Batman vs Predator


Feb 10, 2002
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I never was able to read this but was interested in knowing if anyone could tell me what happened and who won...thanks.
I'll try to give you an overview of what I remember.

In this one which is their first meeting and my favorite deals with the Predator killing off some mob bosses and of course Batman confronts him and gets beaten badly that Bruce has to invent a new armor suit to beat him, in the end Bats beats the Pred and keeps it's staff as a trophy while the Predator homeworld come to pick up their deceased warrior.


In this one Batman teams with the Huntress and they go after Predators, duh!


In this one there are now two Predators going after Batman and Robin, Mr. Freeze is also involved somehow.
The Predators were father and son in Blood Ties. They kill Freezes entire gang except him. I'm pretty sure Bats realizes that the Predators vision is heat based, and he makes some improvements to the suit from the first mini.

IMO Batman vs Predator I is the best of the three. Not to nitpick, Lazlo, but at the end, Bats is given the sword the predator Hari-Karied with.
The first Batman vs Predator is a very good story. It also has great art by Adam and Andy Kubert.
The first BvP story is without a doubt the best of the three. As well as the art.

Btw I have a question. I googled some Batman and Predator images when I came across this. I've never seen it before. Does anyone know when this came out?



Batman could kill them all *hint Dead End*
Batman has already fallen prey to a Predator. In one Predator comic his head and mask hang on a Trophy wall.
now theres something you dont read everyday
Nathan said:
Batman has already fallen prey to a Predator. In one Predator comic his head and mask hang on a Trophy wall.
Like an in-continuity Predator comic, from Dark Horse? Wow. That is something you don't read every day. I guess Dark Horse doesn't take kindly to losing. It's cool though, because they're badass badasses with a high degree of badassitude.

So has anyone figured out where those images were from? Supes Vs. Pred maybe?
The First one was actually pretty good. The second wasn't too bad, and I never read the third.

droogiedroogie2 said:
So has anyone figured out where those images were from? Supes Vs. Pred maybe?
I remember reading in Wizard a few years ago that they were making a Batman and Superman vs Aliens vs Predators. I never knew what happened with it but I'd say that's it.
Here's a scan of the Trophy wall I was talking about.

That's awesome. You've got Batman, Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto and I guess there might be a few other ones that I can't recognize.
xxAPCxx said:
I never was able to read this but was interested in knowing if anyone could tell me what happened and who won...thanks.
The one I have which had art by one of the Kubert's (Andy I think) Batman wins. Some other predators land and make the one Bats fought kill himself for failing then they give Bats the sword.
batman's gonna be deadmeat to a pred in one setting...unless of course bats turns tail and retreats to the batcave and cook up some new tech to disorient the pred..hey one question though, did the pred(s) get to use the ultimate weapon? i mean the detonator that wipes everything just like what happened to the first movie with arnold..
hey guys this is an off topic many posts do one has to get in order to have the privilige of an avatar?
Nathan said:
The first BvP story is without a doubt the best of the three. As well as the art.

Btw I have a question. I googled some Batman and Predator images when I came across this. I've never seen it before. Does anyone know when this came out?
Nathan said:
im not sure but i do remember a story about supes vs the Aliens but i don't know if bats was involved in it or the preds, i haven't really read it i just saw a cover..but i guess that's a different story..
Nathan said:
The first BvP story is without a doubt the best of the three. As well as the art.

Btw I have a question. I googled some Batman and Predator images when I came across this. I've never seen it before. Does anyone know when this came out?

That's JLA vs Predator.
Uh... No it's not. I have that, and those pages aren't from it.. Like I already said, it's probably from Superman and Batman vs Aliens vs Predator, or something like that.

EDIT: All I could find was the three previously posted pages and that they're painted by Ariel Olivetti. It was titled Superman/Batman vs. Alien/Predator. I think they must have stopped making the book, because the last I heard of it was from a year or two ago and those pages date back a while aswell. Those pages were the only things to be released.

I've never read either of them. I was making a guess.
bat_in_d_hat said:
batman's gonna be deadmeat to a pred in one setting...unless of course bats turns tail and retreats to the batcave and cook up some new tech to disorient the pred..hey one question though, did the pred(s) get to use the ultimate weapon? i mean the detonator that wipes everything just like what happened to the first movie with arnold..
It's been a long while since I've read them but I think in the first mini the Pred uses the device but Batman smashes his wrist with a bat......I think.
If arnold Schwarzenegger can kill a predator, than batman could pwn about 5 or 6 no problem.

well maybe a little problem. But nothing as bad as clayface or Bane.

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