okay, it took me a long time, but i finally finished a large portion of my script, so enjoy all comic book fans:
Page 1
Origin page
Previously in the Morbid Avengers…
…As of 2030…
As The Avengers got old, many had to retire. Even Steve Rogers A.K.A Captain America, Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man, or even Peter Parker A.K.A the Amazing Spider-Man had to give up their places as heroes! But with no Avengers, the world became filled with disaster. As Nick Fury, Black Widow, and Steve Rogers I and II passed away, Nick’s son, Nick Fury the II, stepped up and became the new general of SHIELD. He gathered the Hulk from Bruce Banner’s laboratory; He got Captain America’s third son, Steve Rogers the III, and gathered a team of cloning specialist to create a “Spider-Borg”. As they announced their plans to bring justice to Ney York, the oldest son of the Black Widow, (Ben Romanoff), decided to help as well. As they started on their journey, they swept New York off their feet with their stern battle for order…
…As the Morbid Avengers!
Page 2-
3 panels, each goes from one side of the page to the other. Each is about 1/3 of the page.
1- the shield headquarters stands tall. The sun light makes it glow. (It’s around noon.)
2- At the front door, people are walking in and out. Most of them are people in armor. (SHIELD agents).
3- the lobby inside SHIELD is elaborated and decorated like royalty. Dr. Bruce Banner walks through the crowd and to the front desk.
Dr. Bruce Banner
Excuse me!!!
Page 3-
The ways the panels are set up are entirely optional.
1- Bruce starts to yell at Nick Fury II.
Dr. Bruce Banner
What the hell is all of this?! I am trying to work on a new bio weapon and you’re down here holding a $#@%^* comic book convention?!
2- Nick Fury II looks stern.
Nick Fury II
For your ^**%$# information, this convention is paying for your bio crap!! So don’t come down here and complain!!!
3- Bruce’s eyeballs are wide. He is enraged.
4- Bruce turns around. He pushes his way through the crowd again.
Dr. Bruce Banner
Well you can kiss my @$$! Just keep it down!!
5 – Nick fury IIrolls his eyes.
Nick Fury II (Thinking)
Who knew scientists could be so stupid?! Maybe the gamma rays have gone to his big, fat head.
1- Ben Romanoff, (the black widow II), Looks out the big window at the Avengers bachelor pad. He is holding a picture of his mother in his hand.
2- Bruce opens the door and slams it shut. he is really mad now.
Dr. Bruce Banner
Can you believe that they’re hosting the New York comic book convention at our headquarters?! This is so ^%$#@* up!!!
3- Ben faces Bruce. He throws his hands up in the air.
Ben Romanoff
Will you shut the hell up?! All I ask for is a few minutes of damn peace and quiet!
4- Steve Rogers III walks into the room.
What the *^%$ is goin’ on out here? Can’t I have at least one more hour of sleep? It’s a Saturday for crying out loud!
5- Bruce storms out of the room and into another room that leads to his laboratory.
Dr. Bruce Banner
Screw it.
Page 5-
1- Nick Fury II walks into his office.
2- He picks up a folder of documents labeled: Avengers To Do List.
Nick Fury II (thinking)
Now where should we start?
3- Cut back to the lobby. It is full of people.
4- suddenly, lightning bolts flash around the room. All the guests duck and cover as the power goes out.
5- Nick Fury II opens his door and stares in shock.
Page 6-
Full Page Splash
Loki crashes through the roof. Lightning bolts continue to surround him. His eyes are a fiery red! His hands crackle with electrical energy! A fire surrounds him.
1- Nick lifts his watch up to his mouth so he can speak to it.
Nick Fury II-
Avengers Assemble!!! Release the Spider-Borg!!! I repeat, release the Spider-Borg and suit up!!
2- Steve Rogers III pulls on his Captain America mask.
Captain America III.
3- Ben Romanoff pulls on his skin tight gloves. (they are black with golden needles attached to each palm of his hand.)
Black Widow II.
4- Bruce Banner runs into a laboratory filled with holding cells.
5- Bruce flips a switch on the wall. It’s like a regular light switch.
6- One of the doors opens up. A fog enters the room.
Page 8-
This page will have 5 panels, each going vertically across the page.
1- a silhouetted figure leaps out of its chamber. (it appears to be human like.)
2- it starts running on the walls.
3- It jumps to the spot directly in front of Dr. Bruce Banner. Bruce smiles.
4- (Close up of banner’s face)
Dr. Bruce Banner
The target is Loki. He should be in the lobby. But hurry, the guests are still in there.
5- We now see what the figure looks like. From the head to its hips it looks like spider man. But from the hips to its feet, it has metal, skinny legs. Each foot has two claws that let it stick to walls. It is Spider- Borg.
Spider-Borg (electrical voice)
Yes master. Target acquired.
Spider- Borg
Page 9-
1- Bruce frowns.
Dr. Bruce Banner
Whoops! I need to make an adjustment.
2- He grabs Spider-Borg’s head and opens the back of it.
3- He flips a switch inside the head. (it looks like a light switch.)
4- the eyes of Spider- Borg turn red.
Spider- Borg
It’s time to kick some ^**%$#@!!!!!
5- Bruce smiles as his eyes starts to turn green.
Bruce Banner
Good boy.
Page 10-
1- Captain America III and Black Widow II wait outside the door that leads to the lobby.
Captain America III
On the count of three. One… two--.
2- Spider- Borg runs past them.
Black Widow II
What the---.
3- Spider- Borg kicks open the door. It falls off its hinges.
Now where’s that son of a--?
4- Spider- Borg’s sensors go off. His eyes turn green.
5- We are now seeing the room the way he sees it. He sees it like looking through a thermal camera.
6- (NOT IN THERMAL CAMERA MODE ANYMORE) Loki punches him in the back by surprise. His hand is surrounded by electrical shocks.
7- Loki punches him in the back again with the other hand.
8- Spider- Borg falls to the ground. The back of his shirt is burnt black from the electricity from Loki.