino or Robert De Niro? There both great an I loved them in "Heat". Its a tough choice but I'll go with Pacino since he was "Big boy" in Dick Tracy an I cracked up every time he shouted:oldrazz:

Tea or coffee?I've only had both of those on rare occasions. I'd actually be able to tell you each time I've had it as well as the story behind it that's how few times I've had each. Neither for me personally though
How long have you worked for FedEx? Do you enjoy it?

What do you believe led you to having an eating disorder?
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Have you ever been skiing?

Have you ever been snowboarding?

Have you ever been tubing?

Have you ever gone camping?

Have you ever gone hiking?

Have you ever gone caving?

Have you ever gone rock climbing?

Have you ever gone parasailing?

Would you ever skydive?

Would you ever bungee jump?
who is your favourite artist (actual art not music) ?

who is your favourite artist (music not art) ?what is your favourite hip hop song from the 90's ?

If you had to be a power ranger which power ranger would you be?

mac or pc?

rock or austin?

curb your enthusiasm or seinfeld?

taylor swift or beyonce?

kanye west or jay-z?
Marx's questions
How long have you worked for FedEx? Do you enjoy it? I've been with them for over 3 years now. for the first 2 and a half years I hated it but when I transferred to the airport I started to love it an appreciate what the company has to offer. They also reimburse me for school up to $2000 a year so if I took my time they could end up paying for it all:up:

What do you believe led you to having an eating disorder?I was born with blockage in my small intestine an as a kid had a kind of psychological thing where I knew what I could an couldn't eat without getting sick. The problem wasn't found an taken care of until I was 15 an it was something I had dealt with since birth.
For Spidey-Dude
who is your favourite artist (actual art not music) ? I really don't even know enough artwork to fairly pick a name let alone one off the top of my head

who is your favourite artist (music not art)? My favorite group is Coldplay with Linkin Park as a close second.

what is your favourite hip hop song from the 90's? It's been ages since I heard rap from the 90's but off the top of my head I remember loving "Forgot about Dre" an listening to that Dr. Dre CD titles "2001" which for the record came out in 1999 which means its legit for this question:woot:

If you had to be a power ranger which power ranger would you be? I always wanted to be the Red Ranger an funny enough I was him for 2 Halloweens in a row back in my day. I always felt Jason(Red Ranger) was the leader similar to Cyclops is of the X-Men an Tommy(Green/White Ranger) was the Wolverine of the group. Kinda jumped in an took control with respecting authority:cmad:

mac or pc? Sadly I'm computer illiterate an don't have much experience or knowledge with either but I'll go with PC since I don't have a mac.

rock or austin? Great question, its a tough call with both guys having so much to offer in so many different fields but in the end of the day I'll take The Rock over the Rattlesnake

curb your enthusiasm or seinfeld? I love Seinfeld (more so the last few seasons) an to be fair I've only seen 3 or 4 episodes of Curb but from what I saw I though it was great. I hope to get to see more but as of now I'll take Seinfeld since I've seen almost if not all of it already an multiple times

taylor swift or beyonce? From what I've seen there both talented women but I'm not a big fan of either an to be fair haven't really listened to much of there stuff other then what might pop up on the radio

kanye west or jay-z? I thought what Kanye did to Swift showed truly how big a jackass an I'm not one for celebrity stuff orwhat they do in there personal lives but as musicians I'll take Jay-Z just for the sake of "Big Pimpin" and his cross over CD with Linkin Park
When you were a child, what was your dream job?

What was your favorite decade for music? Movies?

Any big plans for the future?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Marx's questions
Have you ever been skiing? Nope

Have you ever been snowboarding? Nope, hadn't even seen snow before until January when I went on Vacation to my brothers in NC an even then it was mainly ice melting.

Have you ever been tubing? On many occasions an my body has paid the price for it. I could always tell after the first crash on how good or bad the day was gonna go. Its been a few years but I hope to do it again soon, hopefully with summer coming up I might get the chance

Have you ever gone camping? Never got to but I wanted to as a kid

Have you ever gone hiking? Yep once back when I was a kid I went to some park an went hiking for the day. Our guide even faked that a bear was coming an yelled at us to run. Everyone did but me cause I didn't believe him an I was right:oldrazz:

Have you ever gone caving? Nope but I heard a rumor to expect some gun fire while I'm down there:cwink:

Have you ever gone rock climbing? Only the fake ones you climb at the mall or at a theme park. I've done well but doubt it would be anywhere near the same as actual rock climbing.

Have you ever gone parasailing? No but its something I'd like to

Would you ever skydive? I'd love to actually. As intense an intimidating as it is I imagine its gotta be one hell of a ride an a experience that I'd never forget. Plus I'd pretend I was in TDK an that I'm heading for the building Lau is in :awesome:

Would you ever bungee jump? I think it would be neat but its not as high on my list as skydiving is.
if you could go on any game show, which would it be?

you're going on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, which member of the Hype would be your Phone-A-Friend?

Congrats, you've been cast on MTV's the Real World! Which 6 Hype members would you pick to live in a house with you? Why?

Which two Hype Members would you like to compete against in Jepoardy?
Which two Mods?

Who is your Hype drunken duet partner?
What will you sing?
Mr. Webs questions
When you were a child, what was your dream job? When I was in Kindergarten my parents had a yellow Buick an I though the idea of driving would be awesome so in kindergarten my "dream job" was to be a Taxi driver so that I could drive a yellow car all the time.

What was your favorite decade for music? I wasn't into music until about 1999-2000 but I think the 70's had a big influence from what I've heard

Movies? As for fun mindless action flicks and horror flicks its the 80's. As for my favorite decade it makes it tough since I have 2 or 3 favorite flicks from each decade since the 70's till now

Any big plans for the future? Well I'm finally getting back into the swing of things at school and I'm hoping to be entering a training program for Fed Ex in the near future so slowly my plans for this year are slowly coming together. Other then school an professionally I'm hoping to grow a lot as a person in the coming year. 2010 is looking to be a good year for Team Andino Inc. :up:

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Depending on the size of the woodchuck and its age as well as the density of the wood depending upon whether or not its been a rainy season in the forest let alone it even being a rain forest is another predicament in itself
Do you miss the attitude era?

What is your opinion of Kurt Warner?

Outside of the Rock, who do you think is the funniest wrestler ever?

Who would win in a wrestling match? Brock Lesnar or Bobby Lashley?

Kurt Angle or Ken Shamrock?

Big Show or Andre the Giant?

Funniest wrestling moment of all time?
Why is The Undertaker the greatest wrestler ever?
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