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'Disaster Report' ~ A Fan-Fic By: 'thejon93'


Forever Haunted
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Title: 'Disaster Report'

Author: Jonathan ('thejon93') Abbott

Genre: Adventure

Description: Based off of the 'PlayStation 2' released title, called: 'Disaster Report (a.k.a. 'SOS: The Final Escape')'. This fan-fic tells the story of a young newspaper reporter named Keith Helm and his journey, with fellow survivalists, in attempting to survive the relentless attack of the slowly crumbling, new-formed, city of Stiver Island.

Rating: PG-13



[Keith; Narration] - June 2005; Sunny. I see Stiver Island outside my window...


Keith's eyes are open. Examining the environment, he scans his eyes around the wrecked train car. The soft-blowing winds outside echoed throughout the train car.

Finally gaining back a sense of feeling, Keith clenches the ground with his fingers. Beneath him, and his fingertips, lied broken glass and other debris from train car itself. Twisting his head down to viewing his own body now was Keith, his light blue shirt and clean-cut jeans all had minor cuts and scrapes within.

Carefully rolling over to his back, Keith takes a closer look at the damage done to him (after whatever had transpired before). He was not severely injured anywhere. Minor cuts and scrapes lied amongst his body, just like his attire, but there was less of it than was on his clothing.

Slowly, and carefully, rising to his feet now was Keith. His head was dizzy. The train car slightly rocked back and forth on it's side; due to the wind.

Making his way to where he sighted escape (through where you'd pass into another train car; which had been torn off by the wreckage), he steadilly paced through the shattered glass and climbed his way out.


Keith stood frozen for a moment; almost unwilling to indulge on the disaster that had recently hit.

The bridge for which the train tracks were on was slowly, but surely, crumbling. The stability of the bridge rocked back anf forth; alike the train car. Some sections of the bridge had fallen loose; almost like a series of collapsing ice glaciers. Train cars from two seperate trains on each side of each other lied scattered around the nearly-demolished bridge.

Finally regaining reality, Keith heard a growing sound above his head and high in the sky. He looked up, the sun hurt his view but he could make out something flying above.

[Keith; Yells] - Hey!

Keith continued to yell repeatedly, as he tried following the flying figure; in hopes that it would catch him. Jumping up onto the train car he was just previously inside of was Keith, as he ran along it, continuing to follow the flying figure. With one last call for help, the figure finally moved into Keith's view of the sun. It was a helicopter. Catching a moving figure inside, something then dropped from the helicopter and into a nearby distance of Keith. Virtually turning away from Keith, the helicopter headed back into it's designated direction. Keith once again screamed at it in fear and rage.

[Keith; Yells] - Don't leave me!...

Hurting his lungs while he screamed, Keith dropped down to his knees. Where frightful tears and sobs begun to overtake him.​
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I really like this. The descriptions and the dialogue are top-notch.

Keep up the good work, thejon93.

:word: :up:
I really like this. The descriptions and the dialogue are top-notch.

Keep up the good work, thejon93.

:word: :up:
Well, I wouldn't quite rate the dialogue (yet; :oldrazz:), but thanks for appreciating the descriptions, Arcturus. It's quite difficult explaining all the destruction and carnage reigned throughout the city, destruction is always better explained physically, but I do heavily enjoy defining the environment based off of the game's (whereas I love the game itself very deeply). Anyhow thanks for the comment, Arcturus:word:


The morning sun had shifted slightly, as Keith begun to head up the train tracks to where he saw the parcel fall from the helicopter.

The heat and panic of the situation was exhausting Keith, as droplets of sweat embarked his face.

The sweat then slowly begun to run down past and onto his eyes, as his environment then slowly became a blur; as if an endless desert plain.

Keith then let off a loud cry, as he fell back down to his knees. Taking his shirt up into his hands, he wiped it againat his eyes and face, allow it helped somewhat, the shirt was as equally as damp and sweat-ridden as his very own face.

However, with the sweat now away from his eyes, once he tilted his head up, he caught sight of something that made his eyes twinkle. It was a water fountain, inside a tunnel where you would cross from the train tracks to the vehicular road.

Rushing back up to his feet, gleefully, like a child at Christmas time. He raced towards the fountain with all of his energy and stamina. Sliding down next to the fountain, he immediately twisted the knob with his hand as water begun to spray out of the tap. He pressed his lips up-against the tap so that he wouldn't miss a drop, as he endlessly held the knob in place, while he then begun to twist his head around it, soaking his hair and face with the cool liquid.

Moments passed, with Keith overplaying his stay at the water fountain. Where suddenly, on the train track side of the bridge, part of the bridge just collapsed. Taking with it two train cars. Keith stood up to his feet, slowly. Examining where he was now, when a scream in the distance then made him jump. It was a woman's scream, as it echoed the most from around the train tracks.

