venom420 said:
God damnit putting Welling in the suit wouldn't "end" anything!!!!
It's set up perfectly for Clark to return as Superman and save a world in chaos!! Name one better mother f-ing way for Clark to become Superman, hmmm, saving a crashing helicopter!!!
Saving a crashing helicopter, or saving the world from destroying itself, can't decide, hmmmm, this is a toughy, hmmmm, SAVING THE F-ING WORLD FROM DESTROYING ITSELF!!!!!
Kane said:
He might be nuts but he's also right... They did the perfect setup for him to return (pun intended) as Superman... So yea this Summer Superman may Return to the movies but next season off Smallville if done right Superman could finally actually ARRIVE!
But with that said I also doubt that we will see Welling as Superman in the suit until the last few episodes of the series itself.
The WB wouldnt risk putting him in the suit, and risk confusing people even more on who is this gens Superman... Also if this movie SR tanks at the box office, and we still havent seen Welling in the suit well you have a perfect way to Spin off this show, and make Superman movies in the future but without having to use BJR... Because lets be honest if this movie is a turky BJR, and Bryan are the one's who are going to be taking all the blame, and believe me they wont be asked back if this movie tanks... Doesnt matter how many pictures they are signed to they wont come back.
So yea I don't think Welling will wear the suit until its almost over, and honestly if the ratings are good this show could go til Season 8 or 9, and who knows if the Ratings stay strong maybe 10!
I think we would all like to see Clark working at the Daily Planet with Chloe, and Lois! That would be cool!
heh anyone else notice how Clark has no guy friends anymore on the show?? Its just him, and his chick friends... They even took away his DAD!
They should have Cyborg on the show more lol Clark needs have a homeboy to hang out wit, and since Pete left, and Lex & Clark are ment to hate each other, and already do they need to have someone else in there as his friend.
lol sorry just a random thought I had while watching the Finale...