Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at Midseason: How would you rate the series so far?


That's America's ass!
May 16, 2011
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. entered its midseason hiatus after its tenth episode. The series has inspired both passionate fandom and intense criticism from the audience and online critics. On this forum in particular opinion is split between those who see few problems with AOS and those who think that the show is in definite need of improvement in several areas.

How would you rate the overall quality of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first ten episodes? This is a 1 - 10 scale to allow for more nuance in grading. Personally, I would rate it a 6 right now, the equivalent of 3 stars out of 5. It is generally entertaining but has some glaring problems that prevent it from being great instead of merely mediocre. It will be interesting to see what other fans think.
I think the show is just ok. Nothing horrible about it, but nothing too interesting either. Its biggest flaw lies in the failure to keep people excited and in the failure to further expand on the Marvel universe. I would rate it a 6/10.

I wrote a more in-depth review in a previous thread:
Well, I finally got around to watching the last episode.

After seeing the first few episodes, I asked myself the question "What is the purpose of this show's existence?" After half a season, I still find myself asking the same question. Seriously. When you have the entire Marvel universe to play with, why go ahead first with a bunch of no-name/non-comic SHIELD agents as opposed to Daredevil or someone else? The only logical reason for going this route is to use SHIELD as a means of expanding the rest of the universe. However, that is not what they did so far. There have been very few comic book stuff and the plot itself as a whole moves very slow. This is not a comic book. You can't have as many ongoing titles as you want and cancel them whenever you want (either after 2 or 1000 issues). Live-action doesn't work that way due to the obvious physical reasons. So what is the point of doing a show with these particular characters and that barely touches the rest of the Marvel universe?

"But the show needs to stand on its own two legs!" I keep hearing that argument and frankly, I don't buy it for multiple reasons.

1) When you're doing a Marvel TV show, it is foolish to go into it not expecting universe-building Marvel stuff, especially in a SHIELD show. Thus arguing "Why do you want/were you expecting more Marvel stuff anyways?" is a bit unfair IMO.

2) "Standing on its own legs" and doing more comic book stuff are not mutually exclusive. Arrow is littered with comic book stuff every week and is still a show that stands on its own legs. The key is to not make it obvious to the GA that you're just adding more comic book stuff in.

But most importantly....

3) This show isn't even doing a great job of making the best of what they have with the material they're working with right now. The plot is too episodic and too slow paced - the background stuff with Coulson and May drags on for way too long.

Certain characters aren't even used to their full potential and, in many cases, are pushed to the side in favor of less interesting + less complex characters.

I'm going to say something that I'll probably get tons of crap for: Mike Peterson should have been the guy who got on the plane instead of Skye at the start. He would have been a much better "window" into the show IMO. If you think about it, he is in the exact same situation Skye is in: a character with a messed up but interesting backstory who is trying to become a different person and has joined SHIELD in order to do so. The differences between Mike and Skye though? Mike has powers thus you can do more interesting things with him (since we are in a superhero universe), has already had his superhero "origin" in episode 1, is more likeable, less annoying, is played by a major actor from Angel, would have given the show a stronger tie to the MCU due to Extremis without ever touching Iron Man characters, etc. Furthermore, Mike had a character fits perfectly in tone with their direction. They want a show about how normal humans feel compared to superheroes? Mike had that theme written all over him. Let's see: was a normal guy with bad luck in life, felt inferior to superheroes, then gained powers and used them in the way a normal human would, then learned Coulson's message about what really separates the Avengers from normal humans (what they do with that power, not the power itself), and is now applying that message in his life + is on the path to hero.

Another example: Ward. They state in episode 1 he has "the best espionage skills since Romanov". Think about what that means, especially for a young character like Ward. Black Widow is at superhero status. Why not have more focus on Ward and his espionage skills to show how a young "normal" spy can evolve to someone on Natasha's level? Again, still in line with the whole "normal humans can be just as heroic" theme. Furthermore, Ward has a much more interesting past than Skye's "Where are my parents" past IMO. Yet the show's motto so far seems to have been "We'll develop Ward whenever we are not busy with Skye". Mike & Ward...both characters shoved to the side since episode 2 in favor of propping up Skye.

Why not further explore the Coulson/Ward dynamic? They have something original here - the young agent being the cynical "by the book" one and the older & experienced agent being the optimistic one. 99% of fiction usually does the same dynamic in reverse. They actually bent the formula for once. But nope. We need more Coulson/Skye dynamic development.

Then there is Fitz-Simmons. Originally two-dimensional symbiotic characters with barely any character, if at all. Now we will do an episode where we'll temporarily separate them to show Fitz's potential as a field agent. Then we'll just return him to his symbiotic status with Simmons. Of course we also had the chance in one particular episode to kill off Simmons and use that as an opportunity to further grow Fitz into his own character, but we decided not to go for it. Back to the "half a character" status with both of them.

