360 help


Feb 19, 2006
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Ok I am not good when it comes to tech things (apart from mobiles :p )

But last night my 360 was fine.
This morning I turn it on and it freezes on me, so I turn it off and on again and my screen goes fuzzy then on and off and well it keeps freezing and doesn't load at all. All I see is the Xbox symbol frozed

Now all my cables and wires are right, I just don't know what to do, my mate who's good with consols said he would take a look at it, but not too sure, will this mean I'll have to send it off to repair?

Any help/advice would be great. :D
I think this is a sign that the RROD is imminent. So yeah, you'll probably have to get it repaired.
Ok I am not good when it comes to tech things (apart from mobiles :p )

But last night my 360 was fine.
This morning I turn it on and it freezes on me, so I turn it off and on again and my screen goes fuzzy then on and off and well it keeps freezing and doesn't load at all. All I see is the Xbox symbol frozed

Now all my cables and wires are right, I just don't know what to do, my mate who's good with consols said he would take a look at it, but not too sure, will this mean I'll have to send it off to repair?

Any help/advice would be great. :D

I've had a problem aswell, might as well post it here quickly. I was playing Gears of War campaign claiming my lost cog tags and I began to climb over something and my Xbox froze, and I held down the Xbox button to turn it off and it wouldn't, so I tried to fool around with my controller and nothing happened. After a few times of trying to turn it off it finally did, and I turned it back on and it took longer for the Xbox logo to pop up, and it took at least five minutes to sign me in to my account.

But, anways ...

Your problem sounds a lot like the early stages of the Red Rings. I suggest for you to keep tampering with your 360 and just get it over with and send it in to MS instead of waiting around. :up:
I just had the red rings happen to me. One month after buying the system new. The 2 year warranty is the best thing you can get for your xbox because sadly you're going to need it.
I just had the red rings happen to me. One month after buying the system new. The 2 year warranty is the best thing you can get for your xbox because sadly you're going to need it.

You don't need a warranty to get your Xbox 360 repaired if you get the red rings. :up:
Ok I am not good when it comes to tech things (apart from mobiles :p )

But last night my 360 was fine.
This morning I turn it on and it freezes on me, so I turn it off and on again and my screen goes fuzzy then on and off and well it keeps freezing and doesn't load at all. All I see is the Xbox symbol frozed

Now all my cables and wires are right, I just don't know what to do, my mate who's good with consols said he would take a look at it, but not too sure, will this mean I'll have to send it off to repair?

Any help/advice would be great. :D

Weird, my xbox broke, once again on the same day yours did. As well did two of my friends'.
I got da RROD n called MS. They wer suppose to sent me a box but tehy never did. I haev a printoff to put on, I might just mail it in its own box.

I didn't even get the printout. :csad:
wow not the only one who 360 broke on them.

It's still away in germany getting reapired, I swear the UPS address/sticker thing I printed said Frankfurt on it

But I've been playing on my old xbox and that works so damn well never broke never freexed on me. But .......I want my 360 I got Soul C sitting in my room gathering dust as I can't play it....

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