I personally feel the mouth opening is far to closed in on the new suit and prefer the traditional one that goes more along the jaw line and gives more top lip space. Many scenes, especially when talking to The Joker, I felt it made him look constraint in speech. TDK suit obviously has more movement and is more comfortable, but the whole skull looking shaped mask compared to the ghoulish one in BB doesn't seem to hold up and takes a lot away from the menacing aspect of what his entire appearance is supposed to represent.
Maybe you guys feel I'm being analytically but check the mask comparisons..though the neck is a lil too fat in BB it makes him look more menacing than the TDK one and I just HATE the small mouth area on TDK
Maybe you guys feel I'm being analytically but check the mask comparisons..though the neck is a lil too fat in BB it makes him look more menacing than the TDK one and I just HATE the small mouth area on TDK
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