Ch. 2 - Plans
So do you think we can go to your house tonight Justin? We cant chill at my house cause Germ has a friend sleeping over. Luke asked Justin, with reference to his brother Jeremy as germ.
If we chill at Justins house I can just walk to his house after school and get a ride home from my mom later. Tommy said as he joined into the conversation.
Yeah. Justin apathetically said.
I can probably get a ride, I dont know yet, but Ill probably be able to get one. Jimmy shyly said.
I always have a ride, its either my bike, which I hate riding, or my mom can drive. Either way, Im clear for a ride. Colin stated aloud.
So 7:30? Justin asked the group.
The friends agreed that 7:30 would be a good time, and with that, the bell rang and they went along to class.
* * * * * * * * * * *
The clock on the cablebox said 8:00. All of the friends had arrived. Jimmy took a seat on Justins bed and waited for the ongoing game of halo ended.
FACE! Luke shouted with angst as he killed Colin with a headshot from across the map.
Your moms face! Colin returned jokingly as he took out Luke right as he respawned, only to get stuck by a plasma grenade thrown from Tommy.
Just like a ginger
He mockingly said as his character flew off the map.
My bad Colin, I ment to melee you, but I decided itd be quicker to sticky grenade you. Tommy tauntingly said.
DAMN YOU! Luke again shouted, but this time with anger, as he was killed by Justin.
Yeah, eat it. Justin happily said, only to turn around and get shot-gunned in the face by Colin, ending the game.
I win again, stopsign, give it up. Colin replied.
God damn it Colin. Tommy countered as he gave his controller up.
You guys ever notice how its usually me and Colin who win all the time, and Tommy and Jimmy who also come in last and switch controllers? Luke pointed out
Yeah I wonder why, maybe its cause were just amazing. Colin said
Well Im already amazing, and Im getting better, Ive been winning a lot more matches. Justin joined in on the discussion.
Thats because Im either not there or too distracted to kill Luke, whos the one usually jacking all the kills. Replied Colin
I think Tommy and I should have some sort of say in this. Jimmy said
Well, losers dont get a say in anything. Including Halo. Justin challengingly said.
I dont feel like winning anymore, you guys wanna play smash? Colin questioned the group.
My house, were playing smash. Justin returned.
The rest of the group, mostly luke, groaned at the thought of getting destroyed by the duo of Colin and Justin.
Ah you know what screw that I gotta go guys, later! Colin exclaimed
See ya later man The group returned
Ill give you guys a call tomorrow! Colin said as he walked out the door.
As Colin was walking home, he noticed a man with a hood following him. Hunched back, slim, but built. He felt uneasy staring him down. The man followed his movements, every turn of the corner, everytime he crossed the street, everytime he changed his pace. The man relentlessly pursued him. As he reached his house, he turned around ready to strike blows with the man, who seemingly disappeared.
I think Ill lock my window tonight. He jokingly thought to himself as he walked inside to sleep.
* * * * * *
The bottle fell to the ground and broke, shattering into a thousand pieces. Pieces that could only be described as torturous eyes, staring upon a helpless victim. The man spoke with a dark tone, yet at the same time cocky.
"I've located the first target, should I carry on to phase 2?"
"Have the others found their targets?" A ominous voice answered through the phone
"I don't know, I haven't heard anything yet." The man in black replied.
"Finish phase 1, plant the seed, we'll watch it grow. He'll be the first to become a god." The voice spoke again
The man in black grinned.
"Roger, the seed will be planted tonight. I'll forward the message to the others if I hear from the them."
A click was heard and the display on the phone read: Call ended.
The man chuckled as he walked towards Colin's house.