Comics Astonishing X-Men #14 preview

It isn't scott and emma. I am sure of it now LMV.
No, I believe what he meant is, that the scene which Emma pulled out of Scott's mind - took place during the Dark Phoenix Saga, when Jean and Cyclops were together(It took place in Uncanny X-Men 132).

And I sure hope that Cyc will keep rejecting her, she deserves that for manipulating him using Jeanie :mad:
LittleMissVixen said:
err...that's Scott & Emma...
No, it isn't. It's a flashback meant to take place right after the now-famous scene where Jean as the Phoenix asked Scott to take off his visors as she held back all the power in his eyes. The actual moment of Scott and Emma takes place in the last new page of that preview, when Scott is rejecting her.
It isn't Emma....


BrianWilly said:
No, it isn't. It's a flashback meant to take place right after the now-famous scene where Jean as the Phoenix asked Scott to take off his visors as she held back all the power in his eyes. The actual moment of Scott and Emma takes place in the last new page of that preview, when Scott is rejecting her. it's Emma "digging" into Scott's memories of him and Jean.

I saw the "rejection" part. Hopefully Scott will finally stop that "phoenix" game he has been playing with Emma.
Scott looks chubby without his visor. The issue looks good though :up:
Colossal Spoons said:
Scott looks chubby without his visor. The issue looks good though :up:

His face looks like Pete's face to me. :(

Thats a cool cover.

What the hell was emma playing at..she must of known scott would react badly.

Id say its part of her plan.

And LMX id dont know what you mean about Scott playing withh Emma..clearly Emma is playing with scott's feelings a bad way.
Yeah. Cyke's face sans-visor looks like Colossus's to me, as well.

Jean's face looks like Kitty's to me. Well, not exactly like, but it resembles. Artistic flaw or intent?
Optic Rage said:
Thats a cool cover.

What the hell was emma playing at..she must of known scott would react badly.

Id say its part of her plan.

And LMX id dont know what you mean about Scott playing withh Emma..clearly Emma is playing with scott's feelings a bad way.

I was referring to the last time Scott and Emma did the "I am Phoenix" role play game. (as in New X-Men when Jean busted them)
El Bastardo said:
Yeah. Cyke's face sans-visor looks like Colossus's to me, as well.

Jean's face looks like Kitty's to me. Well, not exactly like, but it resembles. Artistic flaw or intent?

I guess I am not the only one who thought it was Pete and Kitty...:confused: :up:
Yeh but emma manipulated the whole situation with Phoenix..and that was quite a while back in New X-Men...i really doubt Emma turns into Phoenix every time they have sex.

So to say he has been playing a game with her is untrue.

IMO its the other way round.
Optic Rage said:
Yeh but emma manipulated the whole situation with Phoenix..and that was quite a while back in New X-Men...i really doubt Emma turns into Phoenix every time they have sex.

So to say he has been playing a game with her is untrue.

I was just commenting on the tackiness of it. Both Scott and Emma included.
Scott seemed to enjoy it the last time.
Sure i agree it is tacky.....but i think Emma only did it that one time so scott would let himself go and her.

like i said i dont think its a game he plays with her.

but yeh moving it just me or can cassidy not draw unique faces.
I agree with those who thought Jean's face looked much more like Kitty's... Scott's didn't look exactly right to me, either, but I can chalk that up to being younger and not really knowing *what* he should look like visorless.

And y'know, I usually am on Emma's side 'cause she's fun and all, but exactly which part of "Look! I'm mimicking your dead wife whom you cheated on with me!" sounded sexy to her? :o She needs to get it together...
Whedon makes me happy. So far anyway.

I like that he references that time period so much because its my favorite time period with the X-men.
So... I have a question. Where are all the other characters in Astonishing? Such as Iceman, Rogue, Sunfi... Oh wait... I only care about Iceman
^ The X-Men are split into teams these days. Iceman is only in adjectiveless X-Men.
None of those characters are in Astonishing.

Cyclops, Emma, Kitty, Colossus, Beast, Wolverine.

And, um.. Lockheed.
Yeah, I know. I read torrented them all, and read em'. <_<. Okay, well, that's okay I guess. I was just anticipating some bad death plot.
The cover for #14 is such a psyche out. lol The issue itself is... let's just say it left me grinning and I can't seem to wipe it off my face. :D

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