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A vast wasteland of desert, separated from more desert by a scalpel cut of HIGHWAY. The heat is blistering. In the distance, we see something gleaming in the sunlight. It zooms towards us like a sniper bullet until we can see what it is. A SILVER CORVETTE. Sleek. Sexy. And the drivers not half-bad herself.
DINAH LANCE is in her late twenties. Long blonde hair frames a face thats jaded and cynical despite its beauty. Her eyes seem to have aged far faster than her perfect body. The windows are down and the wind whips at her hair as she takes great joy, despite her intense determination, in shifting the manuel transmission up another gear. The Corvette REALLY BOOKS.
And we see her target. A few miles ahead, a TRANSPORTER ERECTOR LAUNCHER AND RADAR (TELAR), a large military truck hauling a SCUD MISSILE. Its only slightly smaller than an eighteen-wheeler and ARMED TERRORISTS are manning it, sitting beside and stop the missile.
DINAH: This is Black Canary. Target is in sight and I am inbound. Oracle, you reading me?
ZOOM IN on her necklace, the BOP INSIGNIA hanging from a golden chain, until were passing inside it and into a HIDDEN MICROPHONE. We follow the radio transmission sent from that mic up, up, up into low Earth orbit, where a satellite picks it up and beams it back down to...
A high, gothic clocktower; a landmark of the Gotham City skyline.
The nerve center of the operation. Everything is very clean, very precise. A series of supercomputers slaved together to one high-tech work terminal with a holographic attachment. Scattered around are plushies of Batman and his acolytes. In the center of the sterile space is a disheveled, tired woman. BARBARA GORDON. Beautiful if she wanted to be; she doesnt care.
Barbara yawns, trying to keep a clear head.
BARBARA: Youll have to forgive me, BC, back here in the States its three in the A.M. Alright, taking into account that SCUDs range and your current position, youve got five minutes to press delete on that thing before Sydney goes the way of the jackalope.
We catch the tail-end of that transmission. Barbaras words are electronically scrambled into the dull, genderless monotone of the ORACLE. Dinah shifts into higher gear.
DINAH: Consider it in the recycle bin.
She passes a billboard... and a CAMARO roars out from behind it, in hot pursuit of Dinahs Corvette. The DRIVER leans out the window and fires at her with a .45 Automatic.
The rear window spider-webs with bullet impacts.
DINAH: Stop shooting, you *******, this is a rental!
The rear window implodes and bullets whiz over her head as she ducks down.
Dinah swerves and zig-zags, trying to evade the attack.
Up ahead, a terrorist arms a STINGER MISSILE LAUNCHER.
The Camaro is still firing at Dinah. A stray shot hits the GAS TANK and the Corvette begins LEAKING GAS.
Dinah sees the terrorist FIRE.
She rolls down the windows.
The one and a half meter long missile flies towards Dinahs Corvette. Dinah puts the Corvette into a POWER-SLIDE...
The Stinger flies through the Corvettes open windows. Dinah pulls back on the seat lever, reclining her seat back just in time to avoid the missile. The exhaust singes her hair as the missile passes.
The Driver sees the Stinger coming right at him.
The missile hits the Camaro, BLOWING IT TO KINGDOM COME. The flaming wreckage flip-flops, landing on its top and continuing forward, kicking up sparks.
It reaches the gas trail left by the leaking tank in Dinahs car and SETS IT AFLAME!
Through the windshield, the terrorist is reloading his missile launcher. Dinah sees the fire rushing down the leak towards her in the rear-view mirror.
DINAH: This day just keeps getting better and better...
She steps on the gas and her car surges forward, RAMMING the TELAR. The missile launcher terrorist falls forward, landing on the hood of the car. Dinah reaches out through the window, grabs him by the ear, and yanks him off the car.
The terrorist tumbles along roadside.
The flame has nearly reached Dinahs gas tank.
Dinah puts the Corvette on cruise control and climbs up onto the hood. We see her outfit for the first time. A one-piece with a cape-like leather duster on over it and fishnet stockings below the hot pants. Sleek, functional, cool.
