A Theory On Duke (Spoilers)


Sep 7, 2012
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The movie retaliation seemed to neglect to tell you about what happened to the joes other than Duke.

What we know, Duke became in command of a team. (a team) - At no point are we lead to believe that the camp of which there at during the attack had every single Joe there. So what happened to the missing Joes.

General Hawk - i doubt he went onto retirement...
Scarlett, Ripcord, Heavy Duty, Breaker. where are they? Where were they when the events of retaliation occured?

I know there was probably a (keep the cost down) aspect of whose in G.I.Joe Retaliation but to totally neglect the story of characters that were vital in the first story?

Even Destro's absense was explained, hell he even had a brief cameo in it.

And then to even severe the reality behind g.i.joe rise of cobra to retaliation, they kill of Duke...

However here is my thoughts on that, Technology! Zartan with the aid of nanobytes was acting as the president. So we know there is technology out there to amend the way someone looks...

So what if and bare with me on this thought. What if that wasnt really Duke? Maybe a cobra spy? essentially there could be layers to this story.

In the cartoon or comics - wasnt serpentaror or however he is spelt not see eye to eye with the cobra commander? What if this serpentaror was the set up villain for the 3rd movie? planted duke decoy to watch over joes and report.

So where would Duke be if this is the case? Well there was several clues i thought could contribute to it... like for example Joe Colton putting dukes dogtag in his pocket out of all the joes that had died and also they had never met. or have they, Previously Duke and Roadblock were playing Call Of Duty Black Ops... anyone else think that Duke - plus all the other Joes that are absent from the movie could possibly be some form of Joe Black Ops team?
I really hope they find a way to bring Duke back!

Two guys were in the theater behind me, waiting through the credits hoping against hope that there was an aftercredits tag that would give a chance for Duke's return.

Needless to say,all three of us were disappointed.:oldrazz:
If the movie creates enough buzz in the studio and warrants enough of a big-budget sequel, I could see them doing something like that, just to bring back those big actors. It would be a confusing plot at first, but it would be interesting for those of us that would pay attention to the details.

To sum up, I'd approve, IF they do it right.

Also, side note: I was down by Fort Sumter a couple of weeks ago and there was no sign of COBRA anywhere. The government cleaned up well after that one.
Yeah, Duke's dead. Though I did hope for a post-credits scene showing him alive and well.
There had to be a reason Duke was not the main character this time around.
There had to be a reason Duke was not the main character this time around.


The same reason they had basically a completely new cast with completely new characters.
To sell the new toys.

How do you think they make most of the money? from ticket sales? Lawl

Same reason Transformers 4 will have all new robots
I do hope they will somehow have Duke return for the 3rd movie, he was sorely missing from the movie after his 'death,' which is strange considering I didnt think much of him in the 1st movie.

Hopefully Duke and Scarlett are back for movie 3 with a cameo from Hawk and Ripcord at least.
I do hope they will somehow have Duke return for the 3rd movie, he was sorely missing from the movie after his 'death,' which is strange considering I didnt think much of him in the 1st movie.

Hopefully Duke and Scarlett are back for movie 3 with a cameo from Hawk and Ripcord at least.

^I am sure they could use Nanomites to bring Duke back, maybe Cobra inject him with them to try get him on their side for movie 3, could be interesting.
Here's a quote from Jon M. Chu on the possible return of Duke in Gi Joe 3 (via "the website that shall not be named" :woot:)

"You never know. Storm Shadow died in the first one and came back in the second one, and then other characters have died and never come back. The G.I. Joe world, the best thing about it is you never know who's coming back and who's not."
^I think they have realised their mistake in killing Duke off just when he was getting good, so I dont mind him coming back for the 3rd movie.

I just hope they explain how he came back this time, which they should have done with Storm Shadow as well.
They did kind of explain Storm Shadow. Cobra had that healing machine or whatever it was at the temple. It could be used to bring back Duke.

There had to be a reason Duke was not the main character this time around.

Punishment for Rise Of Cobra being a critical failure. I think they regret it though since Duke's death was filmed before Tatum became an A-lister.
They did kind of explain Storm Shadow. Cobra had that healing machine or whatever it was at the temple. It could be used to bring back Duke.

Punishment for Rise Of Cobra being a critical failure. I think they regret it though since Duke's death was filmed before Tatum became an A-lister.

Yeah but how did he get out of being at the bottom of the arctic? That was my big WTF and they didnt even address it.
How about he has a twin brother also named Duke with the same memories as the original Duke? Greatest idea ever.

The only difference is that the brother is crossed eyed.
^I actually wouldnt put that beyond this franchise ha ha. I enjoy it but man its dumb.
I say cobra has him still alive and will use some of his DNA for serpentor
Yeah but how did he get out of being at the bottom of the arctic? That was my big WTF and they didnt even address it.

It's sh**ty writing. Just ignore it.
I really think GI Joe and dare I say Transformers have been mishandled.

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