I haven't played that, but it's yer typical hack and slash. You can switch between the sword, a spear, and eventually double swords. You can throw the spear and there are cool combos that do the slow motion thing. But the most enemies I've seen on screen would be prolly a little less than a dozen, only getting to battle 3-5 at a time.
There's also this Phalanx gameplay thing. Where you move slowly as a line into wave after wave of Persians. Stabbing them with the spears when they get to you. Tapping a button to push them off when they start pushing you back. You have to make it to the end before this meter runs out.
Meeeh, at least the extras are cool [interviews and things] and the comic cinematics were very nicely done. Like they were done in virtual comics such as The Silent Hill Experience, and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops.