I want to place it here as a point of reference because some folks over at Wikipedia want the article deleted.
Golden Age
Main articles: Batman#Golden_Age and Batman (Earth-Two)
[edit] 1930s
[edit] 1939
[edit] 1940
Golden Age
Main articles: Batman#Golden_Age and Batman (Earth-Two)
[edit] 1930s
[edit] 1939
- May: Batman makes his debut as well as his ally, Commissioner James Gordon. (DETECTIVE COMICS #27)
- July: Dr. Death debuts as the first recurring Batman villain. Meanwhile, Batman's utility belt is first spotlighted. (DETECTIVE COMICS #29)
- September: Bruce Wayne's fiancée, actress Julie Madison, is introduced as Batman battles The Monk. Meanwhile, the Bat-Gyro, a precursor to the Bat-Plane, and Batarang are introduced. (DETECTIVE COMICS #31)
- October: In order to end The Monk's reign of terror, Batman destroys him along with his ally, Dala, by shooting them with silver bullets. (DETECTIVE COMICS #32)
- November: In "The Batman and How He Came to Be", the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne (Bruce's parents) are recounted. (DETECTIVE COMICS #33)
[edit] 1940
- February: Batman battles the evil Professor Hugo Strange. (DETECTIVE COMICS #36)
- March: Batman dons night-vision goggles for the first time. (DETECTIVE COMICS #37)
- April: After his trapeze-artists parents are murdered by gangster Tony Zucco, Dick Grayson joins Batman's war on crime as Robin the Boy Wonder. (DETECTIVE COMICS #38)
- Spring: The Joker and Catwoman (then, referred to as "The Cat") debut in the launch of Batman's own, self-titled series. Meanwhile, a Bat-plane that's armed with a machine gun is also unveiled. In another tale, Batman guns down the giants of Hugo Strange; hereafter, Batman vows to reject the usage of firearms (BATMAN #1)
- June: Thespian Basil Karlo takes on the role of serial murderer Clayface. (DETECTIVE COMICS #40)
- July: Robin tackles his first solo adventure/case, which Batman (nevertheless) winds up helping him wrap up. (DETECTIVE COMICS #41)
- Fall: Catwoman first appears in costume (BATMAN #3). Meanwhile, Batman shares top-billing with Superman in the debut of World's Best Comics (later becoming World's Finest Comics) with the publication of its second issue. (WORLD'S BEST COMICS #1)
- Winter: Batman's home base, Gotham City is first named. (BATMAN #4)
- February: Hinting at the Batcave to come, Batman and Robin race through a secret tunnel beneth Wayne Manor to a barn concealing Batman's roadster, referred to as "The Batmobile"[1]. (DETECTIVE COMICS #48)
- March: Julie Madison calls off her engagement to Bruce Wayne because of his playboy lifestyle. Meanwhile, using the name Portia Storme, Julie dons a Robin costume as the Dynamic Duo battle Clayface. (DETECTIVE COMICS #48)
- April: Robin acquires a pair of rocket-powered roller skates. (DETECTIVE COMICS #50)
- Spring: The Batmobile[2] roars into action while sporting its own bat-headed battering ram. (BATMAN #5)
- Summer: Bruce Wayne's latest fling, Linda Page first appears. (BATMAN #6)
- Fall: The fear-mongering villain, Scarecrow is introduced. (WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #3)
- December: The Penguin is introduced. (DETECTIVE COMICS #58)
- February: The Bat-Signal summons Batman for the first time. (DETECTIVE COMICS #60)
- August: District Attorney Harvey "Apollo" Kent (later "Dent") and his devilish alter-ego Two-Face make their debuts. (DETECTIVE COMICS #66)
- August-September: A cavern beneath Wayne Manor is revealed as Batman's "secret underground hangars." (BATMAN #12)
- April: Rogues Tweedledee and Tweedledum first appear. (DETECTIVE COMICS #74)
- April-May: Alfred is introduced as the Wayne family valet. (BATMAN #16)
- November: Batman and Robin encounter the swashbuckling Cavalier. (DETECTIVE COMICS #81)
- January: Batman's undergrounded lair is called "The Bat Cave" for the first time. (DETECTIVE COMICS #83)
- August-September: Batman and Robin journey to ancient Rome in their first time-travel adventure. (BATMAN #24)
- October-November: In the first major Batman villain team-up, the Joker and Penguin join forces to take on Batman. (BATMAN #25)
- December 1944-January: The Bat-Sled enables the Dynamic Duo and Alfred to enjoy some winter fun. (BATMAN #26)
- April: Scotland Yard provides Batman and Robin with the first official Bat-Boat to speed their search for the evil Professor Moriarty. (DETECTIVE COMICS #10)
- June-July: A blonde Catwoman appears in a prototype of her classic purple cat-eared costume. (BATMAN #35)
- June-July: Aliens appear for the first time on a Batman comic book cover. (BATMAN #41)
- June-July: The first detailed origin of Batman is published. In this tale, Batman tracks down Joe Chill, the man who murdered his parents. (BATMAN #47)
- October: The Riddler makes his debut. (DETECTIVE COMICS #140)
- October-November: The Mad Hatter joins Batman's rogues gallery. Meanwhile, photographer Vicki Vale, Batman's most enduring love interest (1948-1962), is also introduced. (BATMAN #49)
- May: Batman and Robin employ a "Sub-Batmarine" to capture the Tiger Shark. (DETECTIVE COMICS #147)