In acknowledgement of the very presence of another survivalist, Keith then took off sprinting back onto the train track part of the bridge. A tipping of a train car sounded off, followed by the same woman's scream. As Keith then spotted her along the end of the train car that was hanging over the bridge.

[Keith; Calls to Woman] - Hey!

The Woman then caught sight of Keith, she slightly jumped in panic, as the train car once again made another tipping sound, rocking slightly forth-and-back.

[Woman; Calls to Keith] - Get back!

[Keith; Calls to Woman] - I've got to get you off there!

The Woman didn't respond, whereas the train car rocked back again. Cries then begun to carry over the frightful woman, as she lied in peril.

Keith then begun to look around the train tracks frantically, but he saw nothing that could assist him in rescuing the woman. Looking over to the vehicular side of the bridge, he then raced back towards the tunnel leading out onto it.

[Keith; Calls to Woman] - Hang on!

The Woman then gripped tighter onto the edge of the train car, in hopes of being rescued.
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Making it through the tunnel and onto the vehicular part of the bridge, Keith looks around, frantically, for something to help the woman in peril.

Running up from car-to-car, he carefully, but quickly, examined the elements located inside the mess of vehicles. However, finally he stopped to one. A truck. In the back was a roll of thickly-wound rope.


Rushing back towards the train car at which she was on, the woman continued to lie frozen and frightful near the edge of falling from the train car, Keith then climbed inside.


The whole atmosphere had suddenly changed for Keith once he stepped on-board. The wind echoed through the shattered windows; like the train car he was in before. Looking down the aisle at her, there was one other train car between the one Keith was on, and the one that the woman was on, which was the one in danger of falling over the bridge.

Tying the rope as tightly as he could around the seat to his right, he then checked to make sure it was secure. It was. Keith felt a wave of fear rise over him as he looked back up the aisle and into the eyes of the damsel in distress. Swallowing back some fear, he tightly grabbed hold of the rope and begun to journey forward towards the woman.

Passing to the second car, another wave of fear washes over Keith, as he begun to shake with the slow rocking of the train cars combined.

And then, Keith makes it to the edge of the train car hanging over the edge. He looked down to the grip holding both train cars together, he could see that the protection around the mechanical wiring had been broken. He could see the shivers rushing through the wires themselves, through all the force they had to withstand. The visible wiring terrified Keith even further, where he then closed his eyes and moved both feet inside the final car. The woman let off a faint scream, as the train car made a tipping sound. Keith ignored it as strongly as he could, as he carefully made his way down the aisle.

Keith was over halfway down the aisle. Where suddenly, another tipping sound appeared. The sound progressed on for longer than before, as the train car begun to tip towards the waters below.

A burst of adrenaline rose over Keith with this reaction, as, in return, he begun to charge towards the woman. The car tipped further, where Keith then slid before her.

[Keith] - Take my hand!


Falling free was the train car hanging over the bridge. Revealing hanging from the rope, safe, both the woman and Keith. The train car hit the water with a thud, as a large splash of water collided amongst both their skins, they both remained frozen for a moment, while both individuals hung from; with the water well below their feet.


Back, safely, onto the train tracks were Keith and the woman, as the both of them continued to breath heavily. The woman looked up at Keith, to sense that he was the most exhausted.

[Woman] - Are you... alright?...

Keith couldn't find enough energy to respond. Instead, he just rose his arm. Hopefully telling her that he himself was fine.

In the distance, another part of the bridge suddenly broke apart. Keith and the woman could feel the rumble and collision of the fallen bridge colliding with the water, as the bridge itself slightly shook.

[Keith] - The helicopter eariler... dropped something onto the bridge... But it's over on the other side, it may be some kind of rescue pack.

[Woman] - Did you see where they dropped it?

Keith paused for a moment, as he then sighed.

[Keith; Croaked] - Yes!

[Woman] - ...I'm sorry...

Keith paused for another moment, taking in a deep breath, he then let out another sigh.

[Keith] - ...There's a fountain where you cross over to the other part of the bridge. You can stay there, while I try to find the rescue pack.

[Woman] - Okay.

With that agreed, Keith then stood up, struggling, as he grunted in some form of pain. Where the woman then came to his assistance.

[Woman] - What's your name?

[Keith] - ...What's yours?...

[Woman] - ...Karen, Karen Morris.

[Keith] - Pleased to meet you, Karen.

[Karen] - And you are?...

[Keith; Chuckles] - Keith, Keith Helm.

[Karen] - Pleased to meet you then, Keith.

