Begins Joker card, better pics comming soon.

Well, the word "proximo" means "near" in portuguese. I guess Proximo is close to someone inside. ;)
BTW, great props. :up:
Proximo said:
pfft.. It's a Secret.

Next week maybe i will have a '89 Jokercard also, whit a bullet hole like in the movie.
Will post pictures when i can.

Better pictures of the Begins Jokercard in the Evidence bag comming later also in a few days.

Hope you guys Enjoy the pictures.
Um...It isn't a "bullet hole". When casinos retire cards they poke a hole in the middle so that they know not to use em again, and so no one else will.
Comic Book Boy said:
Um...It isn't a "bullet hole". When casinos retire cards they poke a hole in the middle so that they know not to use em again, and so no one else will.

I also thought that is what the hole was from......

But I was proven wrong. In the script it says the cards stopped a bullet and saved Jacks life, hence the "lucky deck" line.

But yeah I was with you on that comic book.:up:
superpower said:
I also thought that is what the hole was from......

But I was proven wrong. In the script it says the cards stopped a bullet and saved Jacks life, hence the "lucky deck" line.

But yeah I was with you on that comic book.:up:
Hah, never heard that, thanks for the info.
It is a bullet hole, that was used to save his life, hence his "Lucky Deck". Casino card holes are much smaller and they usually don't have black gun powder around the hole.
Proximo, could you post the highres art of that Joker card?

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