I have fallen victim to the 3 red lights.


All the way up it!
Nov 27, 2000
Reaction score
I've never had any serious problem with my 360, a few freezing here or there, but nothing recently. I turned on my xbox and started to download The Darkness and was going to check what XBL Arcade games might be new and the tv made a scratch sound then the screen got alittle fuzzy and froze. I had to turn of the console using the button on the base. I waited and turned it on again, it worked ok and then i went to try to check out XBL games and it again got fuzzy and froze. Turned it off. Then on and it was black with those 3 fun lights.

I waited awhile and tried again, same thing. It freezes the first time then when I turn it off and on I get the lights.

It's sad really, My system never really gave me any trouble.. Oh well, It would have been a year come august, but sadly she didn't make it. :dry:

Least I'll get a refurbished one. Has anyone's refurbished system died on them?
I had the Three Red Lights before. Eventually one day something really weird happened and it worked fine for 2-3 more months. Then, it completely crapped out on me during GRAW.

You can just use Microsoft's warranty to get a brand new one. Don't get "refurbished"... those are probably contaminated.
I had the Three Red Lights before. Eventually one day something really weird happened and it worked fine for 2-3 more months. Then, it completely crapped out on me during GRAW.

You can just use Microsoft's warranty to get a brand new one. Don't get "refurbished"... those are probably contaminated.

I meant the Microsoft repair when I said refurbished. I dunno why I said refurbished. Has anyone who got their system repaied by Microsoft, had their system die again? And what happens to the warranty, Does it extend again or continue from where you left off?
I actually took my system to gamestop, paid for like a 30 dollar warranty, gave them my system and they gave me a refurb. So far so good, and that was a couple months ago.
I bought my 360 Feb 2006 and died on Chistmas day last year! My replacement has been working fine since than. It will take two weeks for everything.
I bought my 360 Feb 2006 and died on Chistmas day last year! My replacement has been working fine since than. It will take two weeks for everything.

What is the exact procedure? I know i need to call them and tell them, then what? Do they send me a box to mail it to them with?
I actually took my system to gamestop, paid for like a 30 dolalr warranty, gave them my system and they gave me a refurb. So far so good, and that was a couple months ago.

I am still under the warranty I bought from Gamestop. But I think I am just going to let Microsoft fix it, instead of risking going another year with a 360 that is destined to die.
What is the exact procedure? I know i need to call them and tell them, then what? Do they send me a box to mail it to them with?
You Call MS and tell about the 3 red lights. They will send you a pre-paid box to put in the 360. That takes a couple of days. Only send in the 360 itself! No controllers, games, HDD, etc...It will take couple for it reach its destination. Al in all it will take about two weeks! I remember I had to wait those two weeks and it was like HELL!!! Hang in there!
You Call MS and tell about the 3 red lights. They will send you a pre-paid box to put in the 360. That takes a couple of days. Only send in the 360 itself! No controllers, games, HDD, etc...It will take couple for it reach its destination. Al in all it will take about two weeks! I remember I had to wait those two weeks and it was like HELL!!! Hang in there!

Haha thanks. I never took the Hard drive off before, it came with it, I'll have to figure that one out.
The phone line was taking too long so I signed up for the repair through the website. Anyway, WHen I ship it in it says to not have any thing attatched to it. Does this include the Hard Drive?
I'm pretty sure if you send in the harddrive, you have a good chance of never seeing it again, so yeah, unhook it.
Does no one find this rediculous. I mean with the way technology is going these systems should be built to last, but instead they are crapping out in a year, or less. To me this is completely unacceptable.

The 360 I have is the only one I will ever have. Once it dies I am kicking it old school. I remember owning a N64, & I beat the hell out of that thing, & it still works today. These new systems. An after shock from a awesome fart could rinder the system unusable. Unacceptable.:down:
I agree. I hardly used mine for about 6 months before the disc drive died on me. I remember a news story about an original Xbox still being operational after taking a bullet. A bullet. And this one can't even stand up to the rigors of rare use. I think the console has a great games library (well, a great upcoming games library), but in my opinion it's really failed to deliver. I was a huge, huge supporter of the original, so I had some hope that the sequel would live up to it, but so far it's just been disappointment after disappointment.
They're fixing the 360. Come september you should be able to get the good stuff everywhere.
Has anyone figured out what causes the system to die?
Heat, mostly. Also just poor manufacture. When it first launched, they needed to launch in every market at once, and they needed to get as many systems into those markets as possible to make sure they didn't have a situation where demand exceeded a supply (I think that still happened though), and so quality had to take a backseat to quantity. And now they're paying for it.
It was Sega. Moore never stopped working for them, he intentionally sabotaged the 360 to make it easier for the Dreamcast 2 to come back and dominate. Now he's headed to take care of Sega's old "friends" at EA...

Peter Moore shows his true "stacking" cause. I just hope he takes revenge on whoever cancelled Shenmue 3.
It was Sega. Moore never stopped working for them, he intentionally sabotaged the 360 to make it easier for the Dreamcast 2 to come back and dominate. Now he's headed to take care of Sega's old "friends" at EA...

That would explain a lot. :o
It was Sega. Moore never stopped working for them, he intentionally sabotaged the 360 to make it easier for the Dreamcast 2 to come back and dominate. Now he's headed to take care of Sega's old "friends" at EA...

A new Sega system would be a dream come true!
Not since the Sammy buyout, my friend. Gone is the Sega of old. Now they're the Japanese version of Majesco. :(
I've never had any serious problem with my 360, a few freezing here or there, but nothing recently. I turned on my xbox and started to download The Darkness and was going to check what XBL Arcade games might be new and the tv made a scratch sound then the screen got alittle fuzzy and froze. I had to turn of the console using the button on the base. I waited and turned it on again, it worked ok and then i went to try to check out XBL games and it again got fuzzy and froze. Turned it off. Then on and it was black with those 3 fun lights.

I waited awhile and tried again, same thing. It freezes the first time then when I turn it off and on I get the lights.

It's sad really, My system never really gave me any trouble.. Oh well, It would have been a year come august, but sadly she didn't make it. :dry:

Least I'll get a refurbished one. Has anyone's refurbished system died on them?

I honestly think that this problem is going to be a bigger, longterm problem as far as business terms go for Microsoft. People are going to get pissed and not go the Microsoft route. We dont push the X360 at Gamestop at the moment. When people come in requesting either a PS3 vs. 360 nine times out of 10 they are walking away with a refurbished PS3 that sells for 459.00 that won't break on them rather than a new 360.

I'm in fear that my 16 month old X360 is going to crap out at some point...in which case I'll flip off Microsoft and buy solely for my PS3.

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