Beeping Laptop Question


Mar 17, 2003
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I bought an HP laptop recently and after a few weeks it began beeping from the left hand side. It does it every now and then but it is beginning to concern me. Has anyone else had these problems or know why it is doing this? Any resolutions?
Is the battery dying on it? may sound ******ed but if its doing it every now and again you never know.

Also is it beeping when you boot up or when windows has loaded? If its doing it when you boot up and you have only just had it i would take it back and get them (or Hp) to give you a new one because something might be wrong with your motherboard/hardware.


/\ Jesus how old is the skynet joke? come up with something constructive you cock
Is the battery dying on it? may sound ******ed but if its doing it every now and again you never know.

Also is it beeping when you boot up or when windows has loaded? If its doing it when you boot up and you have only just had it i would take it back and get them (or Hp) to give you a new one because something might be wrong with your motherboard/hardware.


/\ Jesus how old is the skynet joke? come up with something constructive you cock

Yeah it does it when windows has already loaded. I'll have to take it back then. Thanks Blackdust!

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