Comics BEYOND (New Spider-Man Limited Series)

Kirk Langstrom

Apr 30, 2000
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Has anyone heard about this? I didn't see it in the "Spider-Man In July" thread, so i was surprised when i was thumbing through the current Marvel Previews earlier today and noticed it.

"An indescribably powerful cosmic being gathers nine of Marvel's most mismatched super beings for purposes beyond their comprehension. Can Spider-Man, Gravity, Venom (Gargan!), Henry Pym, The Wasp, Medusa, Kraven III, Firebird, and The Hood (an EXCELLENT character and mini series from a few years ago, created by Brian K.Vaughn) keep from killing each other before they have to face the dangers of their destination; the deadly artificial planet known as Battleworld?"...

I love this kind of stuff!

But what really caught my eye was the writer; Dwayne McDuffie. This guy is GREAT. Some of you may know him from his terrific Damage Control books for Marvel from back in the late eighties. He's also won an emmy for work on Static Shock (whom he co-created), and has worked on the excellent Justice League cartoon.

I think this mini series might be worth a look!
Yeah, it was mentioned on th' Marvel boards a month ago.
Yeah, it was mentioned on th' Marvel boards a month ago.

Oh, ok. Didnt see it here on the Spidey boards though, and thought i'd give a "Head's Up"....

I think it could be really cool.
They're going to Battleworld? Imagine if the Venom Symbiote goes home?
SuperFerret said:
They're going to Battleworld? Imagine if the Venom Symbiote goes home?

I know! Could be very interesting.
I knew this was coming but I didn't know they'd be using BKV's hood creation (still one of the best things to come from max).

To be fair i was sold at mcduffie :)
I can't wait for this. I'm so excited. I knew about it back when Newsarama ran a thing for it, but thanks for posting it anyway, Cap. The more people that know about it, the better. :) "Other" "Iron Spidey"....

I'll give it a looksie. :up:
SuperFerret said:
They're going to Battleworld? Imagine if the Venom Symbiote goes home?

I thought Galactus ate his home planet:confused:
The Return of...VENOMIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm as excited as a little fanboy can be about this one.
It looks good to me. Spidey's wearing his classic costume which is always a plus. And I dig Scott Kolins' art.
how many issues is this going to span?
But...Scorpion Venom sucks ass.

LMAO! And its the truth. But until Marvel recover's from their benge drinking and retcon Eddie Brock make into the series, I'll give this new Venom a try (sigh...again) and pick up this series.
Scopion Venom does not suck ass, he rules.

Also he is Venom now so deal w/ it.
I could deal with it if th' suit took on more of a Scorpion inspired design.
See, I'm still on the fence about Scorpion/Venom. I like Gargan as Venom, but I really like him better as the Scorpion. I like Eddie as Venom...but Gargan/Venom worked really well in MKSM.

Honestly, I'll give Gargan/Venom a storyline or so to grow on me. It won't make me miss Eddie any less, though...
I hope Spidey keeps the red and blues for the duration of this arc and the creators dont ***** out and use the Quesada crap.
Dangerous said:
I hope Spidey keeps the red and blues for the duration of this arc and the creators dont ***** out and use the Quesada crap.

Agreed. It's bad enough we get that suit forced upon us in every monthly title in the least give us a mini we can enjoy.
Dangerous said:
Scopion Venom does not suck ass, he rules.

Also he is Venom now so deal w/ it.

I'm not the one to whine of fitch about something beyond my control. Truth be told, I love the new Venom's look, I just hate the new Venom's personality and host. I prefer my Mac Gargan as the Scorpion, a character I've always loved as the B-list villain with great potential and I prefer my Venom to be Eddie Brock, a character with more than enough history now with Spider-Man.
Dangerous said:
Scopion Venom does not suck ass, he rules.

Also he is Venom now so deal w/ it.
Awww, does someone have a different opinion from your own, Dangerous?

Ooooooh! How dare they?

I'm indifferent on the fact of Eddie Brock's death. It was his time, if you ask me. At least he went out *sort of* atoning for his crimes...

...except that he auctioned off his killer symbiote instead of destroying it...

...and instead of trying to use what time he had left on Earth doing good deeds and loving Jesus and all that, he just slit his wrists... maybe he didn't go out all that great at all.

Anyway. Like Wolverine said, if they lean towards a more "scorpion"-esque look for Gargan-Venom, I'll be okay with it. If it stays just a modified version of the original, though, then there was really no point to it - they might as well have left Angelo as Venom and gave Scorpion that snazzy new costume they alluded to.
I won't be picking up this crap..


cause Venom isn't in it even if the solicit says so

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