Just as the flame hits the gas tank Dinah JUMPS onto the TELAR, car EXPLODING behind her.
Dinah lands on the back of the TELAR, wobbling for a moment before getting her footing. Behind her, the Corvette is FIRE ON WHEELS, slowly losing speed but still on all fours. Dinah looks back at it.
DINAH: Oracle, next time remind me to get insurance.
ORACLE: (filtered) I do remind you, you just never listen.
TERRORIST 2 comes out of nowhere, TACKLES her off the TELAR. She twists in mid-air so HE lands on the flaming car, manages to headbutt him and stand up on his chest. She jumps for the TELAR but he grabs onto her ankle, yanking her to a stop like a dog caught on a leash. Dinah just manages to grab onto the back of the TELAR.
So now shes suspended between the TELAR and the car, the terrorist holding onto her. She kicks at his hands, but hes not letting go. The car falls back and hes still holding onto her, so they both fall to the pavement, being dragged behind the TELAR.
Dinah scissors her leg up and brings it down, heel of her boot smashing his wrist apart and he lets go. She pulls herself up onto the TELAR in one continuous motion, coming face to face with several very nasty-looking men with guns.
DINAH: Oh, yeah, shoot at the girl standing next to the SCUD missile. Genius plan.
They holster their weapons and draw knives.
DINAH: ...why am I always the only one who doesnt have a back-up plan? Because YOU do the planning!
ORACLE: (filtered) We have back-up plans. They just always involve little more than hitting everything in sight.
DINAH: Lucky for me Im good at that.
The first attacker (Terrorist 3) moves in, knife at the ready. Dinah slams him in the breadbasket with one hand, intercepts his knife-hand with the other. She leap-frogs over him and delivers a dropkick to the face of Terrorist 4. Landing behind Terrorist 3 with his arm twisted over his own shoulder, Dinah slides her elbow backwards into Terrorist 3s spine, causing him to drop the knife. She kneels down and catches it in her other hand.
Terrorist 5 is coming right at her. She buries the knife in his foot, uppercuts him in the groin, yanks the knife out and hurls it end over end into Terrorist 6. The hilt hits him so hard hes knocked off the TELAR.
The SCUD starts to rise on its assembly, tilting upwards into launch position. Dinah continues the fight, beating back the bad guys atop the in-motion SCUD and its helper components, but shes way outnumbered. Twelve men crowding around her, all swiping at her. She grabs onto the SCUDs rocket fins and pulls herself onto it, scaling up the missile like a monkey climbing a tree as the terrorists try to pursue.
DINAH: Oracle, any idea how to jumpstart a SCUD missile?
ORACLE: (filtered) You want to LAUNCH it?
DINAH: Remember that conversation we had about trust?As I recall, you promised...
ORACLE: (filtered, sharply) I know what I promised! (softer) And I do. Are you at the control panel?
Dinah rips the panel off, revealing a nest of wires. The terrorists are forming a sort of human ladder to get at her.
DINAH: Bingo. And this is not the time for a cut the red wire joke.
ORACLE: (filtered) Strip the green and red wires and cross them.
Dinah does so just as a terrorist grabs at her boot. The missile RUMBLES and FIRES, the jet exhaust knocking the terrorists back in a grisly manner. Those who are clinging to the SCUD are shaken off by the vibration. Dinah holds tightly to it.
DINAH: You know, if I could get this set up in my basement, I would never need to date again.
The missile shoots from its position, flying towards Sydney, Dinah along for the ride.
Barbara watches as a new contact appears on the radar screen.
DINAH: (filtered) Yup, I am definitely flying through the air right now. Alright, Oracle, how do I defuse the warhead?
BARBARA: Youre kidding, right?
DINAH: (filtered) Babe, I am sitting atop several thousand pounds of rocket fuel and one very big explosive. I am in no position to kid around!
BARBARA: The rocket is in flight! The warhead is armed! Theres no way to disarm it!
DINAH: (filtered) Now you tell me!
BARBARA: Now I...? See, this is why I dont trust you! Youre impulsive, you never think through the consequences of your...
