Another Enterprise?


Starship Captain
Feb 7, 2013
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Whats the matter with this Mysterios Vessel...
Is this just another Starfleet Ship?
[BLACKOUT]Or is this Robert April's Old Ship?[/BLACKOUT]
Who knows, but I'm sure it will play a key role in Star Trek into Darkness.
What do you think?

Whatever Enterprise it was, it can't be a Federation Starship. The 1701 was the first federation starship to bear the name.

I'm very curious to all this.
If we are to take the last Star Trek show to be canon, whatever ones opinions of the quality of the show, it is official. Then the Starship NX-01 is an "Enterprise" as well.
If we are to take the last Star Trek show to be canon, whatever ones opinions of the quality of the show, it is official. Then the Starship NX-01 is an "Enterprise" as well.

No one is disputing that. BUT, the 1701 was the first FEDERATION ship to bare the name Enterprise. The NX-01 was commissioned pre Federation and was decommissioned almost as soon as the Federation charter was signed.

Also, just in case this is what you're implying, April could not have commanded the NX-01 as that ship was decommissioned in 2161. So what Ent could April be referring to?
Oh yeah, I get what you mean. I was just saying that there had been an Enterprise wayyyyyy back.

Mind you, sometimes I want to forget "Enterprise" aired. Which is a shame, it had promise toward the end...

Anyhows, you are dead right. April did command the Federation Starship Enterprise, but it was the same one as Kirks. Of course that was before JJ and team created the alternate bloody timeline.

Perhaps the Enterprise April commanded was kind of like the space shuttle Enterprise. An experimental test design of some kind that was never meant to be a full commission. But of course we all know that ships named Enterprise have a way of getting into big trouble on a regular basis!

I dunno, it`s getting a bit late here and that is the best I can come up with...
Oh yeah, I get what you mean. I was just saying that there had been an Enterprise wayyyyyy back.

No worries man.

Mind you, sometimes I want to forget "Enterprise" aired. Which is a shame, it had promise toward the end...

I was re watching it. And I think it's pretty good. Coulc have been better, but it wasn't bad IMO. Season 3 was good I thought and 4 was really good (bar that poor POOR finale).

Anyhows, you are dead right. April did command the Federation Starship Enterprise, but it was the same one as Kirks. Of course that was before JJ and team created the alternate bloody timeline.

lol. I have no issue with the alternate timelone. It keeps everyone happy and keeps JJs Trek in canon but they can change what they want without affecting the prime timeline. Keeps fans happy lol.

But yeah, this is why I'm wondering what Ent they are talking about. As Archers is LOOOONG gone and it seems Pike was overseeing this versions development.

Perhaps the Enterprise April commanded was kind of like the space shuttle Enterprise. An experimental test design of some kind that was never meant to be a full commission. But of course we all know that ships named Enterprise have a way of getting into big trouble on a regular basis!

I dunno, it`s getting a bit late here and that is the best I can come up with...

Suppose we'll have to wait and see. I need to read these comics asap.

And if Bob Orci and co ARE respecting Trek canon, then the 1701 HAS to be the first Federation ship.
What if the Enterprise we got introduced to in the 2009 film is actually the 1701-A of this universe, not the original.

Maybe after the attack on the Kelvin, instead of holding off on the Constitution class ships like we once thought, they actually rushed it and made the 1701 earlier than in the Prime Universe.

Now about 20 years later, the ship is decommissioned and Kirk's ship is actually the second 1701.
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It's the only likely explanation in my mind to be honest. But this raises the question of why doesn't the registry of Kirk`s Enterprise reflect that?

I can guess the real reason! But what will the in-universe answer be? :D

Maybe April`s ship will have been NCC-1700, the first Constitution class starship off of the production line? That's all I've got.
What if the Enterprise we got introduced to in the 2009 film is actually the 1701-A of this universe, not the original.

Maybe after the attack on the Kelvin, instead of holding off on the Constitution class ship like we once thought, they actually rushed it and made the 1701 earlier than in the Prime Universe.

