AP European History Test

Tangled Web

Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have to take the damn AP Euro test tomorow. I did very well on the mock exams but I'm a little nervous. Basically it includes 5 centuries of European history! With a Document based question and two free response questions. Have any of you guys taken this?
Just remember America kicked their but pre 1776. And Napoleon was short, Hitler was crazy, and Arnold gropes.
I had one of those on American History I think. I aced it, because I don't spend all my time worrying about USC
A little Tip, when you want to remember France, just think of that team that gets it's ass beat every year, UCLA:up:
just don't **** up on the essay
Darren Daring said:
A little Tip, when you want to remember France, just think of that team that gets it's ass beat every year, UCLA:up:
Or I'll remember Troy getting too cocky and drunk and being outsmarterd by Grreks in a horse.
I took the U.S. history and Gov't ones, do no not screw up the essays and keep in mind with the multiple choice do not over think them, time is very precious.
funny cause i'm taking the US history AP test tomorrow.
Tangled Web said:
Or I'll remember Troy getting too cocky and drunk and being outsmarterd by Grreks in a horse.

No, rememebr that time that USC beat UCLA 66-19. Not to help with history, just rememebr it.
The Riddler said:
funny cause i'm taking the US history AP test tomorrow.

I took it two years ago and got a two, but for gov't I got a four.
Darren Daring said:
No, rememebr that time that USC beat UCLA 66-19. Not to help with history, just rememebr it.
I'll remember UCLA beating USC 8 times in a row without paying players and letting them get away with rape.
USC: So good they're allowed to rape people:up:

Really, how good does a team have to be that they can just rape anyone they want? how good?
I got my results today....

...I passed!!!!

I got a 4, **** yes!
Tangled Web said:
I have to take the damn AP Euro test tomorow. I did very well on the mock exams but I'm a little nervous. Basically it includes 5 centuries of European history! With a Document based question and two free response questions. Have any of you guys taken this?
No but I'm taking U.S. History
U.S War Machine said:
No but I'm taking U.S. History
I'm taking that this coming year. I have damn summer work, and we haven't recieved our text books.
Sucks for you guys who are still taking tests. Even more for you, TW, summer work? Hahaha!
I'd be studying instead of posting on here, id be making flashcards of any possible question. Thats how i passed all my exams last year.
Marvel Man said:
I'd be studying instead of posting on here, id be making flashcards of any possible question. Thats how i passed all my exams last year.
I took the test on May 5. I just updated the thread to tell you all that I passed. The 4 means that I'm well qualified.
Tangled Web said:
I'm taking that this coming year. I have damn summer work, and we haven't recieved our text books.

Yeah I'm taking AP US and have summer work too. :( Some of which is due half a month before school starts...
Basically I just won a few thousand bucks becasue, I won't have to take that course in College.
CrAzYMoFo said:
Yeah I'm taking AP US and have summer work too. :( Some of which is due half a month before school starts...
That sucks. I bet we have similiar work.
Tangled Web said:
That sucks. I bet we have similiar work.

We have to read a book from this list and write a book review on it. Then we have 3 ch. outlines and 3 ch. packets. You?
CrAzYMoFo said:
We have to read a book from this list and write a book review on it. Then we have 3 ch. outlines and 3 ch. packets. You?
Read chapters 1-5, identify 40 terms, give history of 13 colonies, and answer a buch of questions on the packet.

and after that I have IB English work... :down:
Tangled Web said:
I took the test on May 5. I just updated the thread to tell you all that I passed. The 4 means that I'm well qualified.

lol sorry i didnt bother read the whole one i thought it was new and made today, lol sorry good job too!

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