Aplication: TV Show Universe RPG


Revamped and Renegade.
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
RPG Application

Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master:

Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?:

Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Syn (Mercenary) and Matt Murdock.:up:

How will the overall layout of the RPG be?:
Ongoing. Season by season. 3 GMs. Reserves will be allowed. Players will be able to pick any animated or live action fictional character from any TV show with approval from a GM. TV shows excluded from selection will be Heroes, Smallville, Transformers and all TF incarnations, and any other comic book related and or franchise-related TV series.

Premise of RPG, if it is a user created RPG see below for applicable additions to this Applicaton, (Must be a paragraph or longer).

Due to events unknown, the universe has been fluxuating. Two worlds will collide, both nearly exactly the same, but different, not that it would matter, because slowly, both worlds are becoming one. Portals have magically appeared in strange places connecting both the worlds, and figures known throughout their own world, have been crossing over to "the other side". A side they are not familiar with. But some have also remained on their own side, afraid of what the other side holds. What will this shift bring? Knowledge? Choas? Comedy? War? You decide. This is the TV Universe RPG!

The premise is that the real world (live action) and animated world of television have suddenly been having cross dimensional portals appearing due to a universal shift, allowing animated characters to go to the real world, and real characters to go to the animated world through these portals that are apppearing in few places. Of course people don't have to cross over to "the other side" if they do not choose to, but it would be cool to see them come together like Peter Griffin and House, Scooby Doo and Jack Bauer, and the Bionic Woman and Goku.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences):
An RPG where people can play characters ranging from Tony Soprano to Ben 10 to Charlie Crews to Popeye. Endless possibilities.

Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: The "Don't touch that remote!" TV Universe RPG.

Example Of Characters Application:

TV RPG Application

Screen Name:

Character you would like to play and TV show they are from:
Live-Action or Animated?:

Continuity (Season) Cut-off point:

Attached NPCS?:


Three reasons why you have chosen that character:




Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG:

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample post (must be at least three paragraphs with one line of dialogue):
RPG Application

Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master:

Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?:

Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Hopefully Syn and Matt Murdock.:up:

How will the overall layout of the RPG be?:
Ongoing. Season by season. 3 GMs. Reserves will be allowed. Players will be able to pick any animated or live action fictional character from any TV show with approval from a GM. TV shows excluded from selection will be Heroes, Smallville, Transformers and all TF incarnations, Power Rangers, and any other comic book related and or franchise-related TV series.

Premise of RPG, if it is a user created RPG see below for applicable additions to this Applicaton, (Must be a paragraph or longer).

Due to events unknown, the universe has been fluxuating. Two worlds will collide, both nearly exactly the same, but different, not that it would matter, because slowly, both worlds are becoming one. Portals have magically appeared in strange places connecting both the worlds, and figures known throughout their own world, have been crossing over to "the other side". A side they are not familiar with. But some have also remained on their own side, afraid of what the other side holds. What will this shift bring? Knowledge? Choas? Comedy? War? You decide. This is the TV Universe RPG!

The premise is that the real world (live action) and animated world of television have suddenly been having cross dimensional portals appearing due to a universal shift, allowing animated characters to go to the real world, and real characters to go to the animated world through these portals that are apppearing in few places. Of course people don't have to cross over to "the other side" if they do not choose to, but it would be cool to see them come together like Peter Griffin and House, Scooby Doo and Jack Bauer, and the Bionic Woman and Goku.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences):
An RPG where people can play characters ranging from Tony Soprano to Ben 10 to Charlie Crews to Popeye. Endless possibilities.

Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: The "Don't touch that remote!" TV Universe RPG.

Example Of Characters Application:

TV RPG Application

Screen Name:

Character you would like to play and TV show they are from:

Live-Action or Animated?:

Attached NPCS?:


Three reasons why you have chosen that character:




Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG:

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample post (must be at least three paragraphs with one line of dialogue):
Reserve list

BL-Ben 10/Danny McCoy
Climp-the Doctor/Cap'n Jack Harkness
Syn-Charlie Crews/Jay Leno (with GM permission)
Murdock-Peter Griffin/Jack Bauer
NuFD-Earl/Dr. Jackman
EBJ-Red Ranger Andros
Apprentice-Tom Baldwin/Cameron Phillips
LD-Stephen Colbert


The fact that power rangers aren't included confuses me a little. After all, the movie RPG died a pretty quick death so I don't see why the characters shouldn't be allowed. The rule I had over there was if your character cannot be played in any other game and appeared in a movie, you may play as them.

And if we're allowing three characters, please put me down for Peter Griffin, Dr. Gregory House, andJack Bauer.
3 Characters?! Put me down as Cap'n Jack (HARKNESS, not that cheesy pirate one) and Martha Jones, too.
The standard rule for three characters is that you must have played through at least a full season of one other RPG on the Hype.

Have you done that, Climp?
I say we allow only two characters right now.
I say I get dibs on Peter Griffin and Jack Bauer if that's the case. With a third character option for Greggers.
Put me down for Jay Leno too. ;) Yeah, I'm ****ing kidding.
The standard rule for three characters is that you must have played through at least a full season of one other RPG on the Hype.

Have you done that, Climp?
:csad:. Damn the never-endingness of the CAHRPG's first season....
Two characters allowed here guys. The exclusion of the Power Rangers was mainly because that they were in a Previous RPG, and characters that have been in previous RPGs I'm trying to steer away from, but then again, they originated from the TV Show, so I've changed my mind. They are now open for play, but only certain seasons. Why don't you want in Byrd?
Damn, I was trying to stop joining RPGs (or RPGs in the making), but this is too good to pass up. Put me down for Eric Cartman.
Two characters allowed here guys. The exclusion of the Power Rangers was mainly because that they were in a Previous RPG, and characters that have been in previous RPGs I'm trying to steer away from, but then again, they originated from the TV Show, so I've changed my mind. They are now open for play, but only certain seasons. Why don't you want in Byrd?
Cool, put me down for Cap'n Jack Harkness, too.

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