Dinah mutes her comlink.
DINAH: Blah blah blah.
She looks at the missile beneath her.
Past the nose cone, the Syndey Opera House looms.
Dinah pulls a trusty barrette from her pocket and ties her hair back behind her head in a ponytail.
DINAH: Lets bring the noise.
She SCREAMS. We dont hear it. We dont hear anything. All noise just goes suddenly blank. But we can SEE the effect of it. The missile buckles and roils under her, as if suddenly fluid, a Daliesque painting in motion. It tilts downwards and Dinahs CANARY CRY stops, trailing into a high, keening wail that subsides in Dinahs throat.
Dinah mounts the missile in a crouch, like a runner waiting for her mark.
DINAH: Alright, this is definitely on the top ten craziest things Ive done lately...
The missile comes down and we hear a familiar sound. It takes us a moment to realize its the wail of a falling bombshell, only now WERE the bombshell. She clicks her comlink back on.
DINAH: Oracle, in case this doesnt work...
ORACLE: (filtered) Yes?
DINAH: You couldve TOLD ME that theres no way to defuse the warhead in mid-air!
The warhead crashes and Dinah literally hits the ground running, lunging from the crashlanding missile and sprinting ahead of it. The SCUD drags in the dirt, coming to a stop as Dinah keeps running. After a few minutes (girls in good shape), she slows to a jog. Then a trot. Then she stops all together and looks back at the missile, half-sunk in the ground and utterly inactive.
DINAH: Well, that was anti-cli...
The missile EXPLODES, kicking up a wall of dust. The shockwave hits Dinah, knocking her back.
A moment. The dust clears and Dinah stands up, caked with dirt. After a moment, she looks directly AT THE CAMERA and says matter-of-factly:
DINAH: This never happens to Wonder Woman.
ROLL CREDITS. A jazzy, proto-seventies British action show retro credit sequence, full of groovy animated characters and art deco design. Computer stuff, martial arts moves, and crossbow bolts fill the air. It is, in essense, very very cool.
Next: Spoiler Warning
A vast wasteland of desert, separated from more desert by a scalpel cut of HIGHWAY. The heat is blistering. In the distance, we see something gleaming in the sunlight. It zooms towards us like a sniper bullet until we can see what it is. A SILVER CORVETTE. Sleek. Sexy. And the drivers not half-bad herself.
DINAH LANCE is in her late twenties. Long blonde hair frames a face thats jaded and cynical despite its beauty. Her eyes seem to have aged far faster than her perfect body. The windows are down and the wind whips at her hair as she takes great joy, despite her intense determination, in shifting the manuel transmission up another gear. The Corvette REALLY BOOKS.
And we see her target. A few miles ahead, a TRANSPORTER ERECTOR LAUNCHER AND RADAR (TELAR), a large military truck hauling a SCUD MISSILE. Its only slightly smaller than an eighteen-wheeler and ARMED TERRORISTS are manning it, sitting beside and stop the missile.
DINAH: This is Black Canary. Target is in sight and I am inbound. Oracle, you reading me?
ZOOM IN on her necklace, the BOP INSIGNIA hanging from a golden chain, until were passing inside it and into a HIDDEN MICROPHONE. We follow the radio transmission sent from that mic up, up, up into low Earth orbit, where a satellite picks it up and beams it back down to...
A high, gothic clocktower; a landmark of the Gotham City skyline.
The nerve center of the operation. Everything is very clean, very precise. A series of supercomputers slaved together to one high-tech work terminal with a holographic attachment. Scattered around are plushies of Batman and his acolytes. In the center of the sterile space is a disheveled, tired woman. BARBARA GORDON. Beautiful if she wanted to be; she doesnt care.
Barbara yawns, trying to keep a clear head.
BARBARA: Youll have to forgive me, BC, back here in the States its three in the A.M. Alright, taking into account that SCUDs range and your current position, youve got five minutes to press delete on that thing before Sydney goes the way of the jackalope.
We catch the tail-end of that transmission. Barbaras words are electronically scrambled into the dull, genderless monotone of the ORACLE. Dinah shifts into higher gear.
