Batman Begins Batman escaping Arkham scene


Dec 28, 2006
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So in the scene after Gordon takes Rachel, and Batman is making his way through the halls of Arkham, he passes two cells. The first has an older, balding guy with a big nose looking out. The second has a younger, thin man, with long hair. Did anyone else think they could have been the Penguin and Joker when they first saw it? Obviously they're not, but I thought it was strange how similar they looked to those characters.
There had been this small rumor that the first inmate was played by Tracey Walter, better known as Bob the Goon from 'Batman 89,' which was later proven false.

but to stay on topic, I honestly never thought any of the featured inmates were known characters from the Batman mythology.

But ya gotta think...why would Penguin be in Arkham? Isn't he just a mobster?
So in the scene after Gordon takes Rachel, and Batman is making his way through the halls of Arkham, he passes two cells. The first has an older, balding guy with a big nose looking out. The second has a younger, thin man, with long hair. Did anyone else think they could have been the Penguin and Joker when they first saw it? Obviously they're not, but I thought it was strange how similar they looked to those characters.

I thought Penguin and Joker (or Riddler)...but more so Joker

There were people who thought those inmates were Penguin and Joker, yeah.

Then again, there were also people who thought the little boy was gonna be Robin and that Rachel was going to become Catwoman... :whatever:

Folks tend to try and see a little too much in details.
But it does say something that those characters were the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw that scene, and it's not like I was looking for or expecting a Penguin or Joker cameo.

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