What do you think the best film by Singer is?
L0ngsh0t said:Considering Usual Suspects and X2 are his only good movies, I don't see this poll as being valid but that is just me
L0ngsh0t said:Considering Usual Suspects and X2 are his only good movies, I don't see this poll as being valid but that is just me
SolidSnakeMGS said:Uh, what kind of non-logic is that??
The poll asks what you think is the best out of a group, people have different opinions, and you choose your favorite. Sounds like every other damn poll on this forum. It's not rocket science.
Lighthouse said:Usual Suspects, although I think it is highly overrated.
Catman said:Why? That movie was AWESOME. And, it has been ripped off like a million times. I think you say its overrated cause you didn't see it when it was released back in `95. I did and it blew me away! In `95 I had never seen a film like that. And, in the past 11 years I've seen so many Usual Suspects wannabes that it makes me sick.
i dont agree with your math, but i understand what you're sayingL0ngsh0t said:I also think it is overrated, although I do think it is very good, But fanbases tend to overrate things. Scarface is about 1/4 the actual movie that most people take it for, and it is probably one of the most popular movies ever, and many many peoples like top 10 or what not. I think the same goes for Usual Suspects, it may not be 1/4 the movie most think it is, but I think if I had to put a number to it, I would say like 3/4 or something. Screw the numbers, I just don't think it is quite as good, as most take it for. Tho I do like it lots