Rodriguez Over Budget, 'Grind House' Shut Down?

The Apatow Crew

New God
Mar 13, 2005
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Here's an interesting rumor that appeared on the web a little too close to April Fool's Day for me to believe it 100%. According to 'The Grind House Forum' and various other sources like the infamous IMDB, production has been shut down on WeinsteinCo.'s Grind House, which is scheduled to hit theaters December 1st. For the reasons why, read on. In the film both Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez each will direct a 75-minute horror tale including fake movie trailers in between both movies. Rodriguez's part, "Project Terror," will be a zombie pic, while Tarantino's section, "Death Proof," will a slasher seg... writes:

There are increasing rumors that Grind House has indeed shut down production for no specified time. Several sources indicate this. While there is no official statement and there have been so far no good reasons for it (WE suspect it is because of Rodriguez's art exhibition this weekend), one source close to the production sais:

"I have been working on the film and I hate to say that the rumors are true. In fact .... many of the crew members went home already and the word on the set is that Rodriguez has gone over budget. There were days when we had 7 setups to shoot, but we usually would only get to shoot half of what was slated for the day. The word out is that Tarantino will probably be shooting his segment very soon, and we can get back to finish PT as soon as DP is done, and Rodriguez can get his **** together. that is all I have for the time being." Which at least means that it's not halted forever. This would be the first time ever Rodriguez would be

I think with Rodriquez, he tends to over-do everything. It just feels that he's not the most organized person out there, and thus far, he hasn't encountered any problems with his style..until now (if it's true)
Octoberist said:
I think with Rodriquez, he tends to over-do everything. It just feels that he's not the most organized person out there, and thus far, he hasn't encountered any problems with his style..until now (if it's true)

He encountered problems with his style in Once Upon a Time in Mexico when he forgot to add a story. Dont get me wrong Rodriguez is a great director but when it comes to writing hes not always that great and i feel he'll never just be a director (except for SIn City-esque adapations) rather than writer/director. He takes pride in his "Rebel without a Crew" image.
Dang,I hope this isnt true... I was really looking forward to these films. Rodriguez and Tarantino are great directors.

How come Rodriguez doesnt get some money its not that hard with his crediblity.
I take it with a grain of salt since Rodriguez has a penchant for shooting films under-budget. Secondly these assumptions that he's misorganized are just ridiculous.
Yeah, Rodriguez. . . .OVERbudget?!? That dude's cheaper than polyester!
And frankly, don't Rodriguez and Tarintino have money? If it really was a problem they could pay for some of it.
I don't care if "Grind House" gets shut down if it means that "Sin City 2" and "Inglorious Bastards" will come out faster. Which it probably does not.
It was an april fools joke... there is no such thing as 'over budget' with RR.
Mentok said:
It was an april fools joke... there is no such thing as 'over budget' with RR.

^Glad to hear it,because I want to see Grind House.
Even if they did go over budget, RR and QT are the golden boys of MIRAMAX. The Weinstein brothers would never shut down a project, they would dump more money into it if anything.
Geo7877 said:
And frankly, don't Rodriguez and Tarintino have money? If it really was a problem they could pay for some of it.

I'm pretty sure they don't want to give up 10 million bucks or so.

They aren't making movies for the love of it, they love money.
cerealkiller182 said:
Give them some credit. Its a little of both.

I'm not saying it like a bad thing; but most people in Hollywood are drawn there by the appeal of fame and fortune.
Flexo said:
I'm pretty sure they don't want to give up 10 million bucks or so.

They aren't making movies for the love of it, they love money.

It's not uncommon for the directer to put their own money in it. Don't be so cynical
Geo7877 said:
It's not uncommon for the directer to put their own money in it. Don't be so cynical

I've heard about it happening, but mostly on low budget flicks.

You can call it cynical if you like; I just really doubt that anyone would risk losing that much cash for a 75 minute piece of work.
Flexo said:
I'm pretty sure they don't want to give up 10 million bucks or so.

They aren't making movies for the love of it, they love money.

RR puts alot of his own money into his films... one of the reasons he went and made the 'SPY KIDS' films... so he had the money and pull in Hollywood to make the films he wanted with little studio involvement.
If they don't invest more money in this then they must be ******ed. A Tarantino segment guarantees you a hit.
well, if Mr Rodriguez should fall short on cash, he can always donate his body to science and have experiments done on him

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