Keith nodded, whereas he then begun to take the lead in heading towards the tunnel; where Karen followed behind. But suddenly, Keith stopped in sight of something on the hood of a vehicle hanging over the bridge. It looked to be the rescue pack that the helicopter dropped.

[Keith] - I think that's it!

With that said, Keith took off sprinting towards the tunnel. Leaving Karen behind, slightly confused.


With the rescue pack now clearly visible on the vehicle's hood (which was hanging over the bridge), Keith then climbed over the side of the bridge and held steadily onto the railing with his one hand as he reached his free one towards the rescue pack. There wasn't enough distance for Keith to safely grab hold of the bag, as he then leaned his body in closer towards the pack. His fingertips could touch the fabric along the bag, but he couldn't quite get it until he pushed himself in closer where he then wrapped his hand around the pack and pulled it off of the hood.

Tossing the bag safely back onto the bridge, Keith begun to climb over the railing. When suddenly, the vehicle hanging over the bridge suddenly fell loose from the railing, as it ventured down towards the waters below. Keith swallowed in sudden peril, where he then made it over the railing and flung the rescue pack over his shoulder.


Seated on the floor, with his back leaned up-against the wall, Keith checked the rescue pack for what was featured inside; which he set beside him along the floor, as Karen drank from the fountain nearby.

Keith listed off the items.

[Keith] - Gauze, bandages, first-aid kit, small water bottle...

Keith then stopped at something. Pulling a piece of paper out of the bag, he begins to read the obviously rushed note.

[Keith; Reads] - Evacuate to the north. We're still at work in that area. It's too dangerous to remain on the bridge, so please hurry.

There was more, but Keith then skimmed quicker through the note.

[Karen] - Is that a water bottle?

Keith looked up to Karen, who was still by the fountain.

[Keith] - Yeah, might as well fill it up.

Keith then picked the bottle up and tossed it to Karen, who caught it with both hands, where she then spun the cap off and begun to fill the little bottle up with water. Keith looks back down to the note, from where he left off.

[Keith; Reads] - Inside the pack, you'll find: a roll of gauze, a small water bottle, a first-aid kit, a package of bandages, a compass...

Keith stopped there for a moment and reach back into the bag, where he pulled out both a compass and a map. Keith checked the note again.

[Keith; Reads] - And a map.

Keith completed the read, as he then begun to put all of the items back into the bag. Karen then walked over to where Keith sat and handed him the full bottle of water, he looked up at here and took the bottle.

[Keith] - Thanks.

Placing the bottle of water to the pouch on the side of the pack, Keith then flung it back over his shoulder and stood back up to his feet.

[Karen] - Where're we gonna go?

Keith looked about for a moment, examining the environment past the one he and Karen stood in.

[Keith] - ...The note said that the rescue operation is still going on up north and into the city...

Keith opened the compass and examined the direction of north for a moment, he then pointed in the direction of north with his arm after the compass confirmed the correct direction.

[Keith] - There should be a maintenance ladder somewhere up the bridge, so we'll head in the general direction until we can find our way off. But we're gonna have to get off this bridge soon, before it completely collapses.

Keith paused for a moment, seemingly thinking further through his plan. Until finally-

[Keith] - Let's go.

Keith once again took lead, as Karen followed behind, where the both of them then made it out of the tunnel and back onto the bridge itself.


The walk for the two seemed to go on for ages, as their legs grew restless, as if on an endless treadmill. The two could barely even find the energy to speak to one another, which they didn't anyhow; for the most part.

In boredom, Keith pulled up the map and unraveled it to check the city's landmarks.

Karen then reached over to the rescue pack, over Keith's shoulder, and pulled out of the pouch the water bottle. Twisting the cap off, she begun to drink down the water inside at a reasonable rate. Before she stopped herself and twisted the cap back on and put the bottle itself back into the pouch on the rescue pack.

[Keith] - You wouldn't happen to have a pen, would you?

Karen turned her head to face Keith.

[Karen] - If I had pockets in this dress, maybe so.

Keith smirked.

[Keith] - Sorry.

[Karen; Chuckles] - No problem.

A pause once again found it's way in-between the two, as they glanced back-and-forth at one another.

[Keith] - So... What's your reason for traveling?

[Karen] - ...I was supposed to be on a plane this afternoon, but I don't think that's going to wrk out for the better.

Keith begun to laugh, where Karen then joined in. Where in-between the belt of her dress, she then pulled from it a folded piece of paper.

[Karen] - I guess the ticket's still here.

Karen handed the ticket to Keith to varify, where suddenly, the laughter stopped for Keith. Catching a glimpse at the date, he looked at it in confusion.

[Keith; Reads] - Boarding Day, June 20th...

[Karen] - What?

Both Keith and Karen stop for a moment to examine the ticket.

