Babs' Superhero Art

Babs Gordon

Dec 5, 2004
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OK so here are some of my drawings that I do in my spare time.

Nightwing and batgirl. I'm not really certain where the inspiration for this came from. It's a pretty dark, somber image though.

nightwing: ever the acrobat.

sorry guys... this is a wicked crappy scan. :( but its batgirl on a jump line

well i scanned this one a little crooked... and its no hero in particular. i did this during the comic book class i teach at work and the kids thought her face looked just like mine. must be some weird subconscious thing i do. i love her suit the best. if i were a superhero my suit would be just like that. :up:
Like the Batgirl one :) :up:
thanks. i should keep a running tally of how many guys think something dirty about that first one. right now its about 5 different guys. :D it's really meant to be kind of a sad picture.
i didnt notice it at first but now that someone said something it does look a bit dirty
i'm doing my first batman one ever right now. it's also my first attempt at a figure running ever so bear with me. i had to use Hush as a figure guide so i don't fu¢k it up too badly.
Babs Gordon said:
OK so here are some of my drawings that I do in my spare time.

Nightwing and batgirl. I'm not really certain where the inspiration for this came from. It's a pretty dark, somber image though.
comic book class i teach at work and the kids thought her face looked just like mine. must be some weird subconscious thing i do. i love her suit the best. if i were a superhero my suit would be just like that. :up:

I really like the above image. It reminds me of another picture of seen somewhere. Good stuff. :up:

I didn't know you teach comic book class at work. Where do you work? What do you do?
Babs Gordon said:
thanks. i should keep a running tally of how many guys think something dirty about that first one. right now its about 5 different guys. :D it's really meant to be kind of a sad picture.

I'll make it easy for you Babs all guys immediately thought something dirty about that first one.:D
There great, and that Nightwing Batgirl picture, could the inspiration come from a Crow book?
I work at an outdoor environmental education program for middle school kids. I teach all science all week long EXCEPT when I teach them my special comic book class. The kids go nuts over it. Their only complaint is I don't bring enough Marvel comics to look at :o

Anyway, here comes batman, superman and a portrait I did four years ago...
the batman one up above and this one are quick sketches i did in about 15 minutes each. as you can see batman was inspired by jim lee... i've never drawn a figure running before so i had to look on to see how the geometrics of the body were.
here's supes. if he doesn't look much like him its cause my friend asked me to stick his head on superman's body ;)
and lastly here's a portrait i did back in 2000 that i spent a whole lot of time on. it's my cousin but it *could* be a young bruce wayne, right?
Nice, esp. the portrait.
Portraits are very difficult to nail right, because you know what the person has to look like, there's no room for a hell of a lot of flaws.
I tried making one of my girlfriend, everybody likes it but me.
I like the portrait the best, but it looks like he is wearing lipstick
well when you do a pencil portrait all shades of pink and red become very similar. so i don't blame you on the lipstick. i should get back into color but i don't really have the space :(

anyway. here's another quick sketch i did. this time batgirl and supergirl... no shading though.
if i put in as much effort into the other drawings as i did the portrait they'd be much better... i wish i had time like that these days
thanks zer00! that's one of my favorites too. i started out with the girl... then i added the guy and i was like "hey-- that looks like nightwing and babs!" so i draw some stripes on his suit. :up: i like the emotion in it best. it seems very tragic to me.
Babs Gordon said:
i like the emotion in it best. it seems very tragic to me.

Yeah same here. I also like that fact that it's very dark. :D
i've simply got to post this over here. "zedin" from BTN's the planet did some color and 'ink' over my batman drawing and i'm simply in awe!

this time i rendered it myself... just to try it out. i'm obviously not very good... but i had to try!

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