Awake, November 30, 2007

It is for J Alba's Lover since the worst actress in cinema is in it.
OMG another Jessica movie, cool Lol *reaction* :eek:

I wonder why it was pushed back,they really dont have a reason to push it back.
i hate you guys except darth elektra.

looks like shes gonna have a big year next year like last year
J Alba's Lover said:
i hate you guys except darth elektra.

looks like shes gonna have a big year next year like last year

She had a big year last year?:confused:
Darthphere said:
She had a big year last year?:confused:
yes numb nuts.


fantastic four and sin city plus she was on every talk show and magazine cover around.
J Alba's Lover said:
yes numb nuts.


fantastic four and sin city plus she was on every talk show and magazine cover around.

One crappy movie, one movie thats not even remembered because of her and random magazines and tv shows that anyone and everyone is on. Nope doesnt equal big year. Jennifer Aniston had a bigger year and all her movies flopped.
whatever go jerk off to n portman and star wars somemore.

why do you always gotta be a such a hating bastard?
J Alba's Lover said:
whatever go jerk off to n portman and star wars somemore.

why do you always gotta be a such a hating bastard?

Because I love you.:(
We wouldn't rag you if we didn't love you JAL :)
Super_Ludacris said:
Pushed Back= Lack of moviegoer interest

Alba fell off
no that means i be there gonna rely on the power of FF2 and SC2 so 2007 is just gonna be like 2005. she's gonna be all over the place.
J Alba's Lover said:
well i don't!:mad:
You don't love yourself? C'mon man, have some self-esteem.

Looks like Alba's gonna have to wait a little bit longer to get her oscar [sic].
Calvin said:
You don't love yourself? C'mon man, have some self-esteem.

Looks like Alba's gonna have to wait a little bit longer to get her oscar [sic].

gee i wonder why i do. but hey who cares. no your not gonna be forced to see anything about her crappy movie now.
J Alba's Lover said:
gee i wonder why i do. but hey who cares. no your not gonna be forced to see anything about her crappy movie now.
Alba's watching you write that, and a tear is rolling down her cheek.
J Alba's Lover said:
no that means i be there gonna rely on the power of FF2 and SC2 so 2007 is just gonna be like 2005. she's gonna be all over the place.

LMAO at you actually believing that.:up:
Calvin said:
Alba's watching you write that, and a tear is rolling down her cheek.
nobody's watching nothing can ever be serious everything has to be a joke to everyone.
J Alba's Lover said:
nobody's watching nothing can ever be serious everything has to be a joke to everyone.
Alba's probably reading this one now and scratching her head.
shut up already! ****! i can't even make a thread with out you people being asses!

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