[Karen] - How could that be right?... Did it really take me that long to pack?

[Keith] - How long could we have been knocked out?...

[Karen] - ...I don't know...

Keith and Karen both looked up to each other at that moment, for a buzzing sound from not too far up in the sky came about. Keith and Karen both looked up to where the noise was coming from, it was a set of five helicopters flying with one another!

The both of them begun to yell and scream frantically up at the helicopters, hoping to be heard, but the helicopters didn't respond as they flew right past them and headed further north up the bridge; where the was a large gap in-between the bridge itself that the helicopters all passed over.

Even so, Karen begun to chase after them.

It sounded like another earthquake hit, as it made Karen fall down to her knees. But it wasn't. It was another piece of the bridge falling and colliding with the water.

Karen gripped her head in the palm of her hands, as Keith then walked up behind her and then knelt down beside her.

[Karen; Murmurs] - They didn't even see us...

Keith didn't respond, whereas he could tell now that Karen was crying. He turned his head and caught sight of the maintenance ladder that they had been looking for. He turned his head back down towards Karen.

[Keith] - They couldn't have landed here, Karen. The bridge is on the verge of collapsing, as it is...

Karen didn't respond, but her cries settled down. Even more so when Keith put his hand on her back.

[Keith; Whispers] - There's still hope.

Karen finally stood up to her tears, as she then looked back up at Keith. But then caught sight of the maintenance ladder.

[Karen] - Look! The maintenance ladder!


The morning sun was minutes away from closing in on the afternoon, with the two survivalists already well down the ladder.

Karen was the first to reach the ground, as if a slight weight was lifted off her shoulders, she smiled in amusement.

Keith then finally made it to ground-level, he took in the thankfulness of having finally made it somewhere and off of that bridge.

The memorial stone was located to both their lefts. The memorial stone was shaped pretty basically: all around, were finely smoothed edges and it's shape represented squares and rectangles as it almost resembled a staircase. Only climbing to the top left nowhere else to go but down, as one square-shaped block stood sturdy on the top of the memorial stone.

Keith turned around to his right, while Karen was still viewing to her left at the stone, and then caught sight of an ambulance that had one of it's back doors slightly open for inspection. Keith curiously stumbled over to the ambulance, almost expecting somebody to be inside.

Finally within range of the van, Keith reached his hand out towards the open door. But something suddenly made him jump with fear, radio static begun suddenly begun to play inside the ambulance.

Karen turned around to notice Keith over by the ambulance, where she then came walking up beside him, examining the noise from inside the ambulance, she moved in closer to the ambulance.

[Karen] - I think it's a radio...

Karen grabbed hold of the ambulance door.

[Keith] - Karen!-

Keith was too late to stop her, but she opened the door.

Karen was confused. And to Keith's surprise, the ambulance did not feature what he expected it to have on display.

[Karen] - Were you expecting a body or something?

Karen turned around to face Keith, who took a breath of relief.

[Keith] - Believe it or not, yes.

The woman nodded. Keith had to come in closer to the ambulance before Karen begun to check inside the ambulance itself. Immediately, she pulled down off of a shelf a small radio. She held it up for Keith to view.

[Karen] - This what got you, Mr. Helm?

Keith gasped in response, as he then took the radio from out of her hands. Sitting on the edge of the ambulance, he begun to change the channels around to try and find a good transmission. More static. Keith cursed in frustration, but continued to turn the dial.

Karen pulled down a couple of boxes from the shelves, inside varied from pairs of gloves to rolls of gauze to bottles of alcohol (for clearing wounds).

The same continued on for Keith for a moment. Where suddenly, he heard a voice cut in from the radio. In impact, he carefully turned the dial back until the voice became clear.

[Radio Announcer] - ...it was a magnitude 6.0-

[Karen] - What's she talking about? The earthquake?

Keith nodded his head, and continued to listen in.

[Radio Announcer] - Rescue operations are being smoothly conducted. With over 280 people rescued thus far, more rescue teams are being sent to the safe areas in the city in-order to potentially find more survivors of this devasting attack. For citizens currently listening to this broadcast whom are still stranded on Stiver Island, rescue operations have currently stalled, for the time being, so it would be best that all remaining survivors head nearest to the middle of the city where more rescue operations will most likely be taking place. Stay tuned for more information on further specific rescue operation details.

Keith turned the power off to the radio, where he then leaned his legs into the van. He gasped, as he lowered his head down.

[Keith] - Should we wait?...

Karen didn't know whether or not the question was directed to her, but she answered for it anyhow.

[Karen] - ...I'm not sure...

Keith again nodded, understanding the uncertainty in her voice; as in his.
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The morning sun finally shifted into afternoon, as both Keith and Karen continued to be seated inside the ambulance.

