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An idea i had. Would you read a series of novels based the runs of marvel titles?

An idea i had. Would you read a series of novels based the runs of marvel titles?

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Feb 11, 2003
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Just so i know. Its an idea i`ve had for a while that it would be cool to adapt the actual comic stories into novels. Course i`d have to become a big name novelist first but i want to know in theory whether people would read the early adventures of say the avengers or x-men or ghost rider reimagined and expanded upon as a series of novels.

So for instance an adaption of the first team-up of the avengers against the hulk. And then another novel covering the avengers versus hulk, phantom and namor and the intro of captain america. And then a thrid novel with the team fighting kang. And then a forth with the team fighting baron zemo and the first masters of evil.

By adapted of course i mean in the same way spider-man (2002) is an adaption of the spiderman comic. i.e quite close to continuity and characterisation but not so much so as to stifle creativity or destroy interest through simple exact repition of stories.

And when i imply changes to continuity i mean in a kinda what if issue way not in a ultimate universe level of change.

I think it could also work because when a movie is made there is big money involved and hundreds of people working on the project so fan opinion can get forgotten but with one person writing a novel fan input would be very much more likley to be listened to.

Anyway if my writing career takes off thats what i`d plan to try and do. If it doesn`t then who cares.

So like i said just guaging opinion would you read such novels?
Prolly not

Fair enough.

Like i said i`m just guaging opinion.

If i did the said novels i would 1)try not to contradict the essence of the main characters 2)But at the same time stick mainly just to the synopsis of the story. I wouldn`t want to be pedantic about making it exactly like the original stories. And it would prob benfit more from simply taking the one-sentence concept and spinning it out from there.
There's actually a BUNCH of great Marvel novels out, but none are based on comic stories...they're all original.

Have any of you guys ever read any?
I read a Spider-Man novel when I was younger. I think it was called The Venom Factor. I also read The Incredible Hulk: What Savage Beast. The latter was really, really good. The former I don't remember much.
Jim Butcher (of Harry Dresden fame) put out a Spider-Man novel a little while ago that was pretty darn good if I remember correctly. His dialogue (yes I know it's not spelled correctly) is snappy and witty. His characterization of all the main players was very nice.
The villain was lame, but it was still a fun read.

I recommend it to anybody looking to read a Marvel novel.
Marvel's been putting them out pretty much every decade since the 60's...

These Avengers and Captain America novels were the first two, respectively...

The Cap novel is one of my favorites. If you want an in-depth telling of Steve's involvement in Project: Rebirth, his training and fighting skills, his re-awakening in the modern world, his reactions and personal thoughts on his Avengers teammates, then this novel is for you...it's usually on ebay for around 20 bucks or so...

The Cap novel is one of my favorites. If you want an in-depth telling of Steve's involvement in Project: Rebirth, his training and fighting skills, his re-awakening in the modern world, his reactions and personal thoughts on his Avengers teammates, then this novel is for you...it's usually on ebay for around 20 bucks or so...


That looks AWESOME! I will have to pick that one up...
Ive been meaning to read some of those.

I was suggesting a series of novels which would loosely adapt the stories in the comics. By loosely i mean the first X-Men novel would feature the intro to the team and the first battle with magneto. But apart from those minute details and the general flow of the story the rest of the story could be different. For example, The battle could take place in the mansion or in england or on asteroid m. The battle might end with magneto`s apparant death or with an x-man quiting the team or with the x-men returning to the mansion find xavier`s half brother has kidnapped him.
I have a buncha the novels: Spidey Venom Factor, Spidey/X-Men Time's Arrow, Codename Wolverine, Weapon X, X-Men Empire's End and others.
I personally thought a series of namor novels set in ww2 would be great. Have the final ww2 novel feature namor in 1945 discovering the starving prisoners and deceased victims of one of the main concentration camps. And in that moment he truly begins to distrust surface dwellers as he has seen how they treat anyone they consider an other or outsider.
I dunno, I personally read graphic novels so I don't have to read the regular, boring variety....
YEs, because if there arent pretty pictures to look at, it MUST be boring. :whatever:

no no, not necessarily, I just like my comics to be comics and my novels to be novels... reading about a guy with claws tear thru a buncha ninjas isn't nearly as fun as seein it...
I used to read them when I was younger, but I'm with BoredGuy here. The last thing I want is having to rely on both novels and comics to keep up with my favorite characters. Superheroes were made for comics and the whole visual art medium, maybe even as far back as the old heroes in ancient myths, but now I'm rambling.
I used to read them when I was younger, but I'm with BoredGuy here. The last thing I want is having to rely on both novels and comics to keep up with my favorite characters. Superheroes were made for comics and the whole visual art medium, maybe even as far back as the old heroes in ancient myths, but now I'm rambling.

Who says you have to "rely" on both?

Novels require a bit of an imagination, sure, but can often times include way more detail and info than a dozen comics put together. (and at a cheaper price)...
I read Mayhem in Manhatten when it came out, and I thought it was so cool because Spidey would now be "legit!" (Hey, I was 11.)

I like a lot of the recent ones, especially The Ultimates and Spidey (I've yet to read the newest one)
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