Bat character ages?


still beats hal...
Aug 8, 2005
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im guessing a bit here... just for my own sake im trying to get a rough estimate of these characters ages in current conituity:
Bruce Wayne/Batman: 30ish?
Dick Grayson/Nightwing: 25-27?
Jason Todd: 21-23?
Tim Drake/Robin: 17-18?
sethcohen said:
im guessing a bit here... just for my own sake im trying to get a rough estimate of these characters ages in current conituity:
Bruce Wayne/Batman: 30ish?
Dick Grayson/Nightwing: 25-27?
Jason Todd: 21-23?
Tim Drake/Robin: 17-18?

Batman's probably more like 35-37. He started about ten years ago at age 25. Other than that, you're probably fairly accurate.
To be honest shouldn't Tim be older? I mean he was Robin back when Superman died and before really.
oh ya... duh... i didnt even think about that... bruce has to be atelast 10 years older than dick... dur...
DBM said:
Batman's probably more like 35-37. He started about ten years ago at age 25. Other than that, you're probably fairly accurate.

he should, but this is the comics... they dont age at a normal rate, and the rate changes to suit the stories as well... but i think tim started as robin when he was like 13
Yea he was 13 when he started 15 about when Superman died now they de aged him once Superboy came. Thats what happened IMO because before Superboy he was 15 or 16 then stayed that age for almost 10 years now.
thats one thing i wish they would get straight and kind of advance with some regularity... age the damned characters!
I'm thinking Bruce is about 35, Dick is about 23-25 and Tim is 16-17. Jason Todd should be about 20-21 i guess. His age confuses me.
ya, jasons age is what got me started trying to figure it all out...
Bruce Wayne/Batman: 38
Dick Grayson/Nightwing: 23
Jason Todd: 20 sounds about right
Tim Drake/Robin: 17
I tend to think Bats is closer to forty, and this is year 13 or 14.
Tony_Montana said:
Yea he was 13 when he started 15 about when Superman died now they de aged him once Superboy came. Thats what happened IMO because before Superboy he was 15 or 16 then stayed that age for almost 10 years now.

He wasn't 15 when Batman started. He was thirteen or fourteen.
The Question said:
He wasn't 15 when Batman started. He was thirteen or fourteen.
I didn't say that read what I said. I said he was 15 or 16 when Superman died and Superboy started.
I think he was a bit younger than that. He ddin't turn 16 in his book 'till around 2000.
Right but really he should be in his mid 20's but hey it's comic book world.
My take is:
This is Batman's year 14
Bruce Wayne is 39
Dick Grayson is 25
Tim Drake is 17
Wargod said:
My take is:
This is Batman's year 14
Bruce Wayne is 39
Dick Grayson is 25
Tim Drake is 17

and jason?
Wargod said:
My take is:
This is Batman's year 14
Bruce Wayne is 39
Dick Grayson is 25
Tim Drake is 17

i think that's about right. jason's probably about 19-20.
Tony_Montana said:
Right but really he should be in his mid 20's but hey it's comic book world.

Not really. The way I see it, time seems to pass one year in comics for every five years in the real world. I doubt that it's an actual formula they use, but it works most of the time. Tim is about 17 now.
The Question said:
Not really. The way I see it, time seems to pass one year in comics for every five years in the real world. I doubt that it's an actual formula they use, but it works most of the time.

Wargod said:
My take is:
This is Batman's year 14
Bruce Wayne is 39
Dick Grayson is 25
Tim Drake is 17

Dick is 26 I beleive on acount of OYL, Nightwing Year One put him at 25 years old and that was before OYL. But over I beleive that you're ages are spot on.
Ok but what about villians? Any guesses for Joker, Penguin, Riddler, etc.?

Here are my guesses (or at least how I see) the hero characters:

Batman 35-45
Nightwing 23-28
Jason Todd 20-23
Robin 16-17
Isn't Tim 18 after OYL? Or is he only 17?
17. He was 16 before OYL. I also thought he'd be 18, but someone mentioned that the last birthday we'd seen for Tim was his 16th. Although no mention has been made so far about his stepmother or Bruce adopting him, so it's possible that he is 18 and thus legally an adult, so none of that matters anymore.

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