DINAH: Consider it in the recycle bin.
She passes a billboard... and a CAMARO roars out from behind it, in hot pursuit of Dinahs Corvette. The DRIVER leans out the window and fires at her with a .45 Automatic.
The rear window spider-webs with bullet impacts.
DINAH: Stop shooting, you *******, this is a rental!
The rear window implodes and bullets whiz over her head as she ducks down.
Dinah swerves and zig-zags, trying to evade the attack.
Up ahead, a terrorist arms a STINGER MISSILE LAUNCHER.
The Camaro is still firing at Dinah. A stray shot hits the GAS TANK and the Corvette begins LEAKING GAS.
Dinah sees the terrorist FIRE.
She rolls down the windows.
The one and a half meter long missile flies towards Dinahs Corvette. Dinah puts the Corvette into a POWER-SLIDE...
The Stinger flies through the Corvettes open windows. Dinah pulls back on the seat lever, reclining her seat back just in time to avoid the missile. The exhaust singes her hair as the missile passes.
The Driver sees the Stinger coming right at him.
The missile hits the Camaro, BLOWING IT TO KINGDOM COME. The flaming wreckage flip-flops, landing on its top and continuing forward, kicking up sparks.
It reaches the gas trail left by the leaking tank in Dinahs car and SETS IT AFLAME!
Through the windshield, the terrorist is reloading his missile launcher. Dinah sees the fire rushing down the leak towards her in the rear-view mirror.
DINAH: This day just keeps getting better and better...
She steps on the gas and her car surges forward, RAMMING the TELAR. The missile launcher terrorist falls forward, landing on the hood of the car. Dinah reaches out through the window, grabs him by the ear, and yanks him off the car.
The terrorist tumbles along roadside.
The flame has nearly reached Dinahs gas tank.
Dinah puts the Corvette on cruise control and climbs up onto the hood. We see her outfit for the first time. A one-piece with a cape-like leather duster on over it and fishnet stockings below the hot pants. Sleek, functional, cool.
Just as the flame hits the gas tank Dinah JUMPS onto the TELAR, car EXPLODING behind her.
Dinah lands on the back of the TELAR, wobbling for a moment before getting her footing. Behind her, the Corvette is FIRE ON WHEELS, slowly losing speed but still on all fours. Dinah looks back at it.
DINAH: Oracle, next time remind me to get insurance.
ORACLE: (filtered) I do remind you, you just never listen.
TERRORIST 2 comes out of nowhere, TACKLES her off the TELAR. She twists in mid-air so HE lands on the flaming car, manages to headbutt him and stand up on his chest. She jumps for the TELAR but he grabs onto her ankle, yanking her to a stop like a dog caught on a leash. Dinah just manages to grab onto the back of the TELAR.
So now shes suspended between the TELAR and the car, the terrorist holding onto her. She kicks at his hands, but hes not letting go. The car falls back and hes still holding onto her, so they both fall to the pavement, being dragged behind the TELAR.
Dinah scissors her leg up and brings it down, heel of her boot smashing his wrist apart and he lets go. She pulls herself up onto the TELAR in one continuous motion, coming face to face with several very nasty-looking men with guns.
DINAH: Oh, yeah, shoot at the girl standing next to the SCUD missile. Genius plan.
They holster their weapons and draw knives.
DINAH: ...why am I always the only one who doesnt have a back-up plan? Because YOU do the planning!
ORACLE: (filtered) We have back-up plans. They just always involve little more than hitting everything in sight.
DINAH: Lucky for me Im good at that.
The first attacker (Terrorist 3) moves in, knife at the ready. Dinah slams him in the breadbasket with one hand, intercepts his knife-hand with the other. She leap-frogs over him and delivers a dropkick to the face of Terrorist 4. Landing behind Terrorist 3 with his arm twisted over his own shoulder, Dinah slides her elbow backwards into Terrorist 3s spine, causing him to drop the knife. She kneels down and catches it in her other hand.