[Karen] - Bag's getting full.

Keith laughed, as he struggled to place more items inside the pack. He looked up at Karen.

[Keith] - You think?

Karen chuckled. Keith then pulled out a roll of gauze.

[Keith] - We don't need this much gauze now, do we?

Karen chuckled a little more, as she grabbed hold of the roll of gauze Keith hand in his hand.

[Karen] - I think we're fine, for now.

[Keith] - Yeah...

With that, Keith pulled out of the bag a couple rolls of gauze and left only six rolls inside; along with a water bottle, two boxes of bandages, two bottles of alcohol, as well as a map and compass in the front pouch.

Karen turned her attention back over to Keith.

[Karen] - So what brought you here, Keith?

Keith sighed, as he threw another roll of gauze down onto the ground outside the ambulance.

[Keith] - I'm a reporter for Town Crier Newspaper. But-

Interrupting his answer, Keith and Karen both suddenly heard police sirens go off and the vehicle itself drove frantically up the road. Keith and Karen both leapt out of the ambulance, Keith grabbed the pack and threw it over his shoulder again, where they both begun to chase after the speeding vehicle.

Turning a corner now far ahead was the police vehicle, as Keith and Karen raced through a field engulfed with dozens of pillars; holding the bridge above their heads steady. However, unknown to Keith and Karen, the ground begun to shake. The warning of another tremor had not played into effect for the two so desperately wanting to catch up to the speeding vehicle.

Finally taking the two off-guard, the tremor hit. Both Keith and Karen were thrown by the tremor's force straight down onto the field of grass. Finally catching back up to reality, they felt the tremor continue to shake the ground. Even more so effecting one of the loose pillars, they turned their attention towards it, where that pillar itself then suddenly exploded. A chunk of debris from the blast of the pillar hit Keith hard in the shoulder, as he rolled to his back and cried in pain.

The bridge above their heads now begun to rock dangerously, as Karen tried to pull Keith to his feet.

[Karen] - Come on, Keith!

Karen looked up to the bridge and saw the sky through it's large expanding cracks. She grabbed Keith by the collar of his shirt.

[Karen; Yells] - Come on!...

A chunk of the bridge then suddenly fell off, and once it hit the ground, an explosion occured from the vehicles on and beneath the fallen chunk of the bridge. Karen helped Keith get to his feet, as he again let off a cry of pain from the wound. The ground shook feverishly below their feet, as Karen and Keith made their way to an opening in the fence of the field. Another pillar exploded suddenly once the two reached it out of the field. They headed up running as far as they could from the danger of the collapsing bridge.

Finally, the entire bridge begun to rock repeatedly back and forth. Karen and Keith now begun to sprint with all their stamina towards the safety of a convenient store, where the bridge then finally tipped completely over. Finally hitting the road opposite them, the force of the crash of the bridge flung them right down to the ground, as large cracks begun to move feverishly throughout the environment.

A few steps away from the convenient store, they finally made it inside through the broken window. Keith was the first to climb through as he then helped Karen inside where they both then climbed over the counter and took shelter, covering their heads with their arms in alarm of the continuing tremor.

But slowly outside, the tremor begun to climb down in volume. Whereas Keith and Karen's heavy gasps begun to sound over the danger, as the tremor finally climbed down to nothing.
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Minute past, as the tremor finally settled to a stop. Keith and Karen continued to breath in and out heavily, as they sat away from the walls behind the counter.

Keith was then the first to make a motion, as he stood up to his feet. Karen grabbed his jeans, in fear of the moment, quickly letting go of them after a moment's pass.

Tossing the backpack onto the counter was Keith, as he unzipped the front pouch and begun to fish around inside for something; weary about using the arm that hadn't been hit by the debris earlier on. Where out of the pack, he then pulled out a roll of gauze.

Sliding back down to the floor, Keith ripped open the wrap for the gauze inside. Coughing now, he begun to unravel a needed amount of gauze which he would then try to wrap around his arm.

Karen looked up at him for a moment, then looked back down to the floor.

[Karen] - I can help you.

Keith gasped, as he then threw the gauze down to the floor in frustration. Standing back up on his feet, he continued to search inside the pack for something; which ultimately wasn't there. Keith in complete rage and frustration then threw the pack as hard as he could down to the floor, where the bag then almost hit Karen, as Karen herself then stood to her feet in caution.

On the floor, the water inside the water bottle begun to pour out from inside the pack itself. Karen's eyes begun to water with fear, as she attempted to move in closer towards Keith.

[Keith] - Didn't bring the damn scissors...

