Another curiosity: anyone here who disliked Michelle Pfeiffer's portrayal of Catwoman

VaderRISE said:
Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman was great in every way accept her origin. Died and brought back to life by cats? Lame.

I agree.:up:
its funny how since everybody here agrees that she was good in her role,the thread quickly dies down where in the keaton thread,people dont agree so that thread is still going.:D
Althought the movie was bad, the script was a joke and the origin was lame, she was amazing, fantastic, and hot as hell. In my eyes, she is the one and only catwoman.
WhiteRat said:
its funny how since everybody here agrees that she was good in her role,the thread quickly dies down where in the keaton thread,people dont agree so that thread is still going.:D

Clear proof that he was a total mistake in the role. Almost 20 years after, his casting is still hated with passion by many and many fans. That shows that something didnt work as well as some people are tryng to post.
your sig makes no sense.

"best music band ever" - is there any other kind of band named the beatles? isn't music band redundant?

"more lovely british actress of all time?" shouldn't it be Most lovely?
Maybe you are right. I fixed it, and sounds better. But i think that everyone knows what i was trying to say.
yeah, i got the gist of it...but i had to read it twice to make sure i wasn't misreading. looks good now. :up:
Michelle and Michael were fantastic my trollish trio.

Amen brothers.
Hahaha, good one. The king troll himself calling troll to some other. Try better, kid.
mister Lennon said:
Hahaha, good one. The king troll himself calling troll to some other. Try better, kid.

Yeah, we trolls recognize each other. The HAHAHA, the 'kid'.
I loved Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, but like the Burton's Batman, there was nowhere the character could go after her appearance in Batman Returns. That was the problem with the two Batman films: they are self-contained, more artsy films (although quality ones) than Batman films. Batman is perfect material for a serie of films, and Burton didn't take the character in this direction. He limited Batman to his own vision, so to speak. In a way, the seeds of the Schumacher movies were in the Burton ones, it Burton's lack of interest for continuity )there is barely any between the first two) and in his cavalier way of dealing with the villains. Ask yourself, had there be a direct sequel to Batman returns, with Tim Burton at the helm, what could Catwoman have done after? I tried to imagine this, but always came up with a less psychotic version of her, something weaker than what she was in Returns. Because Burton's Catwoman was self contained.
you say he limits Batman to his own vision, well...every director who has ever done a comic book adaptation has limited the character to their own vision. think about it, they're never 100% accurate, and sometimes they aren't even10% accurate.
newwaveboy87 said:
you say he limits Batman to his own vision, well...every director who has ever done a comic book adaptation has limited the character to their own vision. think about it, they're never 100% accurate, and sometimes they aren't even10% accurate.

Yes of course, and I love his take on Batman, I just think that the movies were improper to start a series. For that, you need a part for the impersonnal, so to speak, something that the director will take as it is. James Bond had it from the beginning, to some extend SPider-Man, X-Men have it (although it might be early to tell) but not Burton's Batman, because Burton is a very personnal director. I love his Batman movies for what they are, and Pfeiffer's Catwoman is simply the best interpretation of the character so far, acting wise anyway. But she is self-contained in Batman Returns.
what do you mean by "the X-Men have it (althought it might be early to tell)"? the franchise is done (supposedly). the only thing left is spin-offs for solo characters.
newwaveboy87 said:
what do you mean by "the X-Men have it (althought it might be early to tell)"? the franchise is done (supposedly). the only thing left is spin-offs for solo characters.

Did they say the franchise was done and all was left was spin off? We cannot be sure of that, you can have spin off for solo characters, but there is no reason to think that they want to cut the franchise into many new ones. I haven't seen The Last Stand, but from what I know they kept it open for a sequel. As I said, it's early to tell.

Anyway, back on topic, Burton's Batman were not the best material to base a series on to say the least.
as far as us X-Men fans have been told there is no plans for an X4 instead we're getting a Wolverine, Magneto, and young X-Men spin offs, and a possible Emma Frost movie.
Everyman said:
Did they say the franchise was done and all was left was spin off? We cannot be sure of that, you can have spin off for solo characters, but there is no reason to think that they want to cut the franchise into many new ones. I haven't seen The Last Stand, but from what I know they kept it open for a sequel. As I said, it's early to tell.

Anyway, back on topic, Burton's Batman were not the best material to base a series on to say the least.

Topic is Michele Pfeiffer as catwoman.
Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman was great. I didn't mind Burton changing the orignal Batman storyline in the movies because it worked well imo.

And I always thought the cats were just nibbling/bitting her fingers and she regained concious from the feeling, as opposed to the cats giving her cat-like strength and 8 lives.
El Payaso said:
Topic is Michele Pfeiffer as catwoman.

And I did talk a lot about it in various posts here... Catwoman in Returns was great, but like the rest of Burton's Batman, she was not series material.
the_joker said:
And I always thought the cats were just nibbling/bitting her fingers and she regained concious from the feeling, as opposed to the cats giving her cat-like strength and 8 lives.

I think so too. Selina Kyle's "resurrection" was symbolical/metaphorical and in no way concrete. She didn't really die either.
newwaveboy87 said:
as far as us X-Men fans have been told there is no plans for an X4 instead we're getting a Wolverine, Magneto, and young X-Men spin offs, and a possible Emma Frost movie.

It's already a proof that there the form of the X-Men movies make series possible, sequels or spin off. Something that was difficult to do with Burton's Batman movies. Catwoman was a great, tragic character, probably much more intense than she was in the comics, but using her again would have diminished this. She was "killed", "resurrected", she became extraverted and eroticized, she murdered her mysoginistic (homosexual?) boss, she survives death after that. Then what? These are meaningful events in one's life, and it is quite difficult to top. I am curious about Burton had in store for Catwoman, but I wonder if there was anything left to say.
where on earth did you get that Max Shreck was a homosexual?
newwaveboy87 said:
where on earth did you get that Max Shreck was a homosexual?

Not concretely, more metaphorically/symbolically but he is very mysoginistic and the only affection he has seems to be for his son, a tall and handsome man. In this family cell, the mother is absent. Notice than in the movie, all heterosexual feelings are either disgusting (the Penguin is very libidinous, but difformed and because of this sexually frustrated) or confluctual (Batman/Catwoman).
Shreck isn't a homosexual.
the creator of Catwoman? yes. the manipulator of Penguin? yes. the true villian of the film? yes. homosexual? no. the only affections he has are for his empire and the fact that he's bred his son to take over that throne once he's gone. things are stated about his past dealings with women - "Women. Nothing surprises me, except your late mother."

not all heterosexual feelings are disgusting or confrontational. Bruce and Selina's relationship is actually fairly healthy and built upon understanding and sense that they are the other half of each other, it isn't until their dual identities are known that things start to go wrong.

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