Becoming an Extra



Hey all -- I'm new to this forum. I stumbled across this board in my quest to become an extra in the third Spider-man movie. Searching through archives, I did find one thread about this topic, but it didn't give any sort of conclusive answer (people suggested e-mailing SONY -- I couldn't even find the appropriate email address on their website). I'm a student at Columbia University and even if not an extra, I'd love to watch the filming occur. The only info I've managed to learn is that filming will take place any time from May to Sept (I do live near the city though, so I can show up during the summer).

So...does anyone out there have ANY idea at all about how one may go about becoming an extra? Is an agent necessary (if so, I'm definitely out of this game)? Has anyone here been an extra or know someone who was?


P.S. Please don't chew my head off if there has been a more extensive thread about this which I missed. Cut me some slack.
Welcome to the Hype and hope you reach your goal in becoming an extra. But i have no clue how to help you but if there is maybe when i find something i'll tell.
i sure would want to be an extra! that would be awesome!!!
Yes it really would be. Seeing Spidey would be awesome
wasnt some mod an extra in Spider-Man 1?
Batman1939 said:
Yes I Think it was Dew. What a Lucky guy.
which guy was dew in the movie? screen caps anyone?
sohcahtoa said:
Hey all -- I'm new to this forum. I stumbled across this board in my quest to become an extra in the third Spider-man movie. Searching through archives, I did find one thread about this topic, but it didn't give any sort of conclusive answer (people suggested e-mailing SONY -- I couldn't even find the appropriate email address on their website). I'm a student at Columbia University and even if not an extra, I'd love to watch the filming occur. The only info I've managed to learn is that filming will take place any time from May to Sept (I do live near the city though, so I can show up during the summer).

So...does anyone out there have ANY idea at all about how one may go about becoming an extra? Is an agent necessary (if so, I'm definitely out of this game)? Has anyone here been an extra or know someone who was?


P.S. Please don't chew my head off if there has been a more extensive thread about this which I missed. Cut me some slack.

There are several sites that post open calls for extras (including SHH!), so I would just keep checking online for when filming is going to take place at Columbia.

You might want to ask Dew K. Mosi (AKA Heather) about the process she went through to become an extra in SM1, but she lives in Studio City California so she's probably got a few "ins" that the average person doesn't have.

Here's Dew's big scene, BTW:
I don't know how true this is, but my friend said that his girlfriend got an e-mail from Sony asking her to be an extra. She goes to drama classes and stuff like that so he might be telling the truth
I'd love to be an extra! But I'd probably rather be a villian...who wouldn't?

I got excited when I saw this announcement on Comics2Film:

...but then found out you need to register for the stupid agency.

Oh well, I'm just following the Spidey-3 filming news right now so that I can watch them film when they come to the Big Apple.
all you need to do to become an extra is sneek onto the set, and when they are filming you just walk right in front of the camera and wave.
sohcahtoa said:

I got excited when I saw this announcement on Comics2Film:

...but then found out you need to register for the stupid agency.

Oh well, I'm just following the Spidey-3 filming news right now so that I can watch them film when they come to the Big Apple.

you and me both. i live in NYC so maybe we could try together to become extras, haha.
Batman1939 said:
Yes I Think it was Dew. What a Lucky guy.

The empress going to ban you ;)
and she was in a few others shows too
Oh how I wish I had an agent........

Is it hard to get an agent? Cost a lot? Details!!!
boyscouT said:
you and me both. i live in NYC so maybe we could try together to become extras, haha.

can I join the party.
I"ll be in the city for school and without a doubt gonna try and veiw as much fliming as possible when they start!
I'm going to be in New York in September, you think they'll still be shooting?
as much as i would love to be an extra in SM3, i love all this hype/secret stuff. otherwise it would not be a seret anymore.
I was lucky enough to be an extra in spiderman 1, it was pretty cool I guess. I got to see Bone Saw and Spidey going at it in the ring. Raimi had to keep telling Macho Man to tone it down, that was pretty funny. It was the first time did something like that, I wouldn't mind doing it again. If you go, try to sneek in some food to eat, they gave us like a sack lunch type deal and it sucked big time.
I'd like to be an extra in a big outdoor scene like the balcony scene in the first spidey movie. It would be hard to notice, but far off in the background would be some guy scratching his balls.
Register for Central Casting. That's how you do it. That's the easiest way.

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