Keith was obviously trying to calm himself down, as he spoke softly. Trying to continue breathing at a normal rate. But it was difficult. Keith's injured shoulder continued to bleed, as another droplet of blood came rolling down his skin and begun to soak into his shirt.

Karen was eager to help, where she then pulled out one of the bottles of alcohol from the now liquid-soaked backpack and she picked back up the gauze that had rolled off the counter-top.

[Karen] - Please, let me help you...

Keith took another deep breath, where he then slightly turned around to see Karen standing, shaking with tension. Keith gasped in-sight of her, feeling ashamed in himself, as he then turned away from her.

[Keith] - ...Okay...

Leaning down to the floor was Keith, as he then sat down on his backside.

[Keith] - Alright...

Keith varified again, as Karen slowly leaned down onto her knees. Once she did so, she begun to twist off the cap to the alcohol. Holding the bottle over Keith's wound, she shook even more; in alarm of what his reaction may become.

Gulping down her fear, Karen finally poured the alcohol onto Keith's wound. Keith himself held back a scream of pain, as he instead slightly grunted. Holding his teeth clenched down together, like he was holding back a bullet. Karen pulled up her shirt a bit to whipe away some of the alcohol around Keith's wound, as she then dabbed a bit of extra alcohol onto the wound. Carefully making sure that it wouldn't rundown his back.

Keith wanted to say something to Karen, but stopped himself again. Still feeling ashamed of how he reacted just moments ago.

Lifting up Keith's wounded arm a slight bit was Karen, as Keith then held it in place, where she then begun to wrap his shoulder with the gauze. Until she was satisfied that there was enough, she placed her finger on the spot on the roll where she wanted to stop. Slowly, but carefully, she begun to tear away the extra gauze. Until she finally pulled the remainder of it loose, where she then set it back down onto the floor.

Karen moved Keith's arm a bit to check to see if the gauze was secure, it was. She then stood back up to her feet and hoped over the counter, where she then begun to look around the convenient store.

Keith then rotated his arm around to make sure it was secure himself, still it was. Whereas Keith himself then stood back up to his feet.
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PART 10:


The sky outdoors had turned grey.

Moving back and forth between aisles were Keith and Karen.

Coming across another (larger) backpack on the rack was Keith, whereas he then pulled it off.

[Keith] - Found a new pack.

Keith waited for a response, nothing. Nothing but the sound of Karen's footsteps.

Taking a deep breath in and out was Keith, where he then took off the pack over his shoulder, opened it and begun to dump into the new backpack the items from the old.

The old backpack was still soaking wet, as Keith then dropped it down to the floor; where it made a slapping sound amongst it, once it had hit. The back of Keith's shirt was also quite damp, he felt somewhat uncomfortable in trying to put the new bag over his shoulder.

Gasping again, Keith dropped the new backpack down to the floor. He then went marching over to where he saw some clothing. On the rack, the only shirt that suited his liking and need was a blue-Hawaiian T-Shirt. He turned back to catch Karen with her back towards him. Keith then squated down to allow the rack to hide him from Karen's view, where he then quickly took off his old shirt and put on the Hawaiian T-Shirt.

Buttoning it up, he then stood to his feet to notice Karen staring at the window with fear.

[Keith] - What is it?

Keith's back was facing the window, but where he turned around, the sight of a strange person outdoors made him jump. Catching hold of his breath, he looked carefully at the person. It was a woman. She was clothed in worn-out clothing, but she had jewelery amongst her; virtually from head-to-toe.

The woman placed her hands against the window, it was almost as if she couldn't see Keith and/or Karen. She was scanning her eyes through the store's variety of items. Her wrists were bleeding, she pressed her nose up against the window to get a closer look inside. But still, nothing seemed to amuse her.

Walking off now was the woman, as it seemed to Keith that she was talking to herself.

Keith turned towards Karen, whom then turned towards Keith.

[Keith; Whispers] - Are you alright?...

Karen couldn't speak for a moment, through her heavy breathing.

[Karen; Whispers] - ...Can we go?...

Keith then nodded, where he then turned his attention back to the window. The woman was now gone, out of sight.
PART 11:


The afternoon sun rose over and above the fallen bridge, revealing Keith and Karen walking down the middle of the road, on Girard Street.

The two had their break, yet they still appeared to be extremely exhausted; not to mention tired, as well.

The sky they viewed above their heads was slowly beginning to turn grey. The air begun to the atmosphere begun to feel wet, it was obviously soon to rain.

Karen gasped through the coming event.

Turning towards a building to their right was Keith, he saw that it had a shelter and the glass door leading inside had been broken.

Keith taped Karen on the shoulder. Catching her attention, he then waved his arm over towards the building. They both stopped walking.

[Keith] - We should probably cut through there, if we wish to actually make it somewhere.

