A Sinister Theory?


Dec 28, 2007
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i watched those three trailer spots recently and it made me think about the weapon x project - and - Mr Sinister.

My statement is - I think Doctor Nathaniel Essex (Non-Mutant Form) is a doctor who is working on the Weapon X programe. Let me explain my reasons...

In X-Men 1 - Xavier, Jean, Scott and Ororo are talking in the medilab about wolverines skeleton. Xavier's quote was "There has been some evidence of mutant experimentation but not on this level" - Or something along that line. - Now im guessing either he was refering to stryker's son Jason to of which Stryker tried to cure. But the question is if cyclops and storm was freed from stryker's base by wolverine and thus found there way to xavier - just a guess from the new movie, then surely Xavier would recognise wolverines skeleton to that of Strykers handywork. But we know Xaviers history from the comics and we also know that he studied under Doctor Nathaniel Essex? If Xavier was refering to other experimentation of mutants was it Sinister?


We then move to the unexplained de-powered mutants like Blob and Beak? some suggest that durrand is playing another character, if anything i would say that Durrand is playing Cyber, just by what i saw in the recent third trailer. But doesnt explian the same tattoo on his right arm that was present on the Blob. So obviously Blob undergoes Weapon X, and im ashuming Beak has also done the same. so who is curing mutants? well not curing but fixing them?


Then there is the inclusion of Cyclops... who becomes one of strykers prisoners.


Gambit is the only character not associated with the others, and as for why he's in the movie well it would make only sense if he works with...


More and more i see little things that could suggest that Sinister is in this movie, but does anyone else think this?
im not conecting the dots. however i do think that beings as we never see what happend to Scott after Jean goes all Pheonix on his ass in X3. Sinister probobly collected his near lifeless body and didnt get a chance to get to Jean before Wolverine and storm did. Beings that he is psychic like the Prof. he could have detected the Emence psychic energy from the lake and easily located them. and all this leads up to is when they are done with the prequels they go full force on an X men 4 and possibly more with apocalypse and thus using scott and whats left of jeans D.N.A. to create Cable
Pleeeeeeease don't start the Cyclops is still alive and picked up by Sinister stuff again. They said Cyclops was killed by Jean and this is Fox...he is dead.
Pleeeeeeease don't start the Cyclops is still alive and picked up by Sinister stuff again. They said Cyclops was killed by Jean and this is Fox...he is dead.

Not only that but it's kinda cheesy and lame too.
If Sinister was in the film, it'd just be another case of an important character wasted. The film really should focus on Wolverine, Sabretooth and Stryker. And, with all the other characters appearing in the film, it'd be impossible to do the character any justice.
Not only that but it's kinda cheesy and lame too.

I always thought if they were to do any sequels to the original movies Scott's death would have been a good way to introduce Havok into future films.
I have no clue what book it's from...might be the Wolverine Origins comic, but they had Gambit stealing something from a weapon X facility as a youngster...and the object he stole..I think a notebook...he delivered to Essex.

They were trying to link Gambit to Weapon X and link Weapon X to Essex.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about, jump in here.
I always thought if they were to do any sequels to the original movies Scott's death would have been a good way to introduce Havok into future films.

I always figured the opposite. I always thought it would feel like a cheap replacement to casual film goers. You know, like when a character dies off and gets replaced by his brother who fills his role.

"Oh wow, the brother of the dude who shot lasers shoots lasers too? Man, they're running out of ideas."
I always figured the opposite. I always thought it would feel like a cheap replacement to casual film goers. You know, like when a character dies off and gets replaced by his brother who fills his role.

"Oh wow, the brother of the dude who shot lasers shoots lasers too? Man, they're running out of ideas."

If they went the Ratner approach again yes i would agree:grin:, however add some depth to the character like Singer did in X2 and i think it would work
Thread is not about CYCLOPS!!!!!

Moving back to Sinister, its still plausable his appearance.

And as for Havok i will say one thing, I do think HAVOK has a future with the X-Men stories but maybe it doesnt need to be because he is replacing Cyclops.

I wrote a treatment for X-Men 4 - which doesnt feature x-men in it, infact its a whole X-Factor confirguration where Iceman, Rogue and Angel join Beasts new special tactiques team Factor-X with others including Havok, Polaris and Forge... In my treatement it wasnt mentioned that Havok was Cyclops brother.
Thread is not about CYCLOPS!!!!!

Moving back to Sinister, its still plausable his appearance.

And as for Havok i will say one thing, I do think HAVOK has a future with the X-Men stories but maybe it doesnt need to be because he is replacing Cyclops.

I wrote a treatment for X-Men 4 - which doesnt feature x-men in it, infact its a whole X-Factor confirguration where Iceman, Rogue and Angel join Beasts new special tactiques team Factor-X with others including Havok, Polaris and Forge... In my treatement it wasnt mentioned that Havok was Cyclops brother.

Seriously doubt Sinister is behind Weapon X mostly because it would be a pretty random thing to throw in there. Mostly considering there hasnt been any hinting of him before. Also, it would probably be lost on a lot of people who may not be familiar with the character.
i have no clue what book it's from...might be the wolverine origins comic, but they had gambit stealing something from a weapon x facility as a youngster...and the object he stole..i think a notebook...he delivered to essex.

They were trying to link gambit to weapon x and link weapon x to essex.

If anyone knows what i'm talking about, jump in here.
Weapon X: First Class #3.

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