BEGINS suit v.s. TDK suit

the GRIN Reaper

Jan 7, 2008
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Which one do you like better, and why?


I personally like TDK suit better. I like the more urban "knight" type feel. The whole assualt / riot gear is more appealing to me. I also prefer the straight winged movie logo on the chest. The biggest difference to me is the cowl. I like the sleeker look, and the way it conceals his eyes w/ shadows. Much like the B89 cowl. Gives him a more mysterious look. And the ability for him to completely turn his neck is a huge plus.

So, which is it for you?
I agree. The BB suit just looks like armor while the new one has more intricate designs.
I prefer BB. its more batman, sleek and dark while the TDK suit looks to much like biker gear. the only plus it has is that the head can turn and its a slimmer fit these could have easily been done to the BB suit for the new movie imo.
the begins suit looks like the same frikkin suit they used in the Shumacher movies. Sans nipples.
wrong place for this thread.
I'm almost tempted to say they're equal in my book. The new suit has fabric, so that's a step in the right direction. But the neck is too tight now, the head still sucks, the cape is even more like Superman's, and the legs are a travesty.

Quite honestly, if they had taken the BB suit, tightened the neck, reshaped the cowl, joined the cape at the collar bone, used a different material for the cape, and changed the belt, the suit would've been perfect.
Hard to really say because those pictures don't do them "justice". The suits look different on screen, that is, they are darker, less intricate etc...

From everything I've seen, I prefer BB based on the fact that Batman looks like a beast -- his neck is brooding and dense etc...

However, I'm holding out that TDK suit won't be much different except for a smaller neck which, done from the right angles, will look just fine.
I like the TDK suit but the problem is the bat symbol on the chest blends in too much.
I like them both, but I think they should have switched them: new suit in BB, older one in TDK.

The TDK suit seems more "prototype-ish" and would fit better in his beginnings.
If I had to choose than I'd go with TDK. But nothing will ever beat the Batman Returns suit for me.
I prefer BB suit but I like TDK suit as well.
If I had to choose than I'd go with TDK. But nothing will ever beat the Batman Returns suit for me.

The Batman Returns suit was great, but B89 is my favorite... that's about as good as you can get with a batsuit.

As far as the new franchise goes, the TDK suit without hesitation.
The more organic look of the '89 suit makes it look scarier, and badass. But I love the streamlined look of the BR suit, and the black/blue tone to it. The way the yellow behind the logo pops out is awesome. :up:
I'm not digging the TDK suit much. I'm hoping I'll like it more when I see it on screen. So, the Begins suit wins.
I'm liking TDK suit more each time I see it again.
There's also a long time problem that it seems it's now fixed.
Neck movement FTW!
The more organic look of the '89 suit makes it look scarier, and badass. But I love the streamlined look of the BR suit, and the black/blue tone to it. The way the yellow behind the logo pops out is awesome. :up:

The non-organic feel of the BR suit is probably why it's not my favorite. Still like it though. :up:
I prefer th BB suit, why? Because I feel it's more sleek and simple in design, I also like the BB chest logo more. With that said, I like enough the TDK suit enough.

If they could mix and match some of the design element from both, it could be a pretty good suit.
I prefer th BB suit, why? Because I feel it's more sleek and simple in design, I also like the BB chest logo more. With that said, I like enough the TDK suit enough.

If they could mix and match some of the design element from both, it could be a pretty good suit.
Perhaps in the third movie.

Something tells me that they will change the design again. It helps selling more toys...

I don't care about these design changes if the story, acting, direction, etc are good enough. And there's also always room for improvement. :word:

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