Karen nodded in agreement, she swallowed, and they both walked towards the building. Keith turned towards her in worry.

[Keith] - Are you alright, Karen?

[Karen] - Yeah...

Karen finally seemed to let something off her shoulder, where she then took a deep breath in and out.

[Karen] - Still unbelievable how this whole thing transpired.

They both made it under the shelter and then sat down on the ground, with their backs up-against a stone pillar. The rain then begun to fall, but it was only light, as the light from the sun still glowed along the roadside.

[Keith] - Things in life can certainly take you off-guard sometimes.

Karen begun to chuckle lightly, but Keith noticed that her chuckle was slightly interrupted by the cough in the back of her throat. Keith pulled loose his backpack, opened it and pulled out a bottle of water; which he handed to Karen.

[Keith] - Haven't seen you drink since the bridge.

Karen smiled.

[Karen] - Thank you.

Keith nodded, as Karen twisted off the cap and begun to drink down the water.

[Keith] - You might as well keep hold of that.

Karen stopped drinking, as she pulled the water bottle away from her lips.

[Karen] - Why?

[Keith] - Well, you obviously need it the most with workin' up a sweat all the time.

Karen again chuckled, as some of the water from the sides of the bottle begun to pour down. Keith slowly changed his mood in noticing it, as if being hypnotized by the falling droplets of the ever-natural liquid.

[Keith] - Might want to be careful with it though.

Karen nodded, as she then twisted the cap back on.
PART 12:


The street was dark. The sky was black. It was raining.

Still against the pillar, shivering, were Keith and Karen. Karen had fallen asleep, leaning her head up-against the backpack that was still straped around Keith's shoulders. Keith couldn't sleep. The thunder in the distance and the sound of raindrops colliding against the roadside only made him wish he could.

He opened his eyes, looking around terrified him the most. So he kept his eyes fixed on the building, to which the shelter was protecting them from the rain.

A light from inside oddly began to flicker and spark.

However, what caught Keith's eye as the sparks illuminated the lobby inside was something on the floor.

The sparks died.

Keith leaned up a little to try and figure out what it was. He wanted to stand, but he didn't want to awaken Karen.

He sat back down. He was curious to see what it was inside the building.

Carefully, he decided to slip his arms away from the backpack. Finally free from the pack, he carefully stood to his feet. Fatigue had struck over him from not being able to fall asleep. Slowly, he begun to march towards the broken glass door leading inside. He carefully moved through the shattered door, where he then found himself inside the dimly-lit lobby.

Keith looked in the direction where he had seen the figure before. And there it was. However, it was something he hadn't hoped to see. It was the lifeless body of a man. Behind him, the light from outside could reveal a path of red blood. The man had been crawling, but what did this to him?

Keith made the decision to kneel closer beside the man. Shaking frantically, he moved his hand towards the man's neck; in-order to check his pulse. However, the man frightened Keith as he then let off a moan. Keith's hand fell down to the man's shoulder, and he could see the man's eyes slowly open.

[Keith] - Sir?...

The man swallowed, he couldn't turn his attention towards Keith through his pain.

[Man] - ...Water...

The man cried for "water". Keith nodded, he then stood to his feet and raced out of the building.

Karen had the bottle of water beside her, it was almost empty, Keith took hold of it.

Racing back into the lobby with the bottle of water was Keith, where he then quickly knelt down next to the man, twisted off the cap to the bottle and held it up-against his lips. The man took hold of it, but Keith still held onto it; for the man's strength has nearly disappeared from whatever happened to him. Drinking down every last drop, the man continued to try and drink. Keith pulled the bottle away.

[Keith] - Do you need more?

The man didn't respond. Instead, he reached down to his pocket and pulled out something which he held out for Keith to grab.

[Man] - Take... this... Hurry, if things are... the way they...

With that, the man's weight dropped back down to the floor. Keith was frozen with fear, he knew the man was now deceased. Shaking further now, he reached towards the man's hand. From it, he pulled out a buisness card. Keith couldn't read it through the dark, so he stood up. But that only showed another man walk from around the corner.

[???] - Oh, my God!...

Keith turned, he saw a man in a buisness suit run towards his fallen companion. He knelt down beside the man and grabbed hold of his hand, a tear begun to roll from one of his eyes.

[Man in Suit] - ...Oh, my God...

Keith stood for a moment, unaware of what to say.

[Keith] - ...What happened?

[Man in Suit] - Somebody just... came into the building. I heard gunfire... came running down...

The man in the buisness suit sobbed some more, Keith placed the buisness card into his pocket.

[Keith] - I've been here for hours, I didn't hear no gunfire.

The man in the suit nodded, where he then looked up at Keith.

