A new iPod...

Gamma Ray

Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score

These have not been confirmed or denied yet, so treat them as such, but what do you think?
Gamma Ray said:
Front and back? Wha...???
Nevermind. I got confused because you provided no information and there wasn't a poll to say it was a digital screen/touch screen on the front.
Slipknot said:
It just looks weird. Screen on the front and back? Hmph.
It's showing a comparison shot of what the current ones look like compared to the alleged new iPod.
iPod screens are notorious for being really sensitive and easily scratched.

I don't know why they thought it would be a great idea to make the whole thin a screen. Lame.
The back isn't a screen. The whole front is. The wheel that you use to scroll in the current IPods will be just an image on the screen that you have to touch.
Assuming they can make a tougher screen, this could work pretty well. I never saw the point of having an ipod that plays videos when the screen is so small.
I'm glad I haven't purchased an ipod yet
I'll wait for the next one, so I can laugh at my friends with old ones
pavlovs dogfood said:
iPod screens are notorious for being really sensitive and easily scratched.

I don't know why they thought it would be a great idea to make the whole thin a screen. Lame.
No, iPod Nano screens are notorious for being easily scratched, not the other ones.
And guess what, it's plastic, it scratches! Why do you think the PSP comes with a case? Because the screen scratches, why do most cellphones fold up? Because the screen would scratch if you just let it sit in your pocket.
Plastic scratches, that's just how things are.
Slipknot said:

I want an 80GB.
There's no way they'd do that.
They would need some kind of crazy ass nuclear powered battery to keep that thing alive for more than 8 hours.
If that's real I'm buying the 80gb and laughing at everybody I know
I would buy one too, so that I could watch Kong in public places!

I can only imagine the ramifications of watching porn on a touch screen in public.
:( i just bought a ipod video..

this better not be real
Gamma Ray said:
I would buy one too, so that I could watch Kong in public places!


Get a PsP

its cheeper and plays games:O
I just bought a new iPod with video two months ago so I don't think I'll be buying this if it is real.
Besides, who is "Gabriel Hartmann"? Wouldn't it say "Copyright Apple Corporation" or something if apple released the advertisement.

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