Batman's Birthday?


The Oldest Geek
Jan 5, 2004
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According to David Letterman, it's Batman's 67th "birthday" today, is that right?

David's Batman joke:

Question most asked of Batman -
"Aren't you hot in that thing?"

Happy Birthday Bruce!
How is that possible when Detective Comics #27 first appeared in May of 1939?
I think he's actually 68 years old............but yeah, Dave's right, I think. Batman's reaching 70 very soon.

Oh yeah, Conan owns. I think he might have had a hand in the rise of Chuck Norris facts, what with the Walker Texas Ranger Lever.
Lazlo Panaflex said:
David Letterman is old and boring, Leno rules!!

I've never found Leno funny. At all. Anyway, Conan is the best.
Lazlo Panaflex said:
David Letterman is old and boring, Leno rules!!

There both old. Dave is insane and hilarious because he's nuts and weird and doesn't care. And I love the Grindergirl and all the insanity on Dave's show. Leno is boring and lame and sucks up to all the celebs. That's why the top celebs go on Leno so Leno has the top ratings. His jokes are so bad, stupid and obvious. The band's lead guitarist just stupidly fake laughs at every thing that Leno says. After Dave is over on CBS I switch over to Conan on NBC. Conan is hilarious. I miss Andy Richter. After Conan I switch to the X-Files on TNT because Carson Daly is an idiot.
The Grindergirl from the Late Show with Dave Letterman:
Batman said:
How is that possible when Detective Comics #27 first appeared in May of 1939?

i do believe, if i remember correctly, that DC #27 first appeared on shelves june 1, 1939.
Motown Marvel said:
i do believe, if i remember correctly, that DC #27 first appeared on shelves june 1, 1939.

No, it was May of 1939.

lmfao..............well, it's is your sn.

Btw, you must have been the first one to this party....that name would be the first one everyone would try.
Yeah.....just wanna hit that, and then bail. That's what Bruce Wayne would do. (thumbs up).
Batman said:
No, it was May of 1939.


yeah, i know thats the publishing date on the cover, but if i remember correctly, according the 'the complete history of batman' by les daniels, it wasnt on the rack till june 1, 1939....action comics #1 was june 10, 1938....either way, small details.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
Yeah.....just wanna hit that, and then bail. That's what Bruce Wayne would do. (thumbs up).

There's that too...which wouldn't be bad either.

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