Are you Canadian?


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering who are all the Canadians out there... if any? I'm a fellow Canuk living in Newfoundland at the moment.

Just wanna say howdy, ya know?

Eh. (Had to do it to please the americans. Ha)
Yes, I'm Canadian and proud of it.

"Oh Canada, our home and native land
True patriot love in all they sons command
With glowing hearts we see the rise
The true north strong and free
And stand on guard, Oh Canada
We stand on guard for thee"
Toronto eh? I'm gonna be moving there next year... yee haw baby.

Everyone loves the english.

American Body guard? Huh? Confused.... oh so confused.
Canadians are complete idiots. They all walk around going........blah - blah - blah and they have heads like Terence and Philip from South Park.
Originally posted by batcavewonder
Canadians are complete idiots. They all walk around going........blah - blah - blah and they have heads like Terence and Philip from South Park.

a)Welcome to the Hype!

b)Dew K. Mosi has that same avatar,and will slowly torture you if you dont get rid of it.

c)****.Canada is cool.

d)Im serious about the avatar.unless you are Dew.which is very unlikely...
Originally posted by batcavewonder
Canadians are complete idiots. They all walk around going........blah - blah - blah and they have heads like Terence and Philip from South Park.

I knew it wouldn't take long....

And I am also Canadian.
so since i'm not canadian does that mean i shouldn't post here?
Originally posted by Mr.Furious
so since i'm not canadian does that mean i shouldn't post here?

It means you answer no and then move on.
Originally posted by The Amazing Spider-Man
I knew it wouldn't take long....

And I am also Canadian.

And you are also evil:mad:
Originally posted by FlameHead
Just wondering who are all the Canadians out there... if any? I'm a fellow Canuk living in Newfoundland at the moment.

Just wanna say howdy, ya know?

Eh. (Had to do it to please the americans. Ha)

and just what is this thread really supposed to be a-boot??? :D :p :p
Originally posted by Dumas
a)Welcome to the Hype!

b)Dew K. Mosi has that same avatar,and will slowly torture you if you dont get rid of it.

c)****.Canada is cool.

d)Im serious about the avatar.unless you are Dew.which is very unlikely...

well.... dmcxx has your avatar.... and i'm sure he had it first.... just like dew and the dark knight here..
Originally posted by WeBhEaD75
well.... dmcxx has your avatar.... and i'm sure he had it first.... just like dew and the dark knight here..

He is dmcnx!:D
Originally posted by Neo is The One
He is dmcnx!:D

after looking through stuff, i figured that out.... *blushes*... ha ha ha... *puts on his tall cone shaped hat and sits in the corner* :D
I love it here in Canada.........

"The great white north,
Our kilts are black,
Hosers take off,
It's not half bad"

*wipes tear from eye*

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