Terrorist 5 is coming right at her. She buries the knife in his foot, uppercuts him in the groin, yanks the knife out and hurls it end over end into Terrorist 6. The hilt hits him so hard hes knocked off the TELAR.
The SCUD starts to rise on its assembly, tilting upwards into launch position. Dinah continues the fight, beating back the bad guys atop the in-motion SCUD and its helper components, but shes way outnumbered. Twelve men crowding around her, all swiping at her. She grabs onto the SCUDs rocket fins and pulls herself onto it, scaling up the missile like a monkey climbing a tree as the terrorists try to pursue.
DINAH: Oracle, any idea how to jumpstart a SCUD missile?
ORACLE: (filtered) You want to LAUNCH it?
DINAH: Remember that conversation we had about trust?As I recall, you promised...
ORACLE: (filtered, sharply) I know what I promised! (softer) And I do. Are you at the control panel?
Dinah rips the panel off, revealing a nest of wires. The terrorists are forming a sort of human ladder to get at her.
DINAH: Bingo. And this is not the time for a cut the red wire joke.
ORACLE: (filtered) Strip the green and red wires and cross them.
Dinah does so just as a terrorist grabs at her boot. The missile RUMBLES and FIRES, the jet exhaust knocking the terrorists back in a grisly manner. Those who are clinging to the SCUD are shaken off by the vibration. Dinah holds tightly to it.
DINAH: You know, if I could get this set up in my basement, I would never need to date again.
The missile shoots from its position, flying towards Sydney, Dinah along for the ride.
Barbara watches as a new contact appears on the radar screen.
DINAH: (filtered) Yup, I am definitely flying through the air right now. Alright, Oracle, how do I defuse the warhead?
BARBARA: Youre kidding, right?
DINAH: (filtered) Babe, I am sitting atop several thousand pounds of rocket fuel and one very big explosive. I am in no position to kid around!
BARBARA: The rocket is in flight! The warhead is armed! Theres no way to disarm it!
DINAH: (filtered) Now you tell me!
BARBARA: Now I...? See, this is why I dont trust you! Youre impulsive, you never think through the consequences of your...
Dinah mutes her comlink.
DINAH: Blah blah blah.
She looks at the missile beneath her.
Past the nose cone, the Syndey Opera House looms.
Dinah pulls a trusty barrette from her pocket and ties her hair back behind her head in a ponytail.
DINAH: Lets bring the noise.
She SCREAMS. We dont hear it. We dont hear anything. All noise just goes suddenly blank. But we can SEE the effect of it. The missile buckles and roils under her, as if suddenly fluid, a Daliesque painting in motion. It tilts downwards and Dinahs CANARY CRY stops, trailing into a high, keening wail that subsides in Dinahs throat.
Dinah mounts the missile in a crouch, like a runner waiting for her mark.
DINAH: Alright, this is definitely on the top ten craziest things Ive done lately...
The missile comes down and we hear a familiar sound. It takes us a moment to realize its the wail of a falling bombshell, only now WERE the bombshell. She clicks her comlink back on.
DINAH: Oracle, in case this doesnt work...
ORACLE: (filtered) Yes?
DINAH: You couldve TOLD ME that theres no way to defuse the warhead in mid-air!
The warhead crashes and Dinah literally hits the ground running, lunging from the crashlanding missile and sprinting ahead of it. The SCUD drags in the dirt, coming to a stop as Dinah keeps running. After a few minutes (girls in good shape), she slows to a jog. Then a trot. Then she stops all together and looks back at the missile, half-sunk in the ground and utterly inactive.
DINAH: Well, that was anti-cli...
The missile EXPLODES, kicking up a wall of dust. The shockwave hits Dinah, knocking her back.
A moment. The dust clears and Dinah stands up, caked with dirt. After a moment, she looks directly AT THE CAMERA and says matter-of-factly:
DINAH: This never happens to Wonder Woman.
ROLL CREDITS. A jazzy, proto-seventies British action show retro credit sequence, full of groovy animated characters and art deco design. Computer stuff, martial arts moves, and crossbow bolts fill the air. It is, in essense, very very cool.
Next: Spoiler Warning