15 year old commits suicide after pictures of her sexual assault appear online

I saw this the other day.....mortified that stuff like this happens. RIP little Angel

WTF is wrong with these guys that rape girls. I really can't understand how you could do something like that and live with yourself.

WTF is wrong with these guys that rape girls. I really can't understand how you could do something like that and live with yourself.

It takes a very....very horrible person to be able to live with yourself after something like that. Especially if you knew she killed herself because of it.

This is another girl I just found on Imgur. Same Situation


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sick ****s... absolutely SICK ****ers...

I feel so bad for this girl and her family...
Note to self, have children, own many many firearms
It's times like this that I wish vigilante justice could intervene. No politics, no trials. Just a good old fashioned lynching of these little ****s who would do that to someone. So many kids today just don't have morals. It sickens me.

Sometimes I wish there was a Punisher or an Equalizer.
Note to self, have children, be a responsible parent, be aware of his/her activities, & educate them well.
Note to self, have children, be a responsible parent, be aware of his/her activities, & educate them well.


Although, I believe anyone who behaves like a beast should be put down like a beast. Meaning, throw the scum in prison and look the other way.


Sorry to hear that, SW.
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**** like this reminds me of my teenage cousin who was kidnapped, raped and murdered several years ago. I feel so terribly for these girls and their families.

I don't care how "young" you are - if you do something like this to a person, you don't deserve the mercy that comes with being charged as a juvenile. Punishment for sexual assault needs to be an automatic adult charge, and a hell of a lot more severe. If the victim commits suicide over your actions, murder needs to be added to the charges.

Scum bags.
Note to self, have children, be a responsible parent, be aware of his/her activities, & educate them well.

and always show them love, patience, understanding and good judgment...

goes without saying...
Note to self...never have children.

How about having children and teaching them to be decent responsible caring human beings.

Hiding your head in the sand doesn't make the world better...it just gets sand in your hair.
**** like this reminds me of my teenage cousin who was kidnapped, raped and murdered several years ago. I feel so terribly for these girls and their families.

I don't care how "young" you are - if you do something like this to a person, you don't deserve the mercy that comes with being charged as a juvenile. Punishment for sexual assault needs to be an automatic adult charge, and a hell of a lot more severe. If the victim commits suicide over your actions, murder needs to be added to the charges.

Scum bags.

By the way, sorry for your loss Spider-Who?. :csad:
String the little ****bags that did this up by their ****s. This is horrible.
**** like this reminds me of my teenage cousin who was kidnapped, raped and murdered several years ago.
Scum bags.

I'm soo sorry Spider-Who....how horrible :csad: Can't begin to imagine how losing someone like that feels.

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