9.1 - Savior - Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Well, since Zod arrived shirtless, maybe the others were in a similar situation (or basic clothing), so they decide to wear the military gear available.
LOL I guess we could assume they went out and acquired gear that was more fitted to the terrain they were now in. But they should've at least mentioned something like that in a throw away line or a quick clip of the Daily Planet talking about an Army/Navy store near Smallville getting mysteriously "cleaned out" etc.

The Smallville writers prolly assumed you'd be smart enough to figure that out on your own rather than having it spoon fed to you & wasting valuable premiere time on something that was quite obvious from the start. If anyone paid any attention at all to the Finale last yr, you'd have seen Zod naked coming from the orb, making it pretty clear to anyone with a clue that the army clothes didn't come from krypton.

yea since we know zod arrived in the buff, the other probably did too. Then since its been a few weeks, they probably robbed/stoled clothing and equipment from where ever. Sure it would have been nice to see a mention of how they got it. But you can guess that what happened.
LOL I guess we could assume they went out and acquired gear that was more fitted to the terrain they were now in. But they should've at least mentioned something like that in a throw away line or a quick clip of the Daily Planet talking about an Army/Navy store near Smallville getting mysteriously "cleaned out" etc.
Agreed. Are they getting so lazy that they can't even mention what happens in Offscreenville? :p
where are the cameras when offscreenville is on lol.
I think it's safe to say that Clark was the shadowy figure in that glimpse of the future.
Yea it has to be only and cause the hair you can tell haha
Well when Smallvilles over maybe they'll get everyone back and make a new series of everything that happened on Off screenville haha some stuff would actually be pretty good
There are times when Offscreenville seems like it might be a lot more interesting and entertaining that Smallville
Yeah I thought three weeks worked but really has time ever been Smallvilles friend?
Lol apparently not, I mean, Clark had the ring set to go 1000 years into the future, but somehow Lois only managed to make it a year in.
I thought it was a great start to the new season and I am just glad I can see it on tv again. I have DirectTV and the CW wasn't carried as a local channel so for the past season I had to watch Smallville (and Supernatural) on itunes. Now iturnes is charging $60 for a season pass but I was suprised when I suddenly got the CW and now I never have to buy an episode again. BTW, I'm lonewriter. I just joined this forum tonight. I have always been a huge superhero fan. Nice to meet y'all.
Lol apparently not, I mean, Clark had the ring set to go 1000 years into the future, but somehow Lois only managed to make it a year in.

I thought that was odd too. The Legion could have specifically set it for Lois to go into the future as well. Only she only goes 1 year into the future. I guess it's another one of Smallville's draw your on conclusion scenario.


Welcome to the Hype Lonewriter.
I don't know why I decide to read Neal Bailey's reviews...like ever.

He gave it a 1/5, and many of his complaints are things that are yet to be explained in the show. Oy...
The Smallville writers prolly assumed you'd be smart enough to figure that out on your own rather than having it spoon fed to you & wasting valuable premiere time on something that was quite obvious from the start. If anyone paid any attention at all to the Finale last yr, you'd have seen Zod naked coming from the orb, making it pretty clear to anyone with a clue that the army clothes didn't come from krypton.


You're right. I'm just a pathetic simpleton who isnt able to handle the cortex bending principles of comic books and Smallville. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, oh ye of infinite wisdom. I will just go watch Curious George from now on.
I don't know why I decide to read Neal Bailey's reviews...like ever.

He gave it a 1/5, and many of his complaints are things that are yet to be explained in the show. Oy...

LOL I didnt know Neal was still alive. The empty can rattles the most as they say. For 6 years he jumped all over the show about how poorly done it was, then someone offered him a gig writing an article for the Smallville magazine, and he couldnt accept it fast enough. At that point, I think anyone who isnt a SMHP stooge tuned him out and forgot he even existed. Last time I saw him was at a comic con here in Philly a few years back and he was handing out his business card to anyone he came within 500 yards of trying to get a writing gig.
Awesome video Mig-El, it shoulda been like that when it aired.
I don't know why I decide to read Neal Bailey's reviews...like ever.

He gave it a 1/5, and many of his complaints are things that are yet to be explained in the show. Oy...

I agree completely. I've read his reviews since he started posting them and to sum them all up: they're a complete joke. I understand that he is clearly bothered by how different things are in the show compared to the mythology, but some of the things he says are just downright ridiculous. I thought I was the only one that still read them until now lol.
Also, Mig-El, that's a fantastic video. While I agree it would have been cool to see it air that way, I think the music gives the scene too much of a "everything will be alright" feel when it's the complete opposite.

It's fun to see how just the choice of music can change the whole feel and tone of a scene.
I agree completely. I've read his reviews since he started posting them and to sum them all up: they're a complete joke. I understand that he is clearly bothered by how different things are in the show compared to the mythology, but some of the things he says are just downright ridiculous. I thought I was the only one that still read them until now lol.

Yea, for some sick reason I still read his reviews even if I usually disagree with just about everything he says. A complete joke is putting it lightly.

On the other hand...Douglas Trumble writes some really good reviews on SMH. He visits here periodically, and generally has some really good stuff to say about the show. I have agreed with his praises as well as his gripes many times.

Our very own Triplet over at K-site writes some fantastic reviews as well.

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