warren_sparta27 said:another reason why Conan>Dave
ChrisBaleBatman said:Conan, dude. Conan.
Lazlo Panaflex said:David Letterman is old and boring, Leno rules!!
Lazlo Panaflex said:David Letterman is old and boring, Leno rules!!
Batman said:How is that possible when Detective Comics #27 first appeared in May of 1939?
Motown Marvel said:i do believe, if i remember correctly, that DC #27 first appeared on shelves june 1, 1939.
batmaluco said:Happy birthday, Batman!
KingOfDreams said:I want to marry the grinder girl
Batman said:No, it was May of 1939.
ChrisBaleBatman said:Yeah.....just wanna hit that, and then bail. That's what Bruce Wayne would do. (thumbs up).