If the mysterious leader of this Centipede organization doesn't end up being a comic book character, that would be another wasted opportunity at expanding the universe IMO.

The show is ok so far, but it isn't doing much to keep people excited. The whole "this is in the MCU" hype only lasted the first 2 or 3 weeks. It isn't surprising the show is losing ratings. They seriously need to step up their game IMO.
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I gave it an 8. It's something I look forward to each week and have very little problems with this far. I could see that going up or down as the season progresses but probably up! I love it.
5. I'd give it a 4 but the episode with the Asgardian played by Peter MacNicol was very good and deserves a point all on it's own.
I gave it a 3. I tried really hard to like this show, but it's giving me nothing but disappointment. The fact that I'm a huge Marvel fanboy is actually the only reason I'm even rating it as high as that. Extremely harsh, I know, but it's my honest opinion. I really hope this show kicks things up really soon.
6/10 even for me.
The disappointment is strong but the love for Coulson, the SHIELD and the Marvel Cinematic save the serial, for now.
8 aside from 1 or two episodes the show has been pretty good so far
I rate it a 6.
I keep tuning in, hoping for some improvement from this well of mediocrity, but it's kinda like rooting for the Atlanta Falcons. Lots of potential for greatness that fell apart from the very beginning of the season.
I gave it a 4, when it comes to entertainment on scripted tv series it's definitelly below average, However it does have some interesting moments, let's hope the 2nd half is better.
I gave it a 7. I've enjoyed it so far, but it definitely needs to step-up and give us more than it has to keep me interested. If they don't make this next episode as great as possible, I'm done with this show.
Was between a 6 and 7 for me, so I rounded up because of the Marvel elements. The show has potential, and I find the episodes relatively entertaining; right now, though, it doesn't feel like the plot is really going anywhere. The only two big mysteries they seem to have going on are Coulson's revival and Skye's parents, neither or which are enough to really carry an overarching plot forward in my opinion.

If I had to compare AoS to other shows, I like it about as much as Once Upon a Time and Sleepy Hollow. Mostly mediocre and cheesy, but there are enough small things about it I like that I'll check out an episode when I've nothing else to do.
I rate it a 6.
I keep tuning in, hoping for some improvement from this well of mediocrity, but it's kinda like rooting for the Atlanta Falcons. Lots of potential for greatness that fell apart from the very beginning of the season.

Psh try being an all Cleveland sports fan... My sports life is torture lol. Gotta love it though :)
5/10 as well, just the definition of average. It's like Supernatural/Human Target-lite, without a single character that that is more charismatic than the characters on those shows. When Jared Padelecki looks like Marlon Brando compared to your cast, that is saying something.
The only two big mysteries they seem to have going on are Coulson's revival and Skye's parents, neither or which are enough to really carry an overarching plot forward in my opinion.
The sad thing is that those things totally have the potential to carry a season, if only they were written properly. Coulson could be actively seeking answers to his death, ony to find SHIELD covering it up and keeping him away from the information. Have a villain who is in on the secret and Coulson compromises a mission trying to get the truth out of them. I need to feel like the truth is slowly being uncovered, but instead I just feel like they're just mentioning it once in a while to keep me from quitting out of boredom. And considering I'm currently 3 episodes behind, it's not working.
The sad thing is that those things totally have the potential to carry a season, if only they were written properly. Coulson could be actively seeking answers to his death, ony to find SHIELD covering it up and keeping him away from the information. Have a villain who is in on the secret and Coulson compromises a mission trying to get the truth out of them. I need to feel like the truth is slowly being uncovered, but instead I just feel like they're just mentioning it once in a while to keep me from quitting out of boredom. And considering I'm currently 3 episodes behind, it's not working.

The producers' determination to keep AOS episodic in nature is what hurts it in this regard. Their concept of keeping it friendly to viewers who just drop in for an episode here and there means that the show is not spinning any ongoing story threads in a consistent manner. The writers have dropped a reference here and there, but they have not woven the various plot thread through every episode in a way that would draw the audience into eagerly following them. The producers (Jeph Loeb in particular) ignore the fact that people who have missed episodes can easily catch up online (ABC, Hulu, iTunes) or through cable On Demand services. The more engrossing and interesting the ongoing plots are, the likelier that viewers who came in late will go back and watch the previous episodes to find out what they missed.

It's not enough to announce, [BLACKOUT]"It's all connected,"[/BLACKOUT] after half the season is over, either. The writers should have been showing that all along instead of hiding it.
I'm being generous with my 6... This show is annoyingly unambitious.
As I feared from the beginning it only cheapens the MCU instead of enriching it.
The characters aren't compelling, and honestly I feel it's just as well that they do create their own lame characters instead of established ones because they will do nothing more than make the crappiest version possible of said character and block it from a proper rendition.

I hope that the Netflix shows will be more like the movies and less like this heartbreaker.

All that venom out of me and I can still admit that I have a hidden hope in me that somehow I'll be sold by episode 20.

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