Now about 20 years later, the ship is decommissioned and Kirk's ship is actually the second 1701.

I don't think so bud. If the team are respecting canon, then the registry alone of Pikes/Kirks ship should show that the Ent was the first Federation Ent. This comic has thrown a few questions about all this now.

It's the only likely explanation in my mind to be honest. But this raises the question of why doesn't the registry of Kirk`s Enterprise reflect that?

I can guess the real reason! But what will the in-universe answer be? :D

Maybe April`s ship will have been NCC-1700, the first Constitution class starship off of the production line? That's all I've got.

Can't be. The 1700 was called the USS Constitution. The class name of starships is given from the name of the starship of that class. The Enterprise D was a galaxy class starship. The first ship of that class was the USS Galaxy.
But that's from the original time-line. So I am assuming it is alterable...?

It is all possible. Just have to wait and see really :)
What if the Enterprise we got introduced to in the 2009 film is actually the 1701-A of this universe, not the original.

Maybe after the attack on the Kelvin, instead of holding off on the Constitution class ship like we once thought, they actually rushed it and made the 1701 earlier than in the Prime Universe.

Now about 20 years later, the ship is decommissioned and Kirk's ship is actually the second 1701.

The prequel comic from IDW 'Countdown to Darkness' seems to be going in that direction. The last issue showed that in this timeline, Robert April was the captain of an earlier, but different, Enterprise in this timeline that was recently decommissioned to make way for Kirk's 1701 ship.
I posted this in another thread.


I believe April had the 1701 we knew and loved from TOS, it was decomissioned 2 years prior to ST2009 and replaced with a larger, newer Enterprise we know from the movie.

The ship design and bridge look more like 1701 from TOS.

April's Enterprise IS the same Enterprise from TOS. Look at the shape of the ship, look at the picture of the Bridge. The original launch date of the NCC-1701 Enterprise was 2245. In TOS, Kirk took command of the Enterprise in 2265, but in ST2009, he took command 2258, a whole 7 years before he was supposed to.

Now, Spock was supposed to be on Pike's crew 15 years prior to serving with Kirk (per "The Menagerie"). That means that April was supposed to have the Enterprise for 1 5-year mission, then turn it over the Pike, Pike had the Enterprise until 2265 when Kirk took over, but in the ST2009 timeline, he took it over after earlier. Due to Nero, the Original Enterprise 1701 was decommissioned into Pike's 3rd 5-year mission. So, he had only 1, and into his second he oversaw the development of the "New and Improved" Constitution Class Enterprise that is MUCH larger than the Original 1701.

Perhaps the person that would have come up with the new naming convention died or was replaced, or shifted over to another field and the A, B, C, etc convention was lost.

Look at the design of the ship and of the bridge, while not exactly like Kirk's TOS Bridge, it is a lot closer than the the 2009 movie has.
I got a feeling this ship will make it's triumphant return in Into Darkness, with Harrison at the captain's chair and than it ends up being the ship crashing into the bay we see in every trailer and preview.
This Federation Ship looks like it's Armored. Could be a Prototyp.

Here's some shots of the ship that crashes into the bay.

It has the shape usually associated with Enterprises, but it isn't the silhouette of this Kirk's Enterprise.


I never noticed that. Thanks for point that out!
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I got a feeling this ship will make it's triumphant return in Into Darkness, with Harrison at the captain's chair and than it ends up being the ship crashing into the bay we see in every trailer and preview.

The new trailer proves your theory correct.
But the question now is,

Is this April's Enterprise, or something entirely different.
I feel confident it's something different -- the size alone seems to indicate that.

But where April's Enterprise could fit into all this is still a good question.
OMG, awesome!


But the question now is,

Is this April's Enterprise, or something entirely different.

It's a new Starfleet Battleship . Dreadnaught Class. I suspect it's a Super Secret Prototype. And by the way: That thing looks Badass! I wonder what the Name will be...
Hmm, I wonder will Kirk and crew take over the bigger ship by movie's end? Hmm...? I woder how many people it holds overall and what kind of new weapons..

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