Electro UK
Can't all be for nothing
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Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master: Electro UK
Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: MSN: [email protected]
Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Just me so far, if the people who I’d like to join, join, I have an idea of who could be on the staff roster.
How will the overall layout of the RPG be?: I’d imagined this’d be limited to a set number of seasons, with only one or two GMs and a few more AGMs
Premise of RPG: Essentially, it’s a video game RPG, focusing on characters from more mature video games such as Metal Gear Solid, or the Halo series. Games like Mario however, couldn’t mesh with the majority of characters and so would have to be excluded, perhaps an RPG for them would come in time.
When (if) player’s apply, the GM on approving, will judge if the character and game can fit into the Universe. The Universe itself, will change every season. While Season 1 will be based in modern day Earth, Season 2 could go off to the future, or back to ancient times, obviously encountering new challenges every season.
This means some characters will fit in a little bit better every season, so say if someone where to choose Kratos from God of War in Season 1, they could spend the Season adapting him to fit in with modern day times, fighting super powered foes, just as powerfull as the mythical beasts from his time. If the next season were to end up in his time, he could fit right back in while a character like Snake or Master Chief would find new challenges in fighting more unusual foes, and serious set backs in technology.
If approved, a character from the current time can continue as usual. A character from another time however, would find themselves in New York, or where ever, after a black out in their original time.
Each Season could have one, or several specific threats. Say when Master Chief came to New York, he could bring his war with him, complete with ships etc, and the world has to deal with this futuristic war destroying them.
Then say, a new plot involving a Metal Gear could develop, only to find villains from other games stand in the hero’s way. Think Transformers, their war, our world, in the case of Snake if the Halo universe found itself over NYC or their world, our war in the case of Master Chief finding himself waging the same battle, only on present day Earth.
Ten, depending on the outcome of every season, the heroes will be shifted. If all went well for the Halo universe, during Season 1, but the gods have a bone to pick with Kratos, characters could be placed in Ancient Greece.
If it has the potential to be ongoing, numerous locations could pop up, if not, key locations such as Hyrule, or the Gears of War universe would be obvious choices.
Characters from smaller scale games such as Hitman, could also fit right in other worlds, finding ways to make money, or new motives etc.
What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences): An RPG that can bring a huge range of characters and variety amongst such other limited ones. An RPg, that can appeal to much more than “comic readers” and “day dreamers” as video games appeal to a much larger percentage of people.
Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: The “Get Violent” Video Game RPG
Example Of Characters Application:
Screen name:
Name of character you wish to play:
Name of the game/game series your character belongs in:
How this character fits into the setting, and what part he/she could play in such an RPG, involving powers, motives, etc:
Why you have chosen this character:
Would this character bring anything with him to the current setting?:
What will your character motives be?:
Please provice a small sample post featuring your character in their current setting:
So... thoughts?
Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: MSN: [email protected]
Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Just me so far, if the people who I’d like to join, join, I have an idea of who could be on the staff roster.
How will the overall layout of the RPG be?: I’d imagined this’d be limited to a set number of seasons, with only one or two GMs and a few more AGMs
Premise of RPG: Essentially, it’s a video game RPG, focusing on characters from more mature video games such as Metal Gear Solid, or the Halo series. Games like Mario however, couldn’t mesh with the majority of characters and so would have to be excluded, perhaps an RPG for them would come in time.
When (if) player’s apply, the GM on approving, will judge if the character and game can fit into the Universe. The Universe itself, will change every season. While Season 1 will be based in modern day Earth, Season 2 could go off to the future, or back to ancient times, obviously encountering new challenges every season.
This means some characters will fit in a little bit better every season, so say if someone where to choose Kratos from God of War in Season 1, they could spend the Season adapting him to fit in with modern day times, fighting super powered foes, just as powerfull as the mythical beasts from his time. If the next season were to end up in his time, he could fit right back in while a character like Snake or Master Chief would find new challenges in fighting more unusual foes, and serious set backs in technology.
If approved, a character from the current time can continue as usual. A character from another time however, would find themselves in New York, or where ever, after a black out in their original time.
Each Season could have one, or several specific threats. Say when Master Chief came to New York, he could bring his war with him, complete with ships etc, and the world has to deal with this futuristic war destroying them.
Then say, a new plot involving a Metal Gear could develop, only to find villains from other games stand in the hero’s way. Think Transformers, their war, our world, in the case of Snake if the Halo universe found itself over NYC or their world, our war in the case of Master Chief finding himself waging the same battle, only on present day Earth.
Ten, depending on the outcome of every season, the heroes will be shifted. If all went well for the Halo universe, during Season 1, but the gods have a bone to pick with Kratos, characters could be placed in Ancient Greece.
If it has the potential to be ongoing, numerous locations could pop up, if not, key locations such as Hyrule, or the Gears of War universe would be obvious choices.
Characters from smaller scale games such as Hitman, could also fit right in other worlds, finding ways to make money, or new motives etc.
What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences): An RPG that can bring a huge range of characters and variety amongst such other limited ones. An RPg, that can appeal to much more than “comic readers” and “day dreamers” as video games appeal to a much larger percentage of people.
Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: The “Get Violent” Video Game RPG
Example Of Characters Application:
Screen name:
Name of character you wish to play:
Name of the game/game series your character belongs in:
How this character fits into the setting, and what part he/she could play in such an RPG, involving powers, motives, etc:
Why you have chosen this character:
Would this character bring anything with him to the current setting?:
What will your character motives be?:
Please provice a small sample post featuring your character in their current setting:
So... thoughts?