[Man in Suit] - I was a coward. When I heard the shots I hid upstairs until a time where I knew that it'd be safe.

[Keith] - And you were up there for hours?

The man nodded again, as he looked back down to the dead man.

[Man in Suit] - He was... my best friend... One of the few...

Keith nodded, understanding the man's cries.

[Man in Suit] - ...Please, forgive me.

The man stood back up to his feet, Keith looked up at him in confusion.

[Keith] - For what?

The man took a deep breath.

[Man in Suit] - This is my friend. This is my building... Could you leave me alone in it?

Keith stood to his feet as well, continuing to look at the man in confusion.

[Keith] - ...We've got to get out of here.

[Man in Suit] - You do. Not me.

The man in the buisness suit turned away from Keith and headed back into the direction where he came from.

[Man in Suit] - I wish you good luck... And good-bye.

The man turned the corner, he was no longer in-sight. Whereas Keith could still hear his footsteps move up the staircase.


[Keith] - Karen.

Keith poked at Karen. She slowly begun to open her sleepy eyes.

[Karen] - What is it?

[Keith] - We have to leave, it's too dangerous here.

[Karen] - ...Can't we wait?...

[Keith] - No.

Karen gasped, as Keith took hold of the bag. Karen leaned her head away from it and sat up away from the pillar.

[Keith] - ...I can carry you 'til morning.

[Karen] - I'll walk...

Karen used the pillar as support to make it back to her feet.

[Karen] - Just don't charge ahead of me, will you?

[Keith] - I know.
PART 13:


The moon lit a way for Karen and Keith, as Keith used the light it illuminated to read the map. He stopped to where there was a street crossing. However, the newly-discovered street appeared to be a dead-end.

[Keith] - ...Girard seems to be the only way to reach the city center, so we should keep headed straight.

Keith pulled the backpack loose from his shoulder, where he then placed the map inside. Although, this made Keith notice a billboard to his right.

Karen turned towards Keith, curious about what he had discovered.

[Karen] - What is it, Keith?

She looked up at the billboard which caught Keith's attention. The man on the billboard's name was Albert Sims.

[Keith; Whispers] - Albert Sims, of the Land Development Department...

Karen was even more so lost, as the man on the billboard appeared to be the man in the buisness suit that he had encountered before.

Keith turned back towards the building, which was now a few dozen blocks away.

[Karen] - Keith... Do you know him?

Keith stood frozen for a moment, uncertain of how he would answer her.

[Keith] - ...No.

With that lie told, Keith gasped. He turned back towards Karen; whom was still confused by what had caught his attention.

[Karen] - Have you heard of him before?

[Keith] - ...I suppose...

Keith quickly glared back at the billboard.

[Keith] - Let's just keep going, shall we?

Keith didn't give Karen enough time to respond, as he already begun to walk ahead of her. Where she followed behind, also glaring back at the billboard.
PART 14:


It was still night, but the light from the sky continued to grow lighter. As it allowed Keith and Karen to view further more beyond.

However, the both of them were stopped.

Before them, there seemed to be nowhere else to go.

Water was rushing down the streets, beside Girard, as the road leading ahead (on Girard) was blocked by a fallen building.

[Karen] - ...Where are we gonna go?...

Keith swallowed, the water rushing down the roads beside them whistled along the wind. Whereas Keith made his way towards the sidewalk, he sat down and held his head in both of his palms.

Karen felt bad, where she then made her way beside Keith and sat down next to him on the sidewalk.

[Karen] - Are you searching for something here?

[Keith] - ...In this city?

[Karen] - Yeah...

[Keith] - ...No.

Karen gasped.

[Karen] - Then what about Albert Sims?

[Keith] - ...I don't know.

Annoyed, Karen gasped once again.

[Karen] - ...You know, if you don't want me around you could just simply tell me and I'd leave you on your own.

[Keith] - What makes you think I don't want you around?

[Karen] - Look at me then.

Keith became annoyed as well, where he then looked up at Karen.

[Karen] - Do you want me around?

Keith sat frozen for a moment, uncertain of what to say.

[Karen] - Do you?...

[Keith] - ...Not really.

[Karen] - What the hell is that supposed to mean?-

[Keith; Yells] - It means to stop ----in' naggin' me around, how 'bout that?!

Keith jumps to his feet, where he then begun to march towards the fallen building blocking the road. However, something made him stop in his tracks.

Karen, who had a tear caught in her eye, looked up at Keith.

Out from inside the fallen building came a man wearing glasses, a white dress-shirt and a pair of black dress-pants.

[?] - Would you mind giving me a hand?

Karen then eagerly stood to her feet, as she then saw the mysterious man climb back inside the building, through the broken